2010 Grow Thread Begins

Looking good Patrick !! I can understand getting interrupted by life ..... or in my case extreme wind this year . But we'll all get things done , no matter what life or the weather throws at us.

Good luck & Peace to All,
P. Dreadie
Thanks guys.

Despite the interruptions I couldn't be happier with the plants.

S.S. the grow bags are from last years plants. The growing medium in them is my base for this year.
patrick said:

Nice looking plants!

That piece of cork really brings back memories from when I had snakes and large fish tanks. Yes, you can use cork in aquariums, but it ain't easy;)
I see sticks in your pots, Patrick- do you tie them to stakes? Is it necessary- of course, you get more breeze than I do.
things are coming along great Patrick. I use stakes on almost all as well, both tied and not tied depending on what the plant seems to need. At this stage I don't want strong winds getting the best of them. Hopefully you find some time soon to get things into their full time homes. Then it's full steam ahead.
Thanks Ballz. Next couple of days come heck or high water I want to get things done.

Celeste, yep I stake every plant. I've lost too many branches and entire plants to the winds around here. Plus this year I didn't run the fan often enough while the plants were growing inside and some of the stems though good sized have very little tensile strength to them. Plus I'm just getting prepared for some seriously heavy pod filled branches.:)
Thanks and you're welcome Josh. I have a couple of each going, isolated and non isolated of your Douglah seeds. True or not I'm really looking forward to what they produce. You could cross them with ice and they would still be wicked hot.
Been fighting the wind the last few days something wicked. Add a bit of sunburn and a few of my plants are looking very rough. I had them all tied off so I didn't lose any but the leaves took a brutal beating. Here's a pic of one of my Chocolate Bhut Jolokia's. Looks like it's been through a couple of hail storms doesn't it? Sure don't look as good as they did while inside.


I'm not too concerned about it though. If you take a look underneath you can see a lot of new growth coming on strong. Man I love growing these tough SOB's.

Thanks guys.

I try to keep four or five five gallon buckets full of water outside next to the plants. Give it time to allow the chlorine to evaporate plus I try to keep a "tea bag" of worm castings and Alaskan humus in one of them. I'll add a few cups of that to the rest of the containers when it's time to use it.

My thinking concerning watering plants in pots is you have to do it slowly. If not then most of the water will run down the sides and out the holes. So I'll drag a bucket around the plants with my 20 ounce cup and give each plant three or four cups worth. Slowly.
Your plants look great Patrick. Are you strictly a container grower? Don't know why I thought you did some dirt farming as well?

Anyway, keep the pics coming - it's always nice to see what plants look like when "done right"!
Thanks DownRiver. Yes I stick to pots around here. I live in the 'burbs right outside Omaha and the bunny population around here explodes in spring and summer. I planted roses in the ground once and the savage bastages ate them down to the dirt. My neighbor puts laundry baskets over her plants to keep them from being eaten. Ugly laundry baskets. What's the point!? That and if you were to dig past the turf you would run into nothing but clay.