Search results

  1. FarmerGuy

    Need car/truck/SUV buying advice from fellow THP'ers

    In the market for a used truck and wanted to know what THP'ers think would be a good truck for me. Don't want to spend more than ~$10k. I don't know a whole lot about trucks so I figured there would be some folks on here a lot smarter than me on the subject. Here's what I need it to do: - Hold...
  2. FarmerGuy

    Adventures in Knob Creek Bourbon and Cheap Company Decisions

    So this evening I thought I would have a nice bourbon over my prerequisite two ice cubes. Looks like I was out of Knob Creek - but wait, there's a brand new unopened one at the bar. I pick it up, walk to the kitchen and peel the wax coating off the top of the bottle. Revealed is the bottle top...
  3. FarmerGuy

    Ghost Peppers - Bhut Jolokias - Perfect & Fresh, $16 shipped within 24 hours USPS SFRB Priority

    Some of the hottest peppers I have ever grown, perfectly ripe Bhuts picked and washed 90 minutes prior to shipping at 4:45 pm (I knock the field heat out of them in a 45-degree environment before shipping). These are the result of an outdoor hydroponic system which allows me to precisely...
  4. FarmerGuy

    Bhut Jolokias - Perfect & Fresh, $18 shipped Monday USPS SFRB 2-day

    Lowered price to $16 - see new posting:
  5. FarmerGuy

    Need advice on salsa making, non-soggy salsa after water bath canning

    Fixin' to make a lot of salsa in the next couple of weeks. So far, the water bath canned salsas I've made make the tomatoes and peppers too mushy for my taste. Does anyone have a recipe or process to make salsa that will keep without refrigeration that isn't mushy? I'm up to my ears in serranos...
  6. FarmerGuy

    Italian Peppers - Italian Dog

    Thought y'all would get a kick out of this picture. The first wave of healthy Nardello peppers are coming in, and Sophie the Cane Corso seemed REAL interested in getting her paws on some. The two of us will having pan-fried Nardellos with good olive oil on fresh bread for lunch tomorrow!
  7. FarmerGuy

    show-off Happy 4th of July! Took some pics of the garden today - still loving the heat

    I did increase the water a little bit, which they seemed to like. Hope everyone's Death-Star-Strength peppers are soaking up this awesomely hot weather. Enjoy the 4th!
  8. FarmerGuy

    Garden Update - Looks like everything is LOVING the heat! First outdoor ghost peppers coming

    I was a bit worried about PA's brutal weather the past week with another few days to go of very hot temperatures and no rain. Thought I would post some pics as the "outdoor tubes" are doing quite well. Should be another few weeks 'til they turn red. There are going to be a LOT of...
  9. FarmerGuy

    food Anyone have any great Serrano pepper recipes? Going to be a lot of 'em this year!

    Hello fellow THP'ers! Looks like it is going to be a banner year for serranos for me. Last year I tested a serrano plant in the outdoor hydro system I really scaled up this year. It yielded a total of 42 lbs (not a misprint) over the course of the season. This year I put out almost 50 serranos...
  10. FarmerGuy

    disease-pests Noticed some bacterial leaf spot issues on leaves - not just in my garden. Opinions wanted

    This year I have a couple pepper plants in my in my garden that are showing a couple signs of baterial spot. Noticed it in my neighbor's gardens and others in the area as well (Central Pennsyltucky). Today I took a walk up a nearby mountain with my dogs over lunch. Noticed that many of the...
  11. FarmerGuy

    show-off Indoor Savina Plant on Steroids (tissue stock plants - pics)

    This plant orginated from the hottest Red Savina I ever grew. Thought I would let him make a couple peppers and went to work with a wet Q-tip 6 days ago. I use this plant and few others of different varieties (Scorp, Bih Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia, etc.) to keep consistentcy in my summer garden every...
  12. FarmerGuy

    shipping-packaging How does one package fresh superhots for mailing?

    This summer and fall, I would like to send a few boxes of assorted superhots to some friends and relatives who enjoy the art of burning their faces off. Everyone is within 1 day by UPS ground, so I'll probably do that for cost considerations. My plan is: - line box w/1-2" expanded polystyrene...
  13. FarmerGuy

    Completely random thread about slugs; quick way that helps to control 'em

    I hate slugs. Suspect that most gardeners do. Every night at sundown I walk the rows of peppers (went completely overboard this year), tomatoes and other veggies, looking for the slimy bastards. It pretty easy to see them since I use raised beds and an outdoor hybrid hydroponics system I...
  14. FarmerGuy

    How do I embed a video on my post?

    Tried every way I could think of (even BBCode) on my last post but couldn't get it to work. Any tips on how I get a video I put on youtube to show up here? Thanks!!
  15. FarmerGuy

    video Time lapse video - putting out some peppers in outdoor quasi-hydroponics setup

    Finally got out a whole mess of my pepper seedling. About 250-300 are going to go out this year. Today were some ChocoHabs, Bhut Jolokias, Bih Jolokias, Red Savinas, Serranos, Three types of Scorpions, 7-Pots and a couple other random varieties. This technique works pretty darn well and I...
  16. FarmerGuy

    Padron Peppers - anyone grown them?

    I know they are not spicy but I've got 30 seedlings I plan on putting out in a couple weeks. My experience has mostly been superhots and I aas wondering if anyone has had experience with them to see if there are any major cultural differences. My reason for growing them is that I once had them...
  17. FarmerGuy

    A couple of my babies getting ready to go out in a few weeks

    One on the left is a Butch T, one on the right is a Chocolate Hab. Lookin' good! These sprouted about 6 weeks ago and are only getting about 20 watts/SF under 11 or so hours of light. Nothing too fancy but tried and true - homemade nutrients based off the old Le Chatelier formula with some...
  18. FarmerGuy

    Hello from Southern PA!

    Actually been a 'lurker' on here for several months but thought I would start an account. Lots of good folks here to bounce ideas off of which is nice. So far I've started about 300 hot peppers ranging from serranos and habaneros to some Butch T's, Bih & Bhut Jolokias and some other goodies...