2010 smackdown

Novacastrian said:
Me! Just a rather ordinary looking green Scorpion pod :)

the lower left leaves on that look like they have some things clinging to the stomata;)
Maybe baby lady bugs? look like you have one on the top leaf theyre too!
nice pods too
On the day of the announcement I planted 36 Scorpion BT seeds, and here are the first pop-ups.

Do I win :onfire: Do I win :onfire:

You do realize I was joking, right? Was referencing earlier posts w humour.

The sprouts are no joke though. Happy to see them so soon.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
After all the heat I got last year for winning the Fatalii first ripe pod smackdown, what is more black and white that that. I already know I grow beautiful looking scorpion pods and don't need to enter a smackdown to confirm that. I also grow very fast Fatalii pods from seed.:lol: I would like more to be ya'll judge since I am the reining smackdown champion.

Does anybody have the link to that Fatalii Smackdown yall had? I am wanting to read that but I am not seeing it.
To my understanding, this is a prettiest (or meanest, a matter of perspective) pod not first pod, biggest plant, most pods, etc. Doesn't matter when it was started, which strain etc., though I would be interested in different categories for red and yellow. But that is up to AJ as he is the chief in charge of this.

I am looking forward to all the pics!
jjs7741 said:
To my understanding, this is a prettiest (or meanest, a matter of perspective) pod not first pod, biggest plant, most pods, etc. Doesn't matter when it was started, which strain etc., though I would be interested in different categories for red and yellow. But that is up to AJ as he is the chief in charge of this.

I am looking forward to all the pics!

Thanks. I started my seeds on 01-20-2010. I have both the red and yellow seeds waiting to sprout. This is my first year and I am eggcited. I cant wait to be taking picutres of the peppers. I am really excited about the different 7 pot and Buht Jolokias. I have both red and yellow Scorpions planted along with several differnt habs. The two I am most excited about is the Fatalii and the rocotos. I dont know why but the fataliis pictures just have me facinated.

I still cant find that thread about the Fatalii SmackDown. ¿Anybody?
I'm in. Best looking pod and ugliest pod seems like the most fair way to go. Those of us who live in the "wrong" climate would never have a chance competing for the earliest or the largest pod.