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  • Right on my friend! Those awesome fataliis ended up as an incredible powder! I also pulled a bunch of seed from them even though I know they were OP. I'm waiting on making any sauce again until after the holidays. Need a scale and PH meter. I really want to make a fatalii dijon mustard and a fatalii bbq. The flavors work well together. Can't wait till next year to put all this k...
    Oh fall, I love this time of the year. Its a bitter sweet closure. Spring is just around the corner though :)
    I cant wait to read your posts on over wintering plants. I am new to the idea, and have 3-4 good plants I would like to try
    What? I didn't hear you, Im thinking about next years garden!
    My wife keeps talking to me and I answer her with "raised beds", and not the sexy kind... Unless of course you're a pepper freak.
    Site was down last night, info lost...flower drop poll wasn't going to work out anyway...Im going to set up a real diagnosis link and just link to it in my thread...stay tuned
    I read one of your posts talking bout the heat & i would like to know what would you recommend for somebody growing peppers in the ground in houston heat
    Sounds good Pepper Boys. Im cleaning out the pm box now, just shoot me an addy and Ill get some out to you :)
    I read your whole log about your mother plants Etc. I would love to give those lil guys a taste. Check out my grow list on my page and let me know if there's anything on there that interests you. Cheers!
    Bout to have my little elves box up some fire and ship it out to a few folks! Enjoy guys :)
    Can I borrow your elves to climb under the canopy in my garden and harvest? lol
    anytime man!
    Yo Guru! wasup man?
    I'm doing ok, I guess. got myself some chile plants growin'. :)
    Hell, I'll be the first...

    "Oh, hey Guru! How ya doing man? Love the page, grow on!"

    lol...ha ha ha
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