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2012: The Year The Internet Ends

Interesting. On a possibly supporting note, I used the word "(self edited)" in the review forum (since no other word would do) and it appeared to NOT be edited.

Is this a sign of the apocalypse?

EDIT: it appears to be intact here. Not wanting to offend, should I self-censor?
Not so cheezy...is all manual labor & way too many posts to check them all.
We rely on common sense & alert members a lot...if a post is reported it will be followed up.
Right on. I subscribe to another forum very similar to this one. On there, it is an accepted form of expression to type in a "swear" word, knowing that it will automatically be converted to "****" when displayed.

Sorry! I will be more careful moving forward.
I thought 2012 was the end of the world because of the mayan calendar, not the loss of internet service ?
because of several planet alignments
chilehunter said:
I thought 2012 was the end of the world because of the mayan calendar, not the loss of internet service ?
because of several planet alignments
Well, the whole 2012 thing is because that's when the Mayan calander ends. They don't say anything about the world coming to an end. And it's 2013, not 20012. They (read: us, not the Mayans) forgot to factor in the fact that the gregorian calinder jumped from 1BC to 1AD and skipped 0.

Now the world ending/changing stuff is interesting because all the scientific studies are starting to point to 2012/2013 as to when the shit's hitting the fan. Global warming/cooling, solar output and storms, and many other things.

Ontop of that we pass through the galatic plain at this point which is an eather rich part of space. The planets are growing in size because of it (which is also throwing off plate techtonics).

Also there are alot of large rocks in that area of space so one just might smack into us.

Plus you also factor in Terrance McKenna's Nolvelty theory and combine that with a few other theories and you have what appears to be a shift in concousness of the short that REALLY changes thing (because, perception is all that really matter in a Holographic Universe).

Needless to say....anchient Chinese curse say "May you live in interesting times".
chilehunter said:
well how does paris hilton figure into the equation :think:
She's one of the Four Horsemen...Pestulance....seriously...just imagine how many STD's she got.....uuuughhh

: shutters :

chilehunter said:
but seriously it looks like you've did some reading on this.
Ya....I'm a bit of a science nerd. When everyone else was out on the playground in grade-school, I was in the library reading UFO books on anti-gravity...
ok since you brought up the UFO stuff & you believe in aliens, I have a question for ya. its kinda a 2 parter.

whats with tin foil & why ?
& if aliens exsisted & were capable of visiting earth, which would mean 100 light years away for the most likely planets that are capable of growing life. please tell me why someone would think "tin foil" would stop aliens from reading their minds, really if they were capable of traveling that far like just going out for a pizza, hows tin foil gonna stop them ?

(BTW I dont believe aliens visit earth, not saying I dont think theres life somewhere out there but just not close enough to earth, meaning within 100 light years close to earth. space is a very very huge place. I remember reading something about a star blowing up in ? 11c or ? & we just saw it now about couple months ago (the light explosion)
chilehunter said:
which would mean 100's of light years away for the most likely planets that are capable of growing life.
Most of these aliens that visit earth (and I beileive the list is up to 8 species as far as the government's got listed) don't travel at NASA shuttle speed. We could get into a whole "folding space" and "extradimensional beings" talk but it's late and I'm feeling sleepy and don't want to bore everyone esle.

chilehunter said:
please tell me why someone would think "tin foil" would stop aliens from reading their minds,
Because people are idiots. Duh :rolleyes:

I've actually made a few tin foil hats myself and worn them around just for shits and giggles. The whole tim foil thing is basically a mockery of UFO believers.

chilehunter said:
(BTW I dont believe aliens visit earth, not saying I dont think theres life somewhere out there but just not close enough to earth)
Would now be a good time to bring up that I've seen 6 seperate UFO's (in 5 seperate experiences) in my time starting at age 5? :scared:

The physical evidence of the UFO phenominom and aliens on Earth are just to extensive to say it doesn't exist.
Um...yeah.... You need to visit New Mexico for a week. It will change your mind forever.

Why do they like this place, anyway?
DevilDuck said:
Um...yeah.... You need to visit New Mexico for a week. It will change your mind forever.

Why do they like this place, anyway?

well sorry to say I dont think "those" "aliens" will change my mind ;)
& what you see could be any govt project, so what ya been working on lately, AJ ? :lol:

gardenkiller said:
Remulak DUH.....haven't you seen Coneheads?:rolleyes:

yea I've seen it, it was alright.
wheres the parts,bodies,waste,etc... I mean real proof not just questionable video.
I've even bought a aliens DVD set & nothing really points to "real proof"
imaguitargod said:
Most of these aliens that visit earth (and I beileive the list is up to 8 species as far as the government's got listed) don't travel at NASA shuttle speed. We could get into a whole "folding space" and "extradimensional beings" talk but it's late and I'm feeling sleepy and don't want to bore everyone esle.

Because people are idiots. Duh :rolleyes:

I've actually made a few tin foil hats myself and worn them around just for shits and giggles. The whole tim foil thing is basically a mockery of UFO believers.

Would now be a good time to bring up that I've seen 6 seperate UFO's (in 5 seperate experiences) in my time starting at age 5? :scared:

The physical evidence of the UFO phenominom and aliens on Earth are just to extensive to say it doesn't exist.

Hey, IGG I actually get into talking about things like this. You should get back on here and do some more taling later.;) (Seriously, I did poor in school because it bored me, but have always been interested in science.)