• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2018 Southern Hemisphere Grow Down-Under

Hi All
It's getting to that stage where we need to plan the next growdown.
I can supply the Aji Cito seeds, but will need to get them posted pretty quick so get voting
I also have no issue if we go with something else, but will need to order in good time as it takes ages to get to NZ
If you vote 'Something Else' post a suggested variety
Poll closes Friday 27th April
General Rules
  • Seeds to be started on or after start date
  • Germinate and grow as many as you want
  • All grow styles and techniques welcome
  • Only one plant can count towards your entry
  • Nominate your growdown plant at first weigh in
  • Weigh each harvest, and post picture of pods on scales here
  • Heaviest total weight of pods in one year from start will be the winner
  • Honour system - If you cheat the Aphid Gods will know
What a difference a few weeks away can do!
It's been hot , but not too hot in the last month , so I have pods and flowers all over.
First pic from 5 weeks ago , desember 14 2018

Today January 17 2019 ,  note the extra shade cover on top of the net.

The pods are getting bigger.

46 pods 
86 grams

Passion fruit fly, I had to look them up.
Not much different to what I am getting by the looks of it. Surprising you are getting them inside your enclosure, is it open on one side or something?
If they are anything like the Queensland fruit fly, noticing them is just the start. They escalate quickly.
At least you are getting lots of ripe pods, they look good too.
bob65 said:
Not two minutes after I posted those pictures I went to put the stung pods in the freezer (I freeze them for 2 days at least to kill the egg or maggot and then seal them in a plastic bag for garbage day).
Dirty little maggot had dropped out of the pod that it had destroyed.
So sorry about this all Bob. They just need to die!
I have something similar in the late summer early fall; the Leaf footed leaf hopper ruins the crops with stings. They have a drinking problem...
Fruit Fly Update
Taken over 4 days.



21 pods for 66g
The pod that is sitting beside the scales in the first pic is from another Cito plant. This plant is not in a great spot, it is barely knee high, and other than watering it has been ignored. A closer look the other day and I found 5 or 6 pods on it. They seem to have been left alone by the FF.
In the last pic, the big pod that is kind of separate (nearest the readout) is just starting to change color, but it hasn't been stung yet so I thought I would let it ripen on the windowsill rather than feed the FF with it.
So far I have 100 pods for 301g.
I am going to get more aggressive with the fruit fly.
Unfortunately this will probably mean taking all the pods off of the plants that are not under the net and spraying.
Hopefully this will let me save the season for them, still have a few months of growing to go here.
The advice that I have been given is that this will take care of the FF, but I can't help but think that once the spray "wears off" that more are just going to come in.
Thanks mate, edited the post, should have been 301.
I agree, I am getting some nice big pods, average 3g. Pity all but about 3 or 4 have been only fit for the rubbish bin.
No ripe pods yet, all still green, but the cito plant is about 2m tall in the greenhouse and has dozens of green pods. It's unfortunately not in the best position, stuck behind a huge row of 2.5m tall really thick jalapenos that steal a lot of the direct sunlight. I'm hoping it's going to ripen up a bunch all at once later. Here's a pic of the cito plant (first) followed by a wide pic of the jalapenos and then a close-up of one section of the jalapenos.


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