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4th Annual Secret Satan Gift Exchange

Got mine over the weekend, finally had a chance to unpack & get a pic!


Thank you @salsalady I'll be enjoying these for a while!
I’ve been waiting for my “Secret Satan” package to arrive, not knowing what to expect. I had recently installed a video surveillance system, not the best, but within my budget. Kind of a “Ring” knockoff at my front door, but it does work pretty well. Gotta love modern technology…

Some 9 months ago or so, a younger couple moved in next door. They seemed “cool” to me and I welcomed them to the neighborhood with home made wine and of course, some hot sauce. I noticed that the guy worked long hours and had trouble keeping the yard in check. So, as a good neighbor, when time permitted, I would cut their grass whenever I cut mine.

Imagine my surprise, when I reviewed my video and witnessed this same guy stealing a package off my front porch. I was livid. After all I’d done, this guy steals from me. What nerve and audacity, he knows fully well who I am and what I do.

So, today with search warrant in hand, we kicked in the door, searched the house and found my package. Unopened. He explained that he saw the delivery and because of the torrential rain, he wanted to keep it dry and was planning to give it to me when he saw me return home from work.

So now, I have my package from Stettoman. It is surely that I will be sued and even as likely that I will lose my job. Watch for the news reports.

But, that’s ok with me, the package is awesome! :cheers:

*Just a parody, not to be taken seriously. Long workday, no chance for proper photos and post. But had to say “something” in the interim. :P

Thank you my friend.
I’ve been waiting for my “Secret Satan” package to arrive, not knowing what to expect. I had recently installed a video surveillance system, not the best, but within my budget. Kind of a “Ring” knockoff at my front door, but it does work pretty well. Gotta love modern technology…

Some 9 months ago or so, a younger couple moved in next door. They seemed “cool” to me and I welcomed them to the neighborhood with home made wine and of course, some hot sauce. I noticed that the guy worked long hours and had trouble keeping the yard in check. So, as a good neighbor, when time permitted, I would cut their grass whenever I cut mine.

Imagine my surprise, when I reviewed my video and witnessed this same guy stealing a package off my front porch. I was livid. After all I’d done, this guy steals from me. What nerve and audacity, he knows fully well who I am and what I do.

So, today with search warrant in hand, we kicked in the door, searched the house and found my package. Unopened. He explained that he saw the delivery and because of the torrential rain, he wanted to keep it dry and was planning to give it to me when he saw me return home from work.

So now, I have my package from Stettoman. It is surely that I will be sued and even as likely that I will lose my job. Watch for the news reports.

But, that’s ok with me, the package is awesome! :cheers:

*Just a parody, not to be taken seriously. Long workday, no chance for proper photos and post. But had to say “something” in the interim. :P

Thank you my friend.

Gee Reggie, ever give thought to maybe writing a book?

Ok, how about ANOTHER book...

Merry Hotsmas, Off'cer Sharpe!
Seeing these great spreads, I think I under-did my package this year. Apologies to my recipient.
People who jump in days after joining the site, without knowing anybody here, need NOT apologize for the giving spirit! 🎅
Here is the cache' I got from stettoman. :metal:
The four items on the left are from the "old homestead" in Minnesota, the others are creations from the "new" homestead in Colorado. The jelly I've had before (absolutely incredible, damn near worth its weight in gold.)

I've had this before, but only from our late friend GIP. This is an absolute honor to have some of the tribute batch! I will put it on buttered corn-on-the-cob as I did with GIP's. Killer.



I've never had any of the other stuff, they all look delicious- I am looking forward to trying them all. :cheers:

Thank you stettoman!!
Our new friend Tony at HellfireFarm sent me some excellent yumm!!

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Uh...ok, the mug is photo-bombing, nevermind the mug...:oops:

This Hatch powder will get used almost immediately; I always make my own enchilada sauce, and Boxing Day (I celebrate vicariously via a few Canadian friends) is always enchilada day at my house. One of the most-used savories in my kitchen...This should be goooood this year, as my CO friends are always knocking Hatch in favor of the Pueblo farms...

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And speaking of Hatch, my main ingredient for pork green chile, right cheer. I've been using the 505 brand when I'm out of the home-grown because of availability locally, this'll be a great chance to expand a bit.

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Sorry, couldn't help it. Perfect timing, too: A friend brought over homemade tort chips the other night and I just happened to be pretty good and hungry! The label (and Tony) are right, it's darn mild, but the flavor blend is splendid on the palate!! Really nice touch of mango.

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And these are Tony's own, and though I don't have the (literally) intestinal fortitude to take these hotties on by themselves, my last five years spent with you wonderful THP-lings have taught me the art of incremental addition to sauces, salsas and recipes. In fact, I'm inspired to attempt a soursop hotsauce (yes @salsalady, they are widely available here in the Springs!), a small batch with Fatali and one with something with more aggressive tendencies.

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Great gifts, Tony, thank you!

Oh, and if you get my name again next year, I wear a 9 & 1/2 EE ranch boot....for uh, gardening, you know? ;)

Merry merry merry, everyone!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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