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outdoors a fishing thread


Trout opener has come & gone with it my weeks vacation chasing all things trout. I stay away from opening day as the shit show is just too much for me to handle, guy's greasing in on your hole, miss handled fish, roe eaters discarding fish just for the roe...all kinds of crap. The day after though it is almost a ghost town, the fish take a shit kick'n the first day but give them a day or two & they come back round & you'll be next to alone, only die hard steelheaders remain. For the first time in a long time Bow's were the only trout species I caught this week, couldn't find a Brookie or Brown to save my life.
Total distance travelled 2500Km
Species caught     Rainbows-26
                              Suckers- 50+ (White & Red Horse)
                              Small Mouth 50+ (OOS no pictures)



A couple of guy's trying to grease our hole from us, didn't last long





First one of the year for the Russian Cosmonaut


My Bud's first Ditch Demon

And there's always the tasty beverages on every river
Hank what is that crazy bugeyed dinosaur fish?
Grouper season started may 1st, I had a big final yesterday that raped me and my class, so my roommate and I went out spearfishing off the kayak and beach to help us recover. I have another final tomorrow lol. Cooler picture: From top to bottom: Humongo 24" mangrove snapper,  his smaller counterpart mangrove snapper, to the left is the lion fish, and to the bottom is a just legal 20" red grouper


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I took a few days off to go to the Catskills.  It was brutal as I fished in my heavy winter jacket in the rain and wind, and didn’t have a lot to show for it.
I did manage to catch this chain pickerel on Friday, but it was a day before pickerel season opened, and it wouldn’t have been a keeper anyway, as it was under the 15 inch New York State minimum, so it got to live another day.  At least I now know that I can find pickerel in that lake.

 So far, this lake has been my secret spot—I haven’t seen anybody else fishing there.

I lost a big fish while trolling for trout and walleye.  I’m confident that I’ll land a few lunkers this season and look forward to sharing pictures, but for now, here are some of the panfish that I caught:

I did have a good time and will be back in June.
FishinHank said:
Yep. Season opens up mid may here.
Nice, those fish are so tasty! I prefer them over Halibut. You can catch them year round in these parts but rarely do you get the big 20 lb'rs 
Shorerider said:
Nice catch, and great shot placement. Seems as though you're making short work of a days catch with your new gun. 
thanks, I go out with my roommate, we got the same gun on black friday. I snagged the larger 19.5" hog on top, he got the other two. I've been trying to aim more middle of the body towards the spine, had a few ventral top shots and had them shake/tear off the spear before 
Most times I'll try to head shoot fish so as to not ruin the meat if the fish struggles. But, of course this depends on many factors like fish size, body shape and the actual shot placement opportunity.
With more slender/long fish I'll try a mid body shot for maximum target area, bigger fish I tend to aim just behind the gills as you did on that larger Hog. Smaller, less skittish fish can be head shot most times as the spear shaft will easily penetrate their skulls.
Gruesome, yes, but this ensures NO injured fish is lost to swim away and die a slow death, all part of responsible spearfishing.
ColdSmoke said:
Nice, those fish are so tasty! I prefer them over Halibut. You can catch them year round in these parts but rarely do you get the big 20 lb'rs 

I prefer them also. I would consider these lings to be medium/small for this area.
ColdSmoke said:
Nice, those fish are so tasty! I prefer them over Halibut. You can catch them year round in these parts but rarely do you get the big 20 lb'rs 

I prefer them also. I would consider these lings to be medium/small for this area.