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2009 Grow Log

No update for awhile, so this one's gonna have lots of pics.


Lots of growth in the past 5 days
7 pod: This guy's leaves are HUGE compared to everyone else. He's about to start shading out all the little guys around him.


Beaver dam #1: The beaver dams have large leaves, similar to the bell peppers I grew last year

Beaver dam #2: Hmm, guess I didn't take a pic of it lol. Oh well looks exact same as #1 except maybe 3cm shorter

Fish pepper: This guy and the goats weed have really really dark green leaves. Not sure if it's too much N or just how they are.


Check it out! 1st variegated leaf! I can't wait to see how this one looks when it's full sized, it's a pretty plant:
The mutant is kicking a bit of ass as well. Seems to be exhibiting a normal growth habit above where it splits into two.


Chocolate Habanero F1: This guy is one of the larger overall plants. Very vigorous growth compared to the other chinenses


Goats Weed: This guy apparently decided that straight leaves are for suckas so he's gonna roll his on up. I believe he may have had too much nitrogen, so I flushed him thoroughly and the newest leaves aren't curling anymore. Watered the whole crop with cal-mag plus today, no other nutes. I think i'm going to reduce the concentration of nutes til they get a bit larger just to play it safe.


No hijack Tex, just thought you might like to see an older goats weed, this is the one Tony gave me. Your plants are going great guns mate!

This pic was taken on a near 100 degree day, hence the wilting.

Plants are looking amazing! Can't wait until my babies get that big.

How big do you let them get in those blue cups before transplanting?
UnNatural said:

Plants are looking amazing! Can't wait until my babies get that big.

How big do you let them get in those blue cups before transplanting?

I'll keep them in here until they go outside. They could get fairly large in these cups though, probably a good foot tall. You can get away with a smaller pot for a larger plant in coconut coir. Did you ever see the giant tomato plant I grew in a 2 or 3 gallon pot?

I've seen a person grow a 3 foot tall cannabis plant from clone through flowering in a 22oz cup just to prove a point about growing in coco lol. It was on icmag.com, which is where I got the idea for doing hand-watered coconut coir. That site has a huge section devoted to nothing but coco.
Tomato i was referring to:


It got much, much larger than this. This was taken on June 16th, and I had this thing well through August when I moved. Never transplanted it from that tiny ass pot.
Wow! Was thinking i would finish my first grow season with soil and try other mediums next year, but i may just go out and get some coco tomorrow.
55,000 lumens are in the mail in the form of a 400w HPS light. Can't wait, I may postpone plant out a bit, until I start running out of room. Then keep a few inside.
Well, it's been a full 10 days since i last posted pics, so there's lots to see.

My 400W HPS came in today w00t! This weekend i'm going to complete my grow tent and enclose the whole thing and set up ventilation. Right now I just have a fan blowing at it.


Since i no longer have to hang CFLs down to reach seedlings, I can sort things according to height so everything gets good light. Moved all the smallest ones to the left tray, and then went in rows tallest to shortest in the black tray.
Today is a pretty big day, 400W HPS arrived, its my brother's birthday, I have my first flowers on 2 plants and the beginning of my first bug battle.


Bug eggs? Tried to look at them under magnifying glass, kinda appeared like clusters of clear balls. But I couldn't really tell. Playing it safe though.



I launched an early all out assault by clipping any affected leaves, running the only affected plants under cold water for a bit to knock anything off, then giving everything a good soaking with neem oil.
Beaver Dam #1: This guy's got 1 openish flower and 2 more bout to pop. Plus loads more that are already balls on stems. Unfortunately he's also the guy I found the possible bug eggs on. Pics above.



Beaver Dam #2: Not quite as tall as the other beaver dam, but no problems yet.
Goats Weed: This guy is just kickin ass. He's quit growing taller for the moment it, seems to be spending most of his energy growing side shoots.



Fish Pepper:
I really like how this one looks. Small, long leaves. Dark green with some variegation starting to show on the lower leaves. Really healthy looking

Trinidad Perfume (mutant): Doing that thing where the leaves get all deeply creased at the lines just like just about every other chinense I've ever grown. Doesn't ever seem to bother the plant any, and it's not being caused by bugs so I just leave it alone. They always grow out of it.


