1st post and 1st time growing chili's

Well, I just planted my first ever chili seeds.
The seeds I palnted were:
Aji Lemon
Black Pearl
Hungarian Hot Wax
Bih Jolokia (I use a heat pad for them)
Purple Tiger
NuMex Twilight
Bishops Crown
Cost Rica Chili
and ASian Birdseye
this is just my first try at this chili thing and i hope to get some more seeds.
gday and welcome to THP from the Great Land Down Under

nice list of varieties you have there, isn't it getting a little cool to be starting off seeds/plants in your part of the world? nice plug for thehippyseedcompany as well, is that where you got your seeds?

I love it how often I see new pepper growers just throwing themselves into it and getting a heap of varieties underway. it's a disease that will only get worse over time!
Well, I'm only 13 years old just kinda messing around(not really I did all the right things for the seeds just not the right time of the year), and neil for hippyseeds sent me enough seeds if i want to plant em in the spring. I
...from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!

Nice list of peppers for a start! Neil is a great guy, good to see he hooked you up with some seeds!
Welcome to the board. BTW, if you're only 13 years old and are starting out with that stellar list of seeds, you are well on your way to the full out chili addiction ;) Hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun with your seeds.
Welcome from Fort Worth
welcome from NSW Australia mate...

13 and growing that list!!!! you are going to have years and years of fun my friend....

You might want to ask mum and dad for soem growing lights if you want fruit over winter...
Welcome aboard! Quite an ambitious growing list! You might be able to grow them to the next season with some growing lights.
make that a second Welcome from Canada !

that's impressive mate !...

at 13 i wasnt thinking of growing chili thats for sure... good luck on this exciting adventure !

if you need any help this is the place to be... great people here to help you out with any questions you may have...

also if you need anymore seeds let me know, i can send you some as well...good luck
my first gut tells me 'troll promoting the hippyseedcompany.com' but with all you guys jumping in and welcoming this guy I guess I'm wrong.

That is for sure an impressive list. Good luck kylest.
haha really............ srry for trying to tell you a good seed dealer. Most people here probaly already know about him by now. And jsut to make you happy I have takin his name out of my previous posts. Srry if anyone though i was advertising :cool:
welcome to THP; i'm growing through the winter as well so dont worry about being off schedule; just make sure the plants have enough room and light and they will do fine; in the spring when you move them outside make sure you harden them off right
kylestl said:
haha really............ srry for trying to tell you a good seed dealer. Most people here probaly already know about him by now. And jsut to make you happy I have takin his name out of my previous posts. Srry if anyone though i was advertising :mouthonfire:
no no... you didn't have to do that. There is nothing wrong with sharing stoke and good information and no need to apologize! Your first post is ligit. There is a guerilla online marketing approach where 'people' with promotional objectives will register and post on various forums to promote a brand or service - this really does happen. I can usually smell a rat when it comes to sly marketing approaches and I was only saying my first inclination would have been that it was a ploy but I ultimately didn't think it was.

Please put your reference to www.hippyseedcompany.com back in.