2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

Hee Heee!

Thanks again AJ. A couple more days til christmas is OK!;)

Just tasted the 7-pot and naga.

Truth be told, pimpled, gnarly and gruesome as the 7 pot looked, I think it had crossed with the tobago seasoning.(a better cross, however, is hard to imagine, lol)
I ate a piece, and thought it was damn hot. I was mildly afraid.

I ate a tiny piece of the naga (sorry no vid) It made me feel alive. I know AJ knows what I mean, but for anyone who doesn't: a piece the size of a grain of kosher salt left me exhilerated and blowing with my mouth in a wide "O".

I would bet my life that it is pure.(as pure as a pepper can be)

I am drying seeds now for the post!

AJ's selfless diligence on this project sums up what is great about this site.
On its way....emailed
This is my first post and my first year with gardening. I thought this would be an appropriate thread to respond to.

I hope to meet your requirements in two months time b/c this year all I grew was anything I could find at the local walmart. Orange Hab, jalepeno, Serrano, cayennes, Hungarian Wax, etc...

Now, I've lurked around this site for sometime and have decided on LOTS of peppers I would like to grow next year. I'm just hoping I'll be able to get in on ur generous offer.

We'll see. I doubt I've got much to add to many threads being a gardener for only a year.

Cool LD..thanks...

Welcome Skealo...The parcel has already started its rounds...I started it and it will come back to me...if you meet the requirements at that time I will let the participants say Yea or Nay....
AlabamaJack said:
Pablo...I didn't play because I didn't have a clue....

LD...that's cool man...
hey buddy no problem,
i think you got some good seed already,Ill put some of these in the parcel for you too as well as JJ and cappy's gift bag...
check this plant aj,it has large pods and very excellent growth,considering i only water it occassionally and fed it once at transplant...

the Fatalii's are beginning to ripen too...
Hot but fruity...

maybe some of these will be ripe too...
what a great selection we all have ...

yes sir, I have some seeds you sent...and thank you again for that...these are the kind of genetics I am wanting in seed...

is that Pablo or one of his offspring?
either himself or another Pablo...he will have to tell you about Pablo...pretty impressive I would say...
Hey guys. I hope everyone's season is going well. I am fairly new to the site. I hope to get in on the parcel next year but have a request that I am sure many others have proposed. I don't know what will be left after the parcel circulates once or twice and I am doubting any of the rarer ones will be kicking around, but I was wondering if any naga moriches, bhuts, scorpions, 7 pots, douglahs, or any other rare types were left when she made her maiden voyage home to Fort Worth if I could have a couple in the hopes of growing them, keeping them pure, and circulating them next time around to the community. I know people have wrote other times about covering the buds before they bloom with a variety of things but I am considering making a basic rectangular frame with pressure treated lumber covering with mosquito netting. I figure I can drill holes in a hose and spiral it around the base of the plants for watering and then basically seal them inside the structure until they set fruit.
I understand this is a big request and will not take any offense to a big fat no especially because many of you do not know me. I just figured it would not hurt to ask and if I am successful I will be able to pay it forward.
Thanks for taking the time to read and consider my ideas.

thats cool with me Josh...I like you spunk...your posts number show you are interesed and by the time it gets back to me you probably will be on the list...after this first round comes back to me, I will have more seeds of what you want and will gladly include some in the parcel...

of course, that is with the blessing of the other participants...I am just the integrator...
AlabamaJack said:
thats cool with me Josh...I like you spunk...your posts number show you are interesed and by the time it gets back to me you probably will be on the list...after this first round comes back to me, I will have more seeds of what you want and will gladly include some in the parcel...

of course, that is with the blessing of the other participants...I am just the integrator...
Hey AJ,
I really appreciate that, although I certainly don't want to step on any toes or screw with the timing and order of the shipment. I just figured if everyone picked what they wanted and when it was all said and done if there were a few seeds of the rarer ones left over I would pay to take them off your hands. Left over, hahha, that's probably not a statement you guys ever use in terms of chili seeds. But anyway I will stay in touch, keep posting, and see where things go.
On a side note one of the people involved in your parcel offered through PM to send me some seeds, even one of his own crosses, which is awesome. I would like to thank him again for that. I would mention his name but I don't know how he would feel about that. I would hate to see him getting bombarded with PMs for his generosity because I had to open my mouth.
Anyway talk to you soon...
no problem Josh, if you haven't found out already, the membership of this forum is rare (IMO) in that it is more of a "brotherhood" than anything else...knowledge is a wonderful thing to share...using knowledge in a very broad sense here...
AlabamaJack said:
no problem Josh, if you haven't found out already, the membership of this forum is rare (IMO) in that it is more of a "brotherhood" than anything else...knowledge is a wonderful thing to share...using knowledge in a very broad sense here...
Yea I am starting to realize that and am glad that I started growing this year and that I found this site. It is funny to read how people say they are addicted to peppers and pepper growing. I certainly wouldn't have understood that 9 months ago but these days I find myself checking my plants and this site on a regular basis. Interesting how it comes on so fast haha.
Hey josh welcome.Start yakking like crazy and the gods will let you in on the next round.Just say hi 54 times and I think you make it.Have a great one !
Ok question,,where is the parcel now?Curious being as i`m out of town 4 days a week so as to know when to try to be home.Thanks