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2009 Grow Log

Sorry no flash on my iPhone and it uploads pics straight to flickr. Did manage I get a pic with a beer instead of soda though.




imaguitargod said:
Some massive leaf curl going on in that first pic!

yeah. Lemon drop is not too happy about something but I can't figure out what. It started that before I changed nutrient solution so that's not to blame. Doesn't seem to be hurting growth at this point so not too worried
Some good growth there!, I have some curly leaves on my chinenses too. What's the humidity like in that area?
Group photo. Man this box is filling up. I'm pretty sure that is just physiological leaf roll on my lemon drops. No yellowing, browning, etc. or stunting, just curling.


Look at how many tops this thing has now. The side branches that sprouted from the very base are even with the tips of the main stalk now. All 4 of them. And LOADS of flower buds.


Fatalii is still coming along slow but sure. Scorpion has a few leaves that are larger than this, but still this one is as big as my hand.

Holy shit dude !

they grew fast man...

i cant believe it... two weeks and they are huge !

i have the same problem on a few plants with the curl, they look exactly like that and if you figure why thats happening let me know...

But i also am not very worried about it as it hasnt stopped growth at all...

good stuff TX
Look at the size of that leaf!

Txcg you sir have some serious growth happening. I will need instructions on how to build your set up later on this year. Who do I make the check out to?

I got worried for you when your first bunch of plants went foul. Guess I didn't need to. Still if you come up short on pods and I have some I'll be happy to share. Good luck!
This thread is obscene, and should be removed! Jeeeezus! Look at those leaves! If I can ever get enough cash to buy a house, I'm havin me a Hydro room, don't care what the misses says!
first flowers!

First flowers open on the scorpion!


Lemon drops still growing and newest growth looks ok but I wish I could figure out what they're so pissed about. A couple leaves have holes but I dunno if it's from bugs or just tearing from distortion. Oh well they aren't slowing down any and the fatali and scorpion appear unaffected(which are the two I want to eat the most anyway)

Thanks for all the input too guys and Patrick if you need any help building something like this let me know. I kinda posted a construction log in this thread by probably not detailed enough
Thanks for the offer Txcg I may take you up on that, afraid I'm not the handiest guy around.

One more question if you don't mind. Does the noise they make growing ever wake you up at night? ;)
well the plants are getting so big its hard to take good pictures of them so i just have a pic of one of the larger leaves from my scorpion. Also im going by the hydro shop after work and picking up pureblend pro bloom and changing my res cause i have craploads of flowers and flower buds but theyre just dropping at this point.


Wha? That's eff'n crazy! How'd I miss those leaf shots? Hope you get some pods to set. Once they do, if they're anything like the leaves...
Well i halfway knocked my panda plastic off the cage while changing my res to flowering nutes so figures i might as well take a picture since i can open the door wide. Can you find the beer lost in the pepper forest?

Nice work dude! The fatalii looks like it has branched very well and likely to grow into a monster of a plant. And the scorpion, well...it's killer. :cool:

Are these going outside or "pure hydro grow"?
Well TX everything looks good, but from what I can tell you may want to look into getting more oxygen to the roots. Notice how they look "overwatered"...droopyness...lifeless leaves...etcetc? Since you're in a dutchbucket it may take some brainstorming but I think you will be pleased if you can get more air to those roots. Keep it up dude!:shocked: Amazing growth rates here man ...seriously!
Pepper-Guru said:
Well TX everything looks good, but from what I can tell you may want to look into getting more oxygen to the roots. Notice how they look "overwatered"...droopyness...lifeless leaves...etcetc? Since you're in a dutchbucket it may take some brainstorming but I think you will be pleased if you can get more air to those roots. Keep it up dude!:shocked: Amazing growth rates here man ...seriously!

Well, the droopyness sets in about 7-7:30 pm, right before they get watered for teh 2nd time. Then they look a little droopy til the lights go out. Then come the morning they're all perked up and stay that way til about 7pm again.

But i thought about that originally since the dutch buckets hold that little reservoir of water. I was thinking of putting an airstone in the bottom of each pot but i don't think there is enough actual standing water for it to do any good. But the lack of oxygen was my concern which is why i water 2x a day instead of one, to replenish with oxygenated water.

Maybe next round i'll put airstones in the buckets and see if there is a difference?