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  1. frjeff

    fermenting First Fermenting Mess Up

    Two days ago I mad a mash of primarily habs and gypsys to ferment in salt brine for hot sauce. No fermentation bubbles have yet been seen. I have it all submerged in a quart jar. Today I removed the cheesecloth and replaced with a water airlock. I now know I made two mistakes: I used approx...
  2. frjeff

    ProMix Shelf Life

    I have used ProMix (cannot remember the specific type) for the past two Springs as my starter mix. I still have a significant quantity left as I purchased a large bale. Will this stuff still work this Spring and/or beyond? I have it stored in a huge plastic tub with lid. Fr. Jeff+
  3. frjeff

    Retaining Crisp Salsa When Canned

    Nothing like fresh salsa, but I need to use up gobs of Romas and hot peppers so will be canning some today and tomorrow. However, last year when I canned (obviously then cooked) some, it lost its fresh, crisp nature. I'm not too hopeful, but is there any way to retain that "fresh", crisp...
  4. frjeff

    Peppers Blossoming!

    I still have about two weeks before planting in the garden and some of my plants (about 6" tall) are popping out blossoms. Do I leave them on the plant or pinch them off??? Fr. Jeff
  5. frjeff

    Unusual Question??

    I have a few Ash trees that must come down. Emerald Ash Borers have done their thing and they are dead. The tree removal guy will be using a chipper to remove the brush and I'll be cutting/splitting the wood to burn for heat in my man-cave garage. Might I want to have him leave the chips to use...
  6. frjeff

    Off the Heat Pad When?

    Only my 2nd year at this and have an old man's feeble memory. Do I remove the trays from the heat pad once I have sprouts germinated? My gratitude for any input! Fr. Jeff+
  7. frjeff

    My First Hot Sauce

    Yesterday, I put together the following: 30 Habs (some small, some large) 3 Serranos 2 tbsp ground Thais 2 onions (med) 8 cloves garlic (crushed) 1/4 tsp salt 1 cup water 1 cup lemon juice 2tbsp vinegar 1/2 pint canned fresh peaches (without syrup) I sauted the onions and garlic brought all...
  8. frjeff

    How to Ripen and Preserve This

    I have a prolific yield of this pepper. Thought they were Kung Pau, but not sure. Help? Frost headed here tonight. I have pulled and hung one plant (not ripened - green) in my garage. Perhaps it will ripen there - Need tips. Also, I have already dehydrated a ton of these and ground into chili...
  9. frjeff

    recipe-help Salsa Recipe Question

    I am in the process (as I type) of making 6-7 pints of canned (water bath) salsa. I am putting together the ingredients of the Jalapeno Salsa in the Ball Blue Book (guide to preserving). This recipe calls for the same number of cups of peppers as it does for tomatoes. In all of my fresh salsa...
  10. frjeff

    NuMex Big Jim Preserving?

    Lots of 7"-10" NuMex Big Jims being picked in various stages of green to red. How best to preserve and use this variety of pepper? Can I freeze whole or ought I skin before freezing, roast, etc.?? Have no clue and need ideas. Thanks.........
  11. frjeff

    Help - What are These?

    My plant tag got washed out and I have no idea what these are?? Any ideas?
  12. frjeff

    Another Question from the Newb

    Well, I am extremely pleased with my yield on pretty much all of this year's pepper plantings. The Japs, Habs, Nu Mex, Bells, Kung Pao, etc. are heavy with peppers. However, I am not sure I am going to get any of the Japs or Habs to ripen. The Japs have begun with the black top thing (on which...
  13. frjeff

    First Attempt

    Simple Jalapeno, garlic, lime juice and salt. Did not strain out seeds or membrane. Liquidified in blender, brought to boil, simmered for 10 minutes, bottled, capped and laid on side for five minutes. I'll likely refrigerate anyway as this small batch won't last long
  14. frjeff

    Jalapenos Turning Black???

    I just checked my peppers and noticed a black ring around the top of some of my japs. This is my first time growing peppers, so I have no idea if this is normal or some type of problem. I have picked tons of green jalapenos already and am now waiting for many to ripen. This does not seem to be...
  15. frjeff

    yield Prolific Jalapenos

    My Japs are producing pods like bunny rabbits, so must find ways to preserve. Here's my first batch of pickled Jalapeno Rings, some now in freezer. What else can I do with these? Thinking some hot sauce (maybe some with and without some Habs)./ Other ideas?
  16. frjeff

    Slow Habs?

    Having prolific production on my sweet peppers (Gypsy Frying, Giant, Big Bertha, etc.) Also, lots of Jalapenos, Kung Pau, Carribean Red Hots nearing ripeness. However, although I have very healthy looking Habanero plants, so far, I have no fruit. In Northern MI, but have had some hot weather...
  17. frjeff


    First time grower here and have a question: My Gypsy Frying Pepper plants are producing fruit in great abundance. I am concerned that I cannot roast and fry enough to consume them as rapidly as they ripen. Is there any way to preserve these that will leave them useful for something? Can they...
  18. frjeff

    Pepper Information Needed

    OK, first year grower here and I'm thrilled with all of the new baby peppers I'm seeing on my many plants. However, my garden map has disappeared and many of my row tag identifiers have faded or washed away the printing (permanent next year). One plant bearing fruit is labeled: Rojo Asado. I...
  19. frjeff

    Beetle Identity and Control

    Fellow Chili Heads, This is my first year growing peppers and I have just found this guy on many different types of plants in my garden. So far, I have no idea if it is beneficial or not (me thinks NOT). Can anyone help ident this thing and if not beneficial, what can I do to eradicate him...
  20. frjeff

    My First Baby

    Out spraying cabbage with Thuricide and checking my maters and peppers. Lots of blossoms on many of my varieties, but noticed this little guy/gal on one of my Tequila Sunrise plants. All this work and babying since mid-Winter and I am stoked!! Crappy picture focus, but that's OK. I'm a new...