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  1. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    What type of hydro system? How many of those lights do you use?
  2. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    Was wondering about pinching the tip. I've done it with other plants never peppers though.
  3. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    Thanks! I've never even eaten a Caribbean Red, as getting peppers near me is a pia!
  4. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    I am planning on keeping them indoors permanently, as I live in a condo with no natural light. I have 400 watt san angro HPS lamp, but want to see how long I can get by with just the four CFLs. (should I switch now?)
  5. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    I wonder if the CFLs can penetrate the thick leaves to get to the new growth underneath them..... Or does that even matter since it gets a lot of energy from those leaves.
  6. K

    soil My current grow. (Carribean Reds in soil)

    They are about a month or so old. In regular soil from walmart under 4 125 watt cfl lamps and a random image
  7. K

    Hello From Colorado

    How much was that tent? If you're using CFL bulbs can't you move them much closer? I have my cfls maybe 2 inches from the top of my plants. Looks good, I am mad jelly right now all I have is two Caribbean reds. I am going to Start 2 Thai Chili and two Bhuts soon though. (maybe tonight!)
  8. K

    Please ID this Pepper

    I would love some seeds :woohoo: My plant just died, this would be perfect timing.
  9. K

    My new pepper growing space for 2012

    How much does something like this run in your neck of the woods?
  10. K

    how much do carribean reds go for?

    Do you ever get scotch bonnets? Or peppers hotter than habaneros? I would kill for some super hots, and I can'twait the 90 days for my peppers.
  11. K

    What the heck happened to my hab plants! HELP

    yeah there is rockwool in there. The PH should be about 6 right?
  12. K

    What the heck happened to my hab plants! HELP

    my ph is 6ish. between 5.9 and 6.1 I used cidar vinegar to lower the ph.
  13. K

    What the heck happened to my hab plants! HELP

    no one knows what happened to it's leaves? It appears to be growing, and not getting any worse. Maybe it was just shock from transplanting it, and putting it under the lamps?
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    What the heck happened to my hab plants! HELP

    There were barely any roots. But they were filling my green house. I don't think it can be from lack of water or anything like that. It was only 12 hours from healthy to this.
  15. K

    What the heck happened to my hab plants! HELP

    Well they got too tall for my little green house. So I transplanted them into my dwc bucket last night at like midnight. Today at noon they look like they are dying! Top view side view Second plant in the bucket top view healthy comparison. side view heathy comparison The setup...
  16. K

    video DWC Hydroponic How-To Video

    How old are your plants when you stick them in the buckets? I have two of these ready to go, I just need to wait till my plants are ready! And you mention that you water them from the top in the beginning. How often do you do this,and do you do this with Nutes or just water? Awesome video man...
  17. K

    Are my habs ready to be moved?

    So they look healthy?
  18. K

    Are my habs ready to be moved?

    Cool maybe now someone can tell me if I should move my plants to my dwc bucket and maybe why their leaves are pointing up?
  19. K

    Are my habs ready to be moved?

    Sorry didn't realize my links were broken.
  20. K

    Are my habs ready to be moved?

    fixed sorry