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  1. Panzer

    7 pot Jonah vs Barrackpore

    Yeah, I'm leaning towards the Jonah. I think I will also try growing the Douglah this year. Sorry for the double post!
  2. Panzer

    7 pot Jonah vs Barrackpore

    Yeah, I'm leaning towards the Jonah. I think I will also try growing the Douglah this year.
  3. Panzer

    7 pot Jonah vs Barrackpore

    Thanks for the responses. My growing space is limited to my apartment balcony, so I have room for maybe 4 or 5 good pepper plants.
  4. Panzer

    7 pot Jonah vs Barrackpore

    For those who have grown/eaten them, which tends to be the hotter of the two? Also, how do they compare in terms of flavor and productivity?
  5. Panzer

    what is the heat/flavor difference between...

    what is the heat/flavor difference between a butch t trinidad scorpion and a morouga scorpion? just curious. I just wondered of those of yall that have had both, which do you like better?
  6. Panzer

    Where to go from here

    So my seeds are now germinating in 2 Jiffy trays (each 11 X 22 inches). I planed on seting them end to end to form a strip that is 11 X 44 inches, then placing 48 inch long T12 lights over them (obviously running length wise ). Here is the question: How many 40 watt T12 lights do I need to...
  7. Panzer

    seeds Live in Texas. When to germinate?

    Thank you forthe advice and for the friendly welcomes. Happy New Year guys! Hope everyone has a good grow this year!
  8. Panzer

    a matter of opinion

    Yellow scorps or yellow seven pots as far as flavor goes? Wanted to add one more pepper to my grow list for this year. I'm leaning towards the yellow scorpions since i will be groing brain strains (red) and want some variety...
  9. Panzer

    seeds Live in Texas. When to germinate?

    Awesome. I will start them this sunday since i'm off work. How much do lights cost and how many plants can share each lighting fixture? Thankyou for the replies! I'm glad i asked yall otherwise i would be starting late.
  10. Panzer

    seeds Live in Texas. When to germinate?

    Alright, so this is going to make me sound like a complete newbie (which is completely, 100% accurate). I live in Texas (Dallas) and plan to grow my first round of super hots. In order to get the best yeilds/longest harvest, when should I germinate? I had read to start peppers in February...
  11. Panzer

    Black light vs fluorescent?

    Yeah sorry. I realize now that I asked a dumb question. Someone had told me blacklights were used for growing and I wrongfully assumed they were right. Anyways, I did some searching around and realized the absurdity of my question lol. That being said, would it be dumb for me to start planting...
  12. Panzer

    Black light vs fluorescent?

    I plan on starting my peppers indoors over the winter. Which would be better, black light or a fluorescent?
  13. Panzer

    (closed) sasbe naga morich seeds giveaway

    If you still have some, can you please send me some. I'll send you a PM.
  14. Panzer

    One more time OFFER CLOSED

    I want in!
  15. Panzer

    condiment Bhut Jolokia BBQ sauce recipe?

    Awesome! Sounds good. Thank you
  16. Panzer

    condiment Bhut Jolokia BBQ sauce recipe?

    So I randomly found some dried bhut Jolokia pods at a specialty food type store. I went ahead and bought them with plans of using them for BBQ sauce. Does anyone have a recipe they like?
  17. Panzer

    Butch Scorpion

    I'm no expert, but this seems like the age old "blaming your sports equipment for what was really human error".........Just saying....
  18. Panzer

    Brain strain seeds?

    Alright, sure will. Thanks for the tip!
  19. Panzer

    Brain strain seeds?

    I'm still just getting started. Have grown a couple plants 2 summers ago but most of my 'experience' is just cooking with peppers. Wish I had seeds to trade you guys, but until then money is the best I can offer.
  20. Panzer

    Brain strain seeds?

    Money? Lol. I don't have anything pod or seed wise currently.