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  1. peter pepper


    i usually don't go downtown - but i work with ppl that might - i know of strip clubs by my work and by where i live, but not downtown - i'll ask ppl at work and see what they say. i live in NW indiana - only about 30 minutes from chicago ... i'll help as much as i can... -PP
  2. peter pepper

    The internet was created for a moments just like this

    IGGY has too much time on his hands....
  3. peter pepper

    smoking cast iron

    that's one thing i've noted cast iron is really forever. spend a little more, but lasts a life time plus.
  4. peter pepper

    About diet, obesity, etc

    sweetened tea - yuck!!! no sugar in my iced tea. i honestly believe that if you want to set out and prove something you can do it. like sugar is good for you or donuts are healthy. most these things on what's good for you and bad for you i take as a grain of salt. if you eat anything in...
  5. peter pepper

    I'm still alive!!!

    you've had a boil on your ass?? :mouthonfire:
  6. peter pepper

    problem - maybe

    i think i'll take the advice of outside, but in the shade. after about 3 my deck is in the shade - i'll move them to the table after that. is this problem gonna kill off my plants or just slow them for a bit? peppers seem pretty hardy to me.
  7. peter pepper

    problem - maybe

    alright - i'll tell the wife to keep the shades closed for the next couple of days - when inside their in sunlight in the afternoon. -PP
  8. peter pepper

    problem - maybe

    alright got it. if you can't see what i'm talking about very well i can go ahead and resize or take different pics. the droplets are just water -PP
  9. peter pepper

    problem - maybe

    working on a pic.... got it uploaded.... previewed.... oops.... it's huge... gotta resize....brb
  10. peter pepper

    problem - maybe

    i have been hardening my plants off slowly outside - i got home today and moved them outside. i noticed that a few plants don't look right. they are 3 Jamaican Scotch Bonnets. the 'veins' in the leaves are turning brown. the veins only are turning brown. parts of the leaves are pale yellow...
  11. peter pepper

    ANTI - news

    i will agree main stream media can be stupid. look at the whole swine flu thing - the way the media made it sound it was the end of the world, the next black plague, everyone lock yourself in your house till the threat is over and it's contained. blown way out of proportion. i was saying from...
  12. peter pepper

    ANTI - news

    i usually don't watch the news at night or read a newspaper. if i need the news i just use the internet. I am starting to become anti-news now. there is NEVER any good news. it's depressing to read the news anymore. lets see the headlines today: man throws baby out moving car, gruesome...
  13. peter pepper

    chinense Chilli Tests "Costa Rican Scotch Bonnet"

    LOL - I love that you just continue to eat more after the first one. crazy as usual.
  14. peter pepper

    Think the guy was kidding?

    i think it depends a lot on how developed the kids taste buds are for heat, sour, sweet, etc. the baby could suck on a lemon and not make a face. maybe he doesn't feel the heat at all. now as far as giving him hot pepper and putting it on youtube is dumb. the dad is dumb, mom dumb - maybe...
  15. peter pepper

    Hello from Illinois

    howdy from NW indiana
  16. peter pepper

    pH is making me crazy!

    i was just surfing and it appears the recommendation would be to add more of the cow manure. don't take my word as gold, but if I were you i would add some manure to a small sample and retest the sample - see what happens. -PP
  17. peter pepper

    hardening off - wilting plants

    alright thought of another question: as i harden off how much do i increase the time outside? i was thinking of 1/2 to 1 hour each time. is this too fast or good?
  18. peter pepper

    hardening off - wilting plants

    thanks guys for the info. much appreciated.
  19. peter pepper

    hardening off - wilting plants

    Hey guys - my plants are doing pretty good considering I had no grow lights and this is my first year. but I have a question about hardening off. i set my plants outside for the first time this past weekend when it was sunny, breezy and about 80. they were placed in a box on my table on the...
  20. peter pepper

    smoking cast iron

    no i just wanted to make sure that if I used it on the grill that it wouldn't like make everything else I cook in it inside taste like smoke/grill. sounds like it wouldn't so I should be fine. now what to make on the grill in cast iron is the question?