2010 Grow Thread Begins

I'm really loving watching all of the new growth and I just can't get enough of it! Any excuse to post a picture or a dozen.

First up are a couple of Chocolate Bhut Jolokia's. Seeds for one from the Hippy and seeds from another from Vadim. Here's Hippy's:


Vadim's seeds. Both pictures are of the same plant.


It forked before it had two sets of true leaves.


Yellow Peter Pepper. Seeds from peter pepper.


This is one of my better growers at the moment.

More to come......
Here are a couple of Dorset Nagas. Seeds from Hot Head Nova.


Next two are of the same plant. These are growing dynamos.



More to come.........
Thanks Ballz.

Finally decided to post a few pics after the plants had a few days to recover from the storm. I clipped a lot of leaves. Couple of plants looked almost naked. I don't think I'm going to lose a single one. The worst one, a Chocolate B.J., had the top two thirds of it clipped off. It's puny looking and I'm seriously doubting if my season will last long enough to get anything from it but who knows. Here it is in all of it's glory.


I was happy to find a couple of plants with flowers on them. First one was a Naga Morich


And this one is a B.J. Found two on this one


Here's a couple of shots of the growth that is happening on the stems.

This is the Chocolate B.J. that is shown above.


More to come...............
Here's a Dorset Naga that you can almost hear growing. You can see several stems of leaves that I had to cut off sticking out. Hated to do it but it did improve their looks. Hopefully it improved their ability to recover too. Anyone know?


This is a 7 Pod Primo that had a bunch of it's leaves removed. All that did was pave the way for new growth.


Up until the storm I was pinching all pods off. I decided to let nature run it's course from here on out and no more pinching.
it's never pretty to see our hard work damaged, especially if the top 2/3rds of the main stem gets chopped! The side growth is at least under way so I'm hoping for the best for you on that choco bhut. It'll definitely improve overall growth to chop off damaged leaves and since you've already done great at getting the side growth on your plants, including that Dorset naga, I don't think you'll have any worries. In fact you'll have the opposite. good recovery Patrick. Just no more hail storms!
That chocolate bhut might be a good candidate to overwinter inside for a jump start next year. If you don't get any for this year, I have 3 plants going, so I am sure I will have a few extra I can send up your way if you are interested.

Thanks Ballz. I'm counting on that side growth to produce some big, thick secondary and tertiary stems with lots of nodes.

I'm not 100% on giving up on pinching pods though. Any opinions?

Thanks jj, I really appreciate that. I have several Chocobhuts growing so I'm still hoping for some.

Appreciate the kind words SS. Reloading.......sounds just right.
Thanks Ballz. I'm counting on that side growth to produce some big, thick secondary and tertiary stems with lots of nodes.

I'm not 100% on giving up on pinching pods though. Any opinions?

Thanks jj, I really appreciate that. I have several Chocobhuts growing so I'm still hoping for some.

Appreciate the kind words SS. Reloading.......sounds just right.
Here's a pic of the five plants that I'm going to keep inside. From left to right is: Fatalii, Bhut Jolokia, 7 Pod yellow, 7 Pod Barrackpore and the small one closest to the camera is a Peter Pepper Yellow.


The B.J. and 7 Pod Yellow are both pushing 40"/100cms.

The small pot on the table has an Aussie dwarf lemon tree growing in it. It's getting close to being a year old.
Yep pretty much Ballz. They recently hit the window and I'm beginning to see some new growth on some of the lower nodes. I'm considering topping them but know I probably won't do it.

Got some cool news a few minutes ago. Out clipping dead leaves and assessing the damage from a 4 a.m. thunderstorm that moved through this morning and lo and behold if I didn't find my very first pepper!! I call it that anyway. The flower fell off and the stem is still connected to it but it is a pepper, just an extremely young one. Here's the proof:


Such a cool thing this pepper growing is.
that's awesome news. first pepper! what kind is it? where there's 1, there's many to follow. congrats! Hope the damage from that storm didn't set you back. You've had some weather issues to deal with so far, but looks like you're pulling through nicely. good stuff.
This is a 7 Pod Primo that had a bunch of it's leaves removed. All that did was pave the way for new growth.

sorry. noob question, what does a 7pod primo pepper look like? what's the difference of that between the regular 7pod?

Wow P.! That new side growth is awesome! I'm excited, and they aren't even my plants. :lol:
franzb69 I'm afraid this is my first year growing the 7 Primo so I can't tell you from experience what the difference is between it and a "regular" 7 Pod. There are several different 7 Pods. I'm sure that most of the differences in them are cosmetic, longer, shorter, fatter, thinner, more wrinkles etc. I don't doubt that there is some difference in heat too, the thing is they're so damn hot to begin with it's hard to tell.

Thanks DR, glad I could get you excited. Now I'm excited too!
Took a few pics today and things are slowly getting back to where they should be. I just wish the rain and thunderstorms would give us a break for a few days.

Here's a pic of some of the Bhut Jolokia flavors.


The one in the far back is a Peter Pepper and is still looking for a place to hang out. Starting from the rear is a row of four chocolate B.J.'s, with two still in one gallon containers behind them. Second row are three regular B.J.'s along with the one in the Home Depot bucket up front. The front right is a yellow/lemon B.J.

Next up is the left side of the garden area.


Starting at the rear there are two rows of four 7 Pods, then two rows of five 7 Pods. They include Primo, Brown, Brain Strain, Barrackpore, yellow, plus seeds from AJ and Neil. Then a row of five with two Naga Morich and three Red Savina's. Then a row of five and a row of three Trinidad Scorpions. They are CARDI, and a couple each produced by AJ and Neil's (Hippy) seeds.

To top if all off I found this little Naga Morich pod today. Got me pumped!!


Still to find a spot for are Doughlas, Trinidad Congo, Red and Yellow Scotch Bonnets, Chimayo, Pulla, and Chile de Arbol.