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  • Ok a major brain cramp going but what do I need to send you for the Big seeds?I`ve got to many deals going that I`m now certified stupid! :( PM me back and it`ll be out directly. Rich
    Woot! Thanks heaps for the offer Chris.
    I would pm you however im away from a computer and as weird as it sounds my android phone won't let me send pm's for some stupid reason! So i will just put it on your wall here :)
    PO BOX 189
    Beresfield N.S.W. 2322
    Thanks again Chris can't wait to get some Brains into dirt...
    Thanks for the update Novacastrian. If you chat with him, tell him I wish him the best and look forward to his reply when he has time.
    Hello Chris, i have been in contact with Sandgroper and he has taken some work in a mine for the winter here. I'm not sure how long for. He says that the public internet where he is is as slow as a wet week so he won't be on here. Said to say sorry for dropping and running and he will be back. take care mate, Scott.
    Hey Rich, I've been wondering how you're doing. I'm not bad. Nice to hear from you. Growing a lot of peppers this year? :)
    Your seeds came in today; as soon as my supplies come in I'll get started. Next up is the hunt for Infinity seeds to add to next seasons grow list. Somehow I will need to figure out how to increase my winter growing capacity. Thanks and good luck.
    Dear Chris, could you give me your new email address, please ? The one you used in spring seems not to work anymore... Thank you :-)
    Hi Chris, Just for letting you know that I recieved the huge number of seeds last friday. the seeds I promised is not ripe yet, I posted a pic in my Brazilian diary, thank you so much.
    I would be home on Friday. Your wife can come and I would be glad to handover the plants.
    In all there are nine (I think) pots.
    What car does she drive?
    They would fit in a semi or a van. Small car may pose a problem.
    I live at,
    The Kensingtron
    18305, w 13 mile road, (southfieldand 13 mile cros...
    They are all potted. So you need not worry.
    Just get your smi over here and load and take them to their rightful place where they were born.
    I'd love to try it and post a review. The only thing is I do not eat any gluten or dairy products. That's why I was wondering what ingredients were in it. I want to be sure it's safe for me. :)
    I'm very happy to hear the plants are doing well for you. Some of my plants in the ground seem a bit yellow. I may need to hit them with an epsom salt foliar spray. <br...
    That's a big secret. If you promise to post your review, I can give you some to taste.
    The plants are coming up nicely and they look very healthy.
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