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  1. Wustenfuchs

    food 1st Attempt at Mustard

    Oh wow that's awesome!  
  2. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Son House  
  3. Wustenfuchs

    Hilarious pepper video

    Woooo hooooo!!   :mouthonfire:
  4. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Ming art  
  5. Wustenfuchs

    Math help needed please

    7.48 actual gallons in a cubic foot.     1.5 cubic feet of soil mix = 11.22 actual gallons.  So your two five gallon (actual) pots should work.   But then again, what Noah said is going to factor in too.
  6. Wustenfuchs

    Math help needed please

    I found this.   One five gallon pot equals 0.8403 CF.  Two five gallon pots would take ≈1.7 CF, pretty darn close to 2 buckets per bag.
  7. Wustenfuchs

    Hejsan hejsan from the west cost of Sweden, Gothenburg

    Welcome Alexander! :welcome:
  8. Wustenfuchs

    storage Looks like October in my refrigerator =)

    These are a quick refrigerator pickle style, they aren't shelf stable and have to be kept refrigerated.  They will last about 6 weeks before they start to lose their texture, that is if I don't eat them all before then. :)
  9. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Southern New England!

    Welcome from the Left Coast! :welcome:
  10. Wustenfuchs

    storage Looks like October in my refrigerator =)

    Peppers, vinegar, water, salt, onions, garlic and sometimes a bay leaf and a smidgen of various spices.  No carrots, they take up pepper space!   I think the vinegar to water ratio is the key to a good refrigerator pickle, I start out 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water but taste and adjust as they...
  11. Wustenfuchs

    The Fidalgo roxa, another Brazilian beauty.

    That's a nice pepper trifecta! 
  12. Wustenfuchs

    GROW MORE 20-20-20

    Seems a bit hot to me.  My usual ferts are around 2-6-4 with a couple shots of fish bone meal during the course of the season.
  13. Wustenfuchs

    Fidalga amerelia, another wonderful Brazilian pepper from Ajijoe

    Another one I've gotta try, nice review Nigel!
  14. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from PDX!

    Welcome blorvak!
  15. Wustenfuchs

    storage Looks like October in my refrigerator =)

    This happens every year about this time, and this is just the beginning.  The two jars on the left I jarred last night, the next two I did about a week ago, and the other four are "working jars" (ones that are ready and rapidly vanishing).   I've got peppers drying here and there all around the...
  16. Wustenfuchs

    Giant larvae

    Looks like Bot Fly larvae.  Are you in horse/cattle country?
  17. Wustenfuchs

    Aloha from Oahu!

    Wow, your wester than me!     Welcome to THP from California!   :welcome:
  18. Wustenfuchs

    Another UK member

    Welcome Tom, from the San Francisco Bay Area!   :welcome:
  19. Wustenfuchs

    fermenting Fermented Sriracha-style sauce

    Welcome to THP, nice post!
  20. Wustenfuchs

    Hello From Spokane Valley

    Welcome Kevin!