2010 Grow Thread Begins

I can't believe how fast the time has gone by this off season. Still have a long way to go before I'll need to pick peppers but you have to love seeing that first little green hook.

Here we go

First pic is a Yellow 7 Pod seeds from TheHippySeedCo.


This is a Trinidad Scorpion, seeds also from the Hippy.


Last is a Trinidad Scorpion CARDI seeds from Chris. Thank you Chris.


All of the seeds were started six days ago on the 5th of January.

I'm using 100% coco fiber as my seed starting medium, same as last year, with a heating pad under the seed tray that is keeping temps in the mid 80's. I keep the trays covered

I'm so freaking excited I can't stand it!
Hi mate.

Have you grown these varieries before? You in for a ride if they turn out as good as some i have tried.

Keep the pics coming mate.

I can't believe your season has already started - kinda! - Pat.

Seems like yesterday I was reading your posts about your crop, but it's all of six months!

Way to go for getting things started again, and good luck with those beauties!
Thanks guys. This will be the first time I've grown these particular species and I'm really looking forward to them. As far as what I'm growing this year other than the ones I've already started I have no idea yet. I'll need to get it figured out soon with the super hots as the growing season is barely long enough here. The "normal" peppers I've got until the middle of May to get them figured out.

Here's what I have started so far:

7 Pots
Barrackpore--trinicoolieboy X 3
Brain Strain--Cappy X 3
Brown/Douglah--??? X 3
Brown/Douglah--Josh X 3
Jonah--Hippy X 3
Primo--Chris X- 3
X-1 (forgotten source) X 3
Yellow--Hippy X 3

Bhut Jolokia
CPI of NMSU X 10
Select seeds from last season X 2

Dorsett Naga--??? X 3
Naga Morich--Hippy X 3
Naga Morich--PeteyPepper X3

Trinidad Scorpions
Red--Hippy X 3
Yellow CARDI--Chris X 3

Trinidad Congo
Select seeds from last season X 2
PepperLover said:
coco fiber where to got that from

pet shops, nursery supply places. i use that and peat moss for my tarantulas(as does patrick i assume) so me and him probly have an abundance of the stuff laying around. lol

and yeah coco fiber is good for al kinds of stuff not just spiders.
If growing in the medium i believe that guys use hydro ferts Huntsman, Stillman has had a great deal of success with hydro ferts and coir.

Edit: It just came to mind that he may mix sand in with it, i cannot fully remember.
I only use the coco fiber for starting the seeds. It doesn't have much food for the plants. I'll switch over to my potting mix when I upgrade these. After they get a couple of true leaves I'll fertilize them with a liquid fertilizer at about 10% strength.

Here are a few updated pics:

Once the seedlings broke ground I put them under florescent lights, very close. I have another seven on the other end of this setup. Got to keep things balanced


Here's a close up of yellow Trinidad Scorpion CARDI.


This is a bit of cheating I did this winter. I tried to over winter a 7 Pod Brain Strain but the freaking aphids decided to try and eat it. I ended up taking several cuttings from it and sticking them in water. This one did have a few tiny pods beginning to develop and I left a few on for fun. Danged if they aren't still there and I swear they're getting bigger! Anyway I wanted to show off the root development. This gal is headed for some potting soil very soon.


Closer shot.

Looking great Patrick. You have a great grow list too, and it will be very soon when we will be seeing some lush green plants coming from you. I have always thought about trying to root a cutting, and after viewing yours, I think I may try to do it this year.
Thanks guys.

I have better success with cuttings when I use the water that runs through my reverse osmosis filter. I need to do some studying on this. Anyone else use filtered water?
Looks like your off to a pretty strong start Patrick! Hopefully Omaha doesn't have the crap summer it did last year