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2016 Grow Start

Been starting some seeds, the first is the Jalapeno, used fresh from the Red ones and only 50% came up, glad I soaked them first to see who would sprout. Planted them in soil and they have come up so , so far so good :)
My Aji Lemon after a long struggle with Aphids  is finally looking good, so Im breathing easier now with him :)

SavinaRed said:
I just picked some of that up this weekend from Home Depot in anticipation of the aphids. I'm going to buy some ladybugs first and give that a shot.
  I actually use both. Ladybugs when there are only a few aphids. But once I see sap on the leaves and clusters I hit em with bug b gone. By the next day all the little bastards go from green to brown as they are dried out and dead. You can just blow them off the leaves. No left over residue.
The best Ive found is those little wasps, god sent, all I see is the remnants of the bloated aphid bodies but non crawling around. Out of 5 pots all the action is all on one pot, the others are free, looks a mess but as long as their healthy till good weather comes im happy.