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  1. M

    Pepper injuries

    I didnt touch her, forgot to mention that.
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    Pepper injuries

    Ha Ha, Milk on the naughty bits, thats funny.
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    Pepper injuries

    A few years ago my wife had a jalepeno burn in a very sensetive area lol.
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    Pepper injuries

    So I thought I would share a couple of my latest mishaps with peppers. First, I was trying out the new coffee grinder with some dried cayennes, it worked sweet until I popped the lid and got a nose full of airborne powder. I sneezed for 2 hours. Now tonight I picked some Scorpions like always no...
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    Almost made a huge mistake tonight

    When is no pants day? lol
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    Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

    Sweet looking plants Patrick.
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    DIY Two Bucket Sub-Irrigated Planter

    Very cool.This was something I had to try. I made one for an orange hab and one for a watermelon as an experiment. Thanks for the idea.
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    Almost made a huge mistake tonight

    Thanks, yes that would have been bad. To think you spend all winter babying your plants, then almost let someone elses inferior plants ruin them. I should have complained, but I was so disgusted I almost ran out of there. Gave me the willys.
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    Gerrrrrrrr!!!! Moles!

    Nice raised beds. I also built a couple like that due to a major vole problem. Hardware cloth is definately the only way to go, I hope. I also noticed a major drop in activity after getting one of those solar powered mole and vole stakes. Anyone else have experience with these? I hope it works.
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    Almost made a huge mistake tonight

    So I was figuring out how many plants were going to fit in one of my new raised beds and figured that there were going to be 3 or four extra spots, couldn't let that happen, so off to the local greenhouse I went. This is only my second season, so I am growing many varieties to see what I like...
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    The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects!!

    I am sure that beer is somehow to blame. lol Just my opinion. Poor little bastards.
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    Seed Distributing Tim

    Package received today. Thanks a lot Patrick. :dance:
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    What the... EXPLOSIVE orange hab growth in mid-October?

    That is some insane late season growth. We have been having temps in the 80's here after already having a light frost. Seeing those pics, I wish I would have covered my plants a couple nights instead of bringing them in a couple weeks ago.
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    contest Vote! Oktoberfest Throwdown 2010

    Yours was definately the best shaped dish geeme!
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    contest Vote! Oktoberfest Throwdown 2010

    Everything looks awesome, its hard to vote for just one. I may have to get in on one of these, seems like a lot of fun.
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    Leaning a pepper plant

    This is my first year growing, but I noticed a couple things. First one of my three jalapeno plants was not planted deep enough, it was blown over in a storm and then stepped on, by me of course, it produced a total of four peppers, I just noticed that it had roots sticking out of the soil lol...
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    Howdy from The Heartland

    Welcome from MN. :)
  18. M

    Just de-seeded tons of super hots bare handed

    I must be a sissy, cause I grew some super hot jalapenoes this year (dont know why, but they were unbelievably hot) anyway seeded them bare handed and my hands were on fire for the next day and a half. Never had that problem with habeneroes. I would be scared to try that with super hots.
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    Trinidad Douglah

    MMMM, yeah butter from hell maybe, lol
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    chinense How Much Do Habaneros Sell for in Your Area?

    Bought some about a month ago here and they were 7.99 a pound. I saved some seeds, hope to have my own next year.