• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2018 Southern Hemisphere Grow Down-Under

Hi All
It's getting to that stage where we need to plan the next growdown.
I can supply the Aji Cito seeds, but will need to get them posted pretty quick so get voting
I also have no issue if we go with something else, but will need to order in good time as it takes ages to get to NZ
If you vote 'Something Else' post a suggested variety
Poll closes Friday 27th April
General Rules
  • Seeds to be started on or after start date
  • Germinate and grow as many as you want
  • All grow styles and techniques welcome
  • Only one plant can count towards your entry
  • Nominate your growdown plant at first weigh in
  • Weigh each harvest, and post picture of pods on scales here
  • Heaviest total weight of pods in one year from start will be the winner
  • Honour system - If you cheat the Aphid Gods will know
Big storm here last night, broke the end off of one of the branches.
More fruit fly damage, plus the little ones that were on the broken branch.
16 for 30g.

Plus 2 that are just changing color but not stung
2 for 6g.

Total of 118 for 337g.
I did pull another 4 from the little plant that I mentioned earlier on, so I am not totally without any pods, just nowhere near as many as I should have.
Well we had some record breaking heat last week. It hit 46.6 in Adelaide which is the hottest on record. Out at my place we got up to 47.7
Happy to say the plants are still in reasonably good health. The biggest problem is that virtually all blossoms dropped off in the heat so I may not get as big of a total yield as i was hoping.Here's a couple more weigh-ins from this week
new total is 92 pods @ 188 grams

15 for another 50g, including one that is not stung (just starting to change color).

Total of 133 for 387g.
Even though I have ripped over 130 pods from this plant every way you look at it it is still loaded.
I have cut off the longer branches like the one that broke in the storm the other night so it is only about 150cm tall now.



So far we have had a great mid-summer , with hot weather , but no blossom dropping heat waves. Temps around 30-38 Celsius , but nothing into the 40's yet.
Lots of pods ripening and lots of new growth and flowers . Aji Cito still under 40% shadenet and additional solid reed panel to block the midday sun directly above it.
Lost one big branch due to dog damage..
80 pods for 175 g





skullbiker said:
You have your own little jungle of pepper plants there. Good job.
Thanks , but the jungle is getting neglected due to this single plant.
It's becoming quite a PITA to pick.
I am breaking off to many branches and leaves  , so I changed to a cutter . I just cut all the stems and then pick up the pods from the ground.
Another 6 pods for 25g.
3 ripe ones and 3 that have been stung.

Small victory I guess but I haven't seen any FF for a week and if I am picking as many ripe ones as stung I am happy.
I can't see any on the plant that have obviously been stung, and no fruit dropped on the ground so I think the spray is working.
bob65 said:
Another 6 pods for 25g.
3 ripe ones and 3 that have been stung.
Small victory I guess but I haven't seen any FF for a week and if I am picking as many ripe ones as stung I am happy.
I can't see any on the plant that have obviously been stung, and no fruit dropped on the ground so I think the spray is working.
That is awesome news, Bob.  Maybe the chili
gods will smile on you for the duration of the
season  :P
Best of all luck going forward, brother. 
Two pods, 10g :) The plant is 2.5m tall and has maybe 100 - 200 unripe pods, and all varieties in my greenhouse have just started to ripen as the weather hit the summer peak.


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