The Hot Pepper
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  • I got the sunbeam 600W (1500W lock) I won't be giving it a run till the weekend and I'm pretty flat out the next few days and I still have to find the lining stuff and fat????
    hey head chiliman, my inbox is getting full how do i delete just certain one's can't seem to figure it out?
    Well you can't blame a man for trying.......

    I must admit i'm a little disappointed that it won't be ready for the oktoberfest sausage throwdown.....oh well!!!!!! not that I'll be joining in anyway, I don't know the first thing about sausage making and don't have any of the equipment...
    I actually like that Gif......:lol: Mine isn't rusty or in the water though.....:), You might be suprised to see it up and running sooner than you think......But then again............:D
    I never said it wasn't a great likeness of me, and I didn't tell you to take it down.......But the comment that you missed it has me questioning your sexuality now....:lol:
    Hey why is my tiger picture back??? :lol: what did I do to deserve that?

    I thought I was flying under the radar for a while....:)
    Well My weekend is over so I guess I should spend some time back here again, cause I know the place falls apart without me...:D
    hahahahahahahahaha, Love it. :lol:

    He looks dead sexy..... I'm wasn't drunk I was.....well.......busy, with my new girly......:woohoo:
    Oh, so i'm actually a MOD again.....Not a tiger, or a moytoy, or a toymoy, or a toyboy, or a mod - el :rofl:
    I just lined up some action for tomorrow night.....:woohoo:

    and I'm really drunk...:woohoo" and you're a poo head....:woohhoo:
    Well now i'm all confused about you.....I mean you 2...I mean.....Oh I don't know.....:D
    mmmmmm....Well I'll figure it out before long.....

    There is probably 2 of you......:lol:

    No I haven't told Nova yet.....I'm sure he'll find out sooner or later....:)
    Let him try, hehehehe. He would have no chance. Hear that pip, NO CHANCE... bWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Hmmmmm comes to thinks of it there is a LOT of moytard shit right here, i think he has a "thing" for you, lol.
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