2009 Pods On Thread

I should have oodles of pods, but it's been one of those years. Have some on overwintered cayannes, serranos, and orange habs but they're sorta crazy lookin' and not pic worthy.

Here's the backside of a mini sweet nine.

Oops! Fail! Not a hot pepper.

Here's a "mystery mix" pepper pod.

Threw in a full pic- kinda lame one. Got a ghetto cage around it mainly for support against the wind. It's on a shelf up high for max sun. I think the plants an C. Annuum of some sort.

I'll hafta look around for other plants w/ pods. Hopefully something that isn't fugly as many of my plants are lookin'. Really impressed with all you other guy's stuff.
Scott,I might be requiring some specs. of that cage...Hurricane season starts here Monday!
I'm starting to get some color on a few more here.
Devil's Tongue,Red
Cheiro Pecsego Peach
Habanero a Punta Giallo
Yellow Mushroom
Well don't go getting all 'pod envy' on me, but here's my very first pod! Apparently I missed two buds on a Super Chili back when I was pinching them. The plant dropped the other one, but this one seems to be doing fine.

Captain Murphy said:
Here's my first pod ever.


This came from a packet of assorted seeds so I'm not sure what it is. Kinda cute in it's little flower hula skirt.

I'd bet real money that this pod is a hot banana or hotwax. I always see these things with pods on in nurseries, even while still in cell packs.

Trinicoolie, I'm jealous as hell! Which varieties are those?

Just checked on my big hab that HAD a pod on, and it has since dropped it, and a bunch of flowers that looked to be pollinated. Either she's decided to grow bigger, or all the rain that wetted her feet down pissed her off. Anything besides waiting I can do to help pods set?
^ sorrie to hear about the flower drop......guess u would have to wait it out....or fert with a high 'K' rating....

i have no clue what they are..........i was told by the seller that it was 7 pot.........but i don't think those could be 7 pot....too plain and no crinkles......i'm thinking they are normal congos (habs - which color....will have to find out)

and yup.....it looks like a hungarian hotwax.....always producing a pod with only a few leaves, i only got one of those actually:

Bhuts/Bihs/Naga Morich 05-30-09

looks like I am fixin' to be up to my ears in heat...these plants are coming on....


Naga Morich


Big Bang Naga



off to play a gig...back about 2am....
allenstu said:
How old are your Naga Morich's in the pics Alabama Jack-- as far as how old are the actual pods?

about 3 weeks....
Wow, they all look great AJ. Especially for May! I notice a significant pod shape difference between the Cappy Bhut and the Pablo Bhut - is that pretty much representative of the whole plant? Neil (THSC) has complained recently in a video about lack of pod production on his Bhut compared to his Bih and Dorset. Do you find that to be the case so far? Very nice photos.
bigt said:
Wow, they all look great AJ. Especially for May! I notice a significant pod shape difference between the Cappy Bhut and the Pablo Bhut - is that pretty much representative of the whole plant? Neil (THSC) has complained recently in a video about lack of pod production on his Bhut compared to his Bih and Dorset. Do you find that to be the case so far? Very nice photos.

thanks bigt...these are the first pods on the bhuts so I will wait to claim different shapes until later on in the season...lots of little pods but can't tell differences right now...I haven't noticed any pods at all on the Dorsets yet...it looks like the bih is going to be the most productive so far, however the naga morich is not far behind if it is behind at all...

imaguitargod said:
Nice Pods AJ!

thanks Iggy
My Aji Amarillo plant is over 4' tall!I'm wondering if 7 gal. container is large enough?
The pods on this one are 4.5".I'm really looking forward to some peruvian cookin' with this one.I've been using the paste in a jar for a grilled chicken marinade that is very different/tasty!
These Sayula Jalapenos are ripening,Check out the black spots on them.Very unique,both plants have this pattern.
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet.Lots of uses for these.Made some Jamaican Rice and Peas tonite.Very nice flava with the coconut milk.
Orange Thai.These will be processed into Thai Curry
Cheiro Pecsego Peach.Supposed to have an awsome flavor.Brasil.I'll wait to get a few more ripe before the taste test.
7 Molhos,another peach colored Brasilian

Lots of great looking pods folks!Keep them comming!