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  1. patrick

    The Original SB7J

    Cruising through some pics on my photobucket account I came across these. This is the original plant that grew out the first Scotch Bonnet 7 Pot Jonah cross. Thought some might like to see it.        
  2. patrick

    Is it Spring yet?

    This winter seems to be hanging on forever! We didn't get a lot of snow this year but the cold has kept me off of the bike. We usually get three or four days a month that the temp will bust 60F and I'll get out for a ride. So far one day in January and two days in February. Last Sunday and...
  3. patrick

    soil-media Victory Brand Garden Soil

    Anyone have any experience with it? I have buddy who works at a local hydro shop and he turned me on to a few bags. I plan on running a comparison between it and Pro Mix HP this season. If anyone is interested I'll try to keep things updated on my glog.
  4. patrick

    Anyone still growing the SB7J?

    I'm curious if anyone is still growing it and what generation they're at.   Thanks. :P
  5. patrick

    Patrick's 2014 Grow Log

    Yeeee freaking haaaa! It's that time of year can you believe it? I'll try to do a better job keeping the glog updated but don't hate me if I don't please!   Going to cut back on types and just grow a few this year. Absolutely fell in love with the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from CPI last season...
  6. patrick

    Shipping and handling fees

    I stopped by to pick up some Carolina Reaper seeds. I picked out one pack for $6, reasonable, and I went to check out. The total came to $14. Another $6 for shipping and $2 for handling. I do a bit of shipping with my other hobby and I can ship up to a pound to arrive 2-3 days to...
  7. patrick

    November Maxim Magazine

    I seen on the cover of the subject magazine a quote about searching for the hottest pepper. Knowing main stream media and how lame they are I didn't hold out much hope that they would be accurate. Imagine my surprise, and delight I must say, that they got it mostly right. They had number one as...
  8. patrick

    chinense Short Story of the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from CPI

    I have a friend who's wife is of Mexican descent and she absolutely loves spicy food. I've sent her 7 Pots, Scorpions, Bhuts and the like and have yet to impress her. She's like a machine. I sent her another package recently and I finally got her attention. I had told Dan about the TS Morouga...
  9. patrick

    Anyone ever use Silica?

    Since my current grow room is on the cool side, 70F and often below 60F at night I knew that would have an effect on the growth rate of the plants. I was talking with a buddy at the hydro store and he recommended adding Botanicare's "Silica Blast". It supposedly strengthens plant tissue helping...
  10. patrick

    pests How to attract beneficial bugs

    Found this while doing the Google thing.,d.b2I&cad=rja Good info on the types of plants to grow that attract predatory bugs, the good guys. There are several plants that will attract multiple types of bugs. I believe I'll be planting a few of these this year.
  11. patrick

    The thread of Creepy Crawlies

    It seems there are a few of us who aren't afraid of bugs and spiders and other critters with more than four legs around here so I thought it would be a great idea to post some pics. Bugs make fantastic subjects to take pics of and you can definitely hone your macro shooting skills on them. So...
  12. patrick

    fertilizer-nutrients Using Molasses as a Fertilizer

    Found a very interesting article on using molasses in the garden.,d.b2I&cad=rja Here's a quote from it: "In addition to sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of potash, sulfur, and a variety of micronutrients. Because molasses is derived from plants, and...
  13. patrick

    lighting Using Different Lights

    Before this year I've always used the cheap Wally World 2" florescent lights hung over my seedlings with good success. I got tired of all of the surge protectors and extension cords so this year I'm using a single fixture that holds four 4" T5 lights. The bulbs are 6500K. Would I get better...
  14. patrick

    Put the new Pistol through it's paces.

    Springfield Armory XD(M) 3.8" Compact .45. I had time to put one box through it. All rounds were 230gr FMJ shot indoors at 25 feet. 13 rounds relatively rapid fire. I wanted to see how quickly I could get back on target and another round off. Focused on center mass. The recoil on this is...
  15. patrick

    How to get F1 through F what ever seeds.

    My freaking brain hurts. I have been thinking wrong when it comes to F1/F2 etc seeds. I always thought you just kept growing plants from the previous plants seeds to move up in the F line. The seeds from a crossed plant would be F1. Grow plants from those and their seeds would be F2. Grow a...
  16. patrick

    Patrick's 2013 Grow Log

    First off I would like to thank Millman for the inspiration to get off my duff and get the 2013 season started. This list is probably not complete and I haven't figured out how many of each I'm going to grow. Or I should say attempt to grow. Me and Ma Nature ain't been seeing eye to eye lately...
  17. patrick

    Something to think about

    I thought I would pass this along to the wonderful people on this site. If you have any other sites that you frequent I would sincerely appreciate it if you would pass it on. Just trying to make folks aware that motorcycle riders are out there and they're human beings just like the rest of us...
  18. patrick

    Any guesses?

    Don't you hate it when you lose the marker and the plant grows pods you've never seen before? I know I do. Anyway love to hear what everyone thinks of this. Here's what it almost has to be. Armegeddon 7 Pot Chaguanas Infinity Or it's a cross of some sort which is what I'm leaning towards...
  19. patrick

    Pepper Disease Management Info

    I haven't gone through this but thought it might be something beneficial to pepper and tomato growers...
  20. patrick

    Pepper People are the Best

    I'm having an off year, mites and a leaf curling virus, and I'm not expecting to harvest much this year. So I decided to contact a friend on this site and see if I could get a little stash for the winter. It arrived today and it blew me out of the water. Over two pounds of superhots. I'm not the...