The Hot Pepper
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  • I like talking to myself...No arguments then...:lol:

    Wow well i'm looking forward to them no matter what I get.......As long as the lids are on tight this time.....The christmas gifts you sent me had one of the lids loose and a good portion of the sauce ended up in the box...:lol:
    ooooooo, i'm all excited....:woohoo:

    I've got one of Neils "Naga Pies" sitting in front of me and i'm about to warm it up for dinner...:)
    You guys seem to have like a holiday every few bloody weeks or so.....What is it this time??
    If you have all this spare time on your hands, shouldn't you be getting a heaps of sauces ready to mail out to a special someone.....:P

    Well then I will have well matured tabasco sauce when it gets here, won't I....:lol:
    It's very tempting a thought.......But I fear the payback ould be far greater than I could imagine....:lol:

    and secondly.......I can't as there is no button to give you an infraction......Trust me i've looked...:rofl:
    Hey, what's going on with you and double posts today???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Well I think I might try the chicken recipe you suggested....:)

    but I might use thighs for the ease of them.....
    I know.....I really didn't do a great job..:lol:

    The steak was like really thick jerky and very cruncky on the outside...:)
    I like the sound of that......and I like the sound of me being a winner...It sounds a little something like this :woohoo:
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