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2009 Grow Log

i purchased a cubic yard of triple mix that contains Black Loam, Peat Loam, Mineral Soil, and aged composted Cow Manure...

i then transplanted 6 plants that were in 4 gallon pots into much bigger ones.. coco coir and all..filling in the rest of the space with this triple mix...

should i have to worry when i water, that the coco coir may be dryer then the rest of the soil surrounding it ?
No problems with coco drying out any faster than anything else. In fact its water retention capabilities are the exact reason why it's a viable medium for outdoor hand watering.

Only grew one plant in coco outdoors for a whole season(2007), I had chiles in coco outside too that year but they got all fucked up by bugs and I ended up throwing them off my balcony. This cherry tomato did end up needing to be watered once a day, but only because it was in a 2 or 3 gallon pot and got much much bigger than in this picture (pic is from june.....it grew til about august..started it in april) So that wasn't the coco's fault, but my fault because I couldn't transplant it to a larger container once it got that large. Should have planned ahead.
But man did it love coco and the great outdoors :)

So in short, nothing to worry about, the coco holds water very well.
so would you think what i am doing is not necessary with the triple mix ?

all i really want to do is get these plants outside and water less...

well its too late now i suppose, i have the cubic yard of soil and am just going transplant the rest in the same manner...coco coir and plant into larger 20 gallon containers, filling the rest of the space with the soil and planting up a little for more support..

should i still give them the coco coir specific nutes if they are mixed with soil that has composted cow manure in it ?
thanks for the info TX, good as usuall but could you

answer my question above sometime this millenium please...lol

seeds are on me this year dude, thanks
I don't see any problem with what you're doing man, coco works well as a standalone medium or as a peat replacement in more traditional potting mixed like yours making with the composted manure and stuff. I see no problem using coco nutes but watch your plants to gauge if you should feed full strength since there will be some nutrients available from the other organic material. My tabasco outside has dirt around the center part of the rootball and was transplanted into a pot with coco and perlite and I'm feeding it coco nutes and it's loving it.

But there should be no problem at all transplanting coco into soil mix, and the coco won't dry out any faster than the rest of that stuff. But my favorite mix is definitely straight coco mixed with perlite. Let me know how that all works for you bro.
Mas fotos:

Tallest plant so far is this lemon drop. In this shot you can see how the leaves alternate like a vine instead of having two leaves directly opposing each other like on my chinense varieties.


Group picture: Scorpion seems to be focusing most of his energy on side branches now, hard to see with the huge leaves, but he has a branch that starts at the bottom that has made it almost to the top of the canopy inside that mess. And my fatalii looks happy but just sloooooooooooowwwwwwwwww

millworkman said:
Alright Tx, can you fix the lines?

Unfortunately no, thats a side effect of taking picture under an HID light. At least with my camera.

Too much trouble to carry other lights into the grow room for picture taking.
Seems like just the other day you were building that hydro setup. Those things are really taking off for you. Glad your season has been reborn. :D
Quite a bit of growth in 4 days. Just changed the reservoir last night, went from seedling strength nutes to mid-size vegetative strength according to the bottle of pureblend pro. This corresponded to an EC change from about 1.3 to 1.8. Hope that wasn't too big of a jump too soon, but they are definitely NOT seedlings anymore.



Hey Tx it look like you have a pretty decent camera that probably has a high florescent setting that will stop those lines. Plants look happy peeking through those blinds.
Agree with all the above, plants look great and make me think Hydro might be in my future.

Why the Sprite though? Booze only for comparison pics! Otherwise, could you at least throw in some photoshopped pics of PMD?
Amazing growth Txcg, you're sure convincing me this is something to try. I do have a question for you though: what the hell are coir specific nutes? Does using coco coir require a special fertilizer? Thanks.

Keep on growing dude.
patrick said:
Amazing growth Txcg, you're sure convincing me this is something to try. I do have a question for you though: what the hell are coir specific nutes? Does using coco coir require a special fertilizer? Thanks.

Keep on growing dude.

Most companies that make nutrients for hydro make a line that is designed specifically for use with coco. Like Canna for example. I'm on my phone so it's a pita to find an example link but google canna coco or hesi coco and you'll see what I mean.
oh , I also noticed my first flower buds on the scorpion this morning as well as microscopic flower buds on the lemon drops too. I'll try and get pics with my good camera tonight
Txclosetgrower said:
oh , I also noticed my first flower buds on the scorpion this morning as well as microscopic flower buds on the lemon drops too. I'll try and get pics with my good camera tonight

They are certainly starting to take off tx. They look great. Are you going to be pinching buds at this stage or let the cards fall where they may?
I was also thinking...why don't you just turn your HID off when you take pictures and use the camera's flash to light it up?