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  1. LBTC


    Your not alone in that. I have been having the same problem.
  2. LBTC

    misc Sauces Scoville Rating

    $500 per sauce - WOW. I think I will go the other route. Thanks for the advice. Pam
  3. LBTC

    misc Sauces Scoville Rating

    OK, I am going to bother you all again for some advice and opinions. An online retailer that I had sent out samples to has decided to carry our products. That news made me happy, :lol: but they want to know what the scoville ratings are for our sauces and I haven't a clue. Where can I get this...
  4. LBTC

    Fiery Furnace 2006

    Yummy! I will give it a try , if I'm not too late. (Just got off work) I sent a PM :lol:
  5. LBTC

    other-condiments Salsa Rio Verde 5 pepper Blend

    Thant would be fun - your on!
  6. LBTC

    marketing-promo website

    Ok, I will leave the site be then. Maybe I have just looked at it one too many times. But you all have reassured me that it ok. Thank You :lol:
  7. LBTC

    Chiltepen: Mother of all Peppers?

    Hey, I finally know the name of the peppers in my front yard. My husband (Curt) and I have been trying to put a name to it for years! We were given the plant by a member of his crew at work. He told us the name in Spanish, as that is what he speaks but we could not figure it out. It gets both...
  8. LBTC

    other-condiments Salsa Rio Verde 5 pepper Blend

    Tina, If you want to try It I could send you a bottle. :lol: Pam
  9. LBTC

    Hello everyone

    Hi Paul!
  10. LBTC

    marketing-promo website

    Well duh. I already had the web address there :D
  11. LBTC

    marketing-promo website

    Ok, Can I ask you all for an honest opinion? I’m not sure about my website. At first I was just excited to have it up and running but I’m having second (Third, fourth and fifth) thoughts about it. It just doesn’t seem to jump out and catch me. Is it a decent site and I’ve just looked at it one...
  12. LBTC

    Greetings from New Mexico

    Welcome Trout!
  13. LBTC

    marketing-promo Marketing Idea's?

    That might scare away more business that it brings.
  14. LBTC

    marketing-promo Marketing Idea's?

    Any of you experts out there have any Marketing tips for us newbies. We have the sauces, the company, the co-packer, the insurance(ouch), and now some awards. Now all we need is a bloody clue. Well that and about ten more hours in a day. Any idea's would be more than welcome
  15. LBTC

    Hello from California

    :D Hi!
  16. LBTC

    New frontier for hot sauce

    oops sorry that link didn't go through - try this. yep, it worked that time
  17. LBTC

    New frontier for hot sauce

  18. LBTC

    unusual ingredients

    anyone else have any sauces that they love (or maybe even hate :) ) with unusual or "interesting" ingredients?? How about roasted pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds May sound strange but tastes good
  19. LBTC

    other-condiments Salsa Rio Verde 5 pepper Blend

    Forgot to tell you that the Rio Verde is great on Pork. My favorite is to take a pork roast and put in in the crock pot with some onion, cilantro a couple of peppers and some water. Cook all day till it falls apart. Make soft tacos topped off with the Rio Verde - Yummy
  20. LBTC

    Dorsey's Reserve 8 Pepper Blend

    Glad you liked it. This one was named after my Uncle Dorsey who loves all things hot. I am going to send him a copy of your reveiw. He will be so proud.