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2010 smackdown

If we're going to have rules and categories, I think we should decide soon!

Really? Some nerves you have after denying my first ripe Fatalii pod last year. Thanks for posting last year threads so all can see last years rules and results. How about we just vote for Potawie prettiest pod, can't lose that one.:P
come on guys...give it a break....geez...

all right...I am getting ready to go to the post office to send out seeds...

I have a lot of names that I didn't take time to match up with usernames...

Here is the list:

peter pepper
Rick Back
Justin Frost
aji chombo

if you wanted seeds and are not on my list, please pm me as soon as possible...I won't be sending any seeds out after this week...time for me to get started on my own 2010 grow season...
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Really? Some nerves you have after denying my first ripe Fatalii pod last year. Thanks for posting last year threads so all can see last years rules and results. How about we just vote for Potawie prettiest pod, can't lose that one.:P

Get over it dude and quit trying to pick the same fight over and over! Nobody cares, and if they do its easy for them to read exactly what happened.
Now thats all I have to say about that.

As for the current smackdown, we need some sort of criteria so people know whats going on. Can any "scorpion" type pepper be used, regardless of tails/stingers, shape, color, or method grown? Are we going for prettiest pepper only? How many pics are allowed, and how is judging going to work? AJ, it looks like your the chief of this one:)
I have been thinking about it...

Here in a little while, I will start a new thread where I will put down what I came up with and we can discuss the finalization of it...gotta go to post office first...
I had an idea for the smackdown. At the end of the season each participant posts three pictures of their scorpion plants/pods/flowers/whatever and we vote for the best all around 2010 Trinidad Scorpion depiction. We can hold other votes like best pod, best plant, etc... People could post their pics all along, but then at the end they post the best three in a special thread. Or we could use a panel of judges. Anyway, just an idea.
OK all....just got back from the post office sending mail to all over the world...you should have seen the girls face...Milaysia, Poland, England....and a bunch for the USA....

This is going to be a non-competitive activity...only time it will become competitive is when everyone votes...

You will be allowed one entry that YOU can choose the Middle of November...then the rest is up to the pollsters...

I can not promise the seed I sent will produce tailed scorpions, however, I can promise you they came from tailed pods....

still haven't opened the other thread yet...I am procrastinating until I have made up my mind about the non-rules...basically, this will be freestyle...
AlabamaJack said:
OK all....just got back from the post office sending mail to all over the world...you should have seen the girls face...Milaysia, Poland, England....and a bunch for the USA....

This is going to be a non-competitive activity...only time it will become competitive is when everyone votes...

You will be allowed one entry that YOU can choose the Middle of November...then the rest is up to the pollsters...

I can not promise the seed I sent will produce tailed scorpions, however, I can promise you they came from tailed pods....

still haven't opened the other thread yet...I am procrastinating until I have made up my mind about the non-rules...basically, this will be freestyle...

Some Scorpion peppers are "Tailed" and some are not? I didnt know that. I am a newbie though so there is tons of stuff I dont know. I guess "tailed" is better?
I have grown them for about 3 years now and it seems some have tails and some don't...both are true scorpions as far as taste/heat goes...I have only saved seed from the "tailed" pods and I have gotten both "tailed" and "tail-less" pods from different plants...it seems that my best looking pods are not large at all though...they probably weigh 3-5 gms each...
AlabamaJack said:
I have grown them for about 3 years now and it seems some have tails and some don't...both are true scorpions as far as taste/heat goes...I have only saved seed from the "tailed" pods and I have gotten both "tailed" and "tail-less" pods from different plants...it seems that my best looking pods are not large at all though...they probably weigh 3-5 gms each...

So, are you ever getting "tailed" and "non-tailed" on the same plant?
AJ sent me a Trinidad Scorpion pod in '08 and I saved the seeds. Here is a pod from last season. Not all the pods turned out this way but there were quite a few.

Great lookin' pod Josh...glad they grew well for you..

IMO this years seed should be even better than last years since I have grown them and selectively kept seeds from the tailed pods...at least in theory...

I have not gotten tailed and non-tailed on the same plant...admitedly some have small tails but if there is one tailed pod, most of them have tails...or at least as far as my memory serves me