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2012: The Year The Internet Ends

Omri said:
EASY, don't use ISPs.

good plan but it looked like you'd be paying for search engines & hubs...they'd be able to block I.P's who don't pay.
I don't see how they could stop someone from just opening another free setup ??

It reminds me of AOL (i think) a few years back who thought they were big & invincible enough to charge customers per email sent.

big biz will try
bentalphanerd said:
eerily my brother (who can out conspiracy theory any being in the universe) just sent me this link
really spooky

Nights in England are coal black, making parachute jumps difficult and dangerous. So we attach small lights called chemlites to our jumpsuits to make ourselves visible to the rest of our team. Late one night, lost after a practice jump, we knocked on the door of a small cottage. When a woman answered, she was greeted by the sight of five men festooned in glowing chemlites. "Excuse me," I said. "Can you tell me where we are?" In a thick English accent, the woman replied, "Earth!"

bentalphanerd said:
eerily my brother (who can out conspiracy theory any being in the universe) just sent me this link
really spooky
Ha! missed that! :lol:
Most look like artifacts and the rest are smudges. :shocked:
DevilDuck said:
Why do they like this place, anyway?
Probably due to it being on/near one of Earth's lay lines.

chilehunter said:
wheres the parts,bodies,waste,etc... I mean real proof not just questionable video.
There's really alot of it out there. Both photographic, video, and physical evidence. There's even mumified remains of a very small alien.

chilehunter said:
I've even bought a aliens DVD set & nothing really points to "real proof"
I love those movies...Seagornie Weaver is so hot.... :lol: :rolleyes: ;)

rabbit said:
Hey, IGG I actually get into talking about things like this. You should get back on here and do some more taling later.;)
Here I am...and there I go! I'll log back on around 1ish. I have to go to the market and then to the bar.

rabbit said:
(Seriously, I did poor in school because it bored me, but have always been interested in science.)
Sounds like you are like me. I realized schoold was a bunch of biased, outdated, spoonfed crap way back in 3rd grade. Up till them I was a streight A+ student. After that I would do just the minium to get by and spent the rest of the time in the library educating myself.

Although I do wish I had payed more attention to my spelling classes.....

Sickmont said:
Dont you mean "whores men"?
LOL, good one.
To think that we are the only life out there is ridiculous. I am a little freaked when I look around (galactically speaking) and don't see life on any nearby planets:(

I don't think we realize how delicate we are.

Did you say the planets are growing IGG????

That concerns me. If the balance of our solar system is thrown off very much, we could slowly fall into the sun, or be catapulted out into cold cold space.
I'm back from the bar and online. Had a horribly bitter IPA from Great Lakes Brewery (named Rye of the Tiger). Ever since I've had peyote (3 times) I can no longer do anything bitter. It just reminds me too much of that horrible horrible taste....ugh.

cheezydemon said:
To think that we are the only life out there is ridiculous. I am a little freaked when I look around (galactically speaking) and don't see life on any nearby planets:
I completely agree when it comes to ignorance about thinking we are the only form of life out there. There's so much evidence to the contrary.

As for life on nearby planets there's also alot of evidence to support that. Take Mars for example. There's all these artifacts that the rovers (if they are actually on the planet...but that's a whole other discussion) are finding. Plus tehre's the seasonal growth on the planet (trees,.....which I believe are actually extremely large cactus. In my first Peyote trip I talked with a large group of cacti up the road from me and they taught me all about the cactus' on mars...but that's a story for another time) as shown by German's probe pictures.

Then there's the tunnel systems, the fact that there's alot of water in the atmoshpear and the puddles of liquid water....and that really interesting picture of the two aliens that was just released from the lander archives a month ago. Picture can be seen here.

On top of that you have Saturn's artificial moon, Iapetus but doesn't seem to be functioning anymore. Couple that with the very geologically active moon of Jupiter, Europa, that's covered in a thick sheet of ice but contains liquid underneath it, there's the possibility of life everywhere.

But don't look to NASA to release it due to Brown's Report (or is it Browning....I can't remember) of 1952 which said that if the US government came out with the information that there is extraterrestrial life there would be mass panic. People would riot and governments would fall. Ever since then there's been coverups larger than what preceded it and NASA has adapted this report as their own secret little rule.

cheezydemon said:
I don't think we realize how delicate we are.
I like to think that we've already been smashed into smithereens but we blinked and missed it, ;)

cheezydemon said:
Did you say the planets are growing IGG????

That concerns me. If the balance of our solar system is thrown off very much, we could slowly fall into the sun, or be catapulted out into cold cold space.

Yep, slowly but with gaining speed in recent years. They are able the measure the planet's size and growth with a network of mirrors that they have in the upper atmoshpier. Lasers are bounced off various points and that's how they get their measurements.

I wouldn't worry about falling into the sun though, I'd worry about plate techtonics more than anything at this point.
Not me personally, but for my great great grandkids that I was worried for.

Increased tectonic activity would create more friction and therefore more heat, presumeably releasing even more greenhouse gases, etc. etc.

Great discussion... (til CH gets back;)) No offense meant chilehunter lol.
Okay this is just a theory not necessarily a fact. While I love to think that this may be possible, there are a few things that don't make sense. How did mountains come to be?? Are these people ignoring the LAWS of science which say matter cannot be created or destroyed?? Where is all of the water coming from. If the earth is expanding that much, how the heck are the ocean levels up, heck where did all of the water come from to fill the oceans? Like I said, very interesting, but I wouldn't put money on it being true.
i think there are some serious malthusian catastrophes on the horizon before any of that gets us...

i definately beleive in life on other planets, we like to think we're special but the conditions for life are not unique. and we're totally being visited, just think what we'd do if we could move from planet to planet easily, we'd check out what things are like then move on to the next planet. i don't think any aliens have any special interest in us/our planet on account of that whole "we're not special" thing, but we're still worth knowing about. and heck yea it's being covered up, but who cares, it's not like aliens wanna hang out with us and there are a lot of people who would freak out. a person can be smart, but people are stupid.

about the video - did the chick in the middle serve any purpose other than having cleavage?
gardenkiller said:
That is just a huge thing, and with the rescent seismic activity I assumed it would have been mentioned in the media somewhere.
HA! Good luck finding any true news on the regular "media stations". I alway s enjoy calling Fox new, "Faux News".

gardenkiller said:
Okay this is just a theory not necessarily a fact. While I love to think that this may be possible, there are a few things that don't make sense. How did mountains come to be?? Are these people ignoring the LAWS of science which say matter cannot be created or destroyed?? Where is all of the water coming from. If the earth is expanding that much, how the heck are the ocean levels up, heck where did all of the water come from to fill the oceans? Like I said, very interesting, but I wouldn't put money on it being true.
This is more than just a theory, it is scientific fact. There are so many things that science just doesn't understand (take electricity for example). There's a whole other area of science that people just ignore and label "fringe science". That's the area where people go, "here's all the evidence that proves that. We've checked, rechecked and reproduced it selveral times for you" and the rest of the scientists go, "Uhhh...that undermines what we've been saying all of these years. This will revoke our grants from the Univeristies."

All of these things are explianed but people choose to ignore it because it isn't what Fox News reports on or spoons feeds them. It's sickening and disqusting quite frankley.
imaguitargod said:
There's really alot of it out there. Both photographic, video, and physical evidence. There's even mumified remains of a very small alien.

I love those movies...Seagornie Weaver is so hot.... :lol: :rolleyes: ;)

no I wasnt talking about the "aliens" movies, I was talking about a DVD set about alien lifeforms that visit earth.
I beleive theres another lifeform somewhere, BUT the distances make it hard to accept that earth is being visited.

when you say "proof" its not much for proof, nothing real in your face kind of proof.

as for the previous saying " humans would create mass panic" if they knew aliens exsisted, well thats back in the day we humans were affraid of anything that was not normal to their own country (example us americans were affraid of the russians years ago)
times change & most people are kinda open minded nowadays, so why hide the fact of another lifeform ? I mean if they are for real & our govt's have had contact with them on several occasions & they're friendly. why would it be a big deal for the rest of the human race to know of another lifeform that exsists.

then why would they want to visit earth anyways ? if they're friendly whats their reason ? I highly doubt traveling 100 light years or more for the sake of just probing some humans or taking some cattle. what would be their reason ? if they're so advance in technology why bother with us measly humans ? they have nothing to gain for knowledge from us humans, other than taking over planet earth (if they were that type of species) but if they really exsisted & were that type then it would of been known worldwide because more or less the human race would of been under attack.

& if aliens (that are so highly evolved lifeform wise & technology wise) were really visting earth, why are they being seen ?
wouldnt a visit to earth be nothing more than a recon mission for them ? so why the lights ? I doubt they'd care about our human air space laws for visual for aircraft (lights). our govt's test all types of aircrafts & keep building newer things.

let alone there would of been some incidents of actual exchange of firepower between humans/aliens at some point in time, heck most govt's are ready & willing to exchange firepower at will at unidentified aircraft in their airspace, & the language barrier would of been huge for some time, so where are these incidents ?

it may sound like I'm a disbeliever about aliens, but I'm not, its just I dont beleive earth is being visited.
another thing is if humans can go from 1st flight & to the moon in a span of about 50 years. wheres is this alien technology they use ? its been about 50 years since the so called 1st contact with aliens. humans would of taking their technology & use it!

& mars was not in the perfect location to fully develop like earth to create lifeforms, you ever heard "close but no cigar" ? well thats mars.
we're talking about living breathing human/animal like lifeforms not microorganisms. the most likely planets for this are far far far away!