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outdoors a fishing thread

Haven't been fishing in too long. Glad others are getting out and making posts.  Kinda missing when I lived in Miami and Tampa/ Clearwater and I could be out and tying into some decent fish in just a few minutes - or at least out and trying to tie into them.  Largemouth, peacock bass, redfish, snook, tarpon, and more all within 5-10 minutes of home.  Man, might be time for a visit back to the FL soon.
CaneDog said:
Haven't been fishing in too long. Glad others are getting out and making posts.  Kinda missing when I lived in Miami and Tampa/ Clearwater and I could be out and tying into some decent fish in just a few minutes - or at least out and trying to tie into them.  Largemouth, peacock bass, redfish, snook, tarpon, and more all within 5-10 minutes of home.  Man, might be time for a visit back to the FL soon.
I'm hopefully going spearfishing sunday. either out of dania beach swimming or maybe out of government cut in miami on my dad's boat. we'll see how the weather holds up
I've been way to busy this year, really only squeezed in a few days here & there. But i i manage to get away for a fly in trip to Ogoki Lake last week. It starts with a 14hr drive north/west to Nakina Ontario from Toronto then roughly 1 hr float plane ride. Went looking for fall Pike & found them as well as Walleye by the bucket loads, 100+ fish over the gunnels daily was the norm, not the exception. Anyway if anyone has ever thought about doing a fly in trip I strongly say DO IT!!! Weather can be crap but so worth it, especially if you are the adventurous type that will slug it off the beaten path.




BigB said:
I'm hopefully going spearfishing sunday. either out of dania beach swimming or maybe out of government cut in miami on my dad's boat. we'll see how the weather holds up

Just checking in BigB.  Did you make it out?
CaneDog said:
Just checking in BigB.  Did you make it out?
We got out. Trip was short, had some engine trouble so didn't get to go the distance we wanted to, so stayed closer. I got 1 nice yellow jack, and we saw a few good snapper, but missed the opportunity to get them.  Long story short, we got to the 2nd reef and my friend's wooden gun snapped in half from wood rot after 20 years, and i got plowed in the face with a jelly fish. So we just called it early and left. 
Nice work on the Yellow Jack!  Snapper would have been great - hopefully next trip.  Those jelly fish can really suck.  I remember getting blasted by a Portuguese man o' war off south beach and it wasn't a picnic.
Thanks - "Keepers" in New York State are 9 inches.  I caught some big ones this season.
I was targeting the Blowfish with a double Fluke rig - two hooks baited with Squid and a sinker in the middle, but a few porgy hit the rig.  The Porgies are very tasty, but the Blowfish are delicious!
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
that`s a nice sized porgy!
dragon49 said:
Thanks - "Keepers" in New York State are 9 inches.  I caught some big ones this season.
I was targeting the Blowfish with a double Fluke rig - two hooks baited with Squid and a sinker in the middle, but a few porgy hit the rig.  The Porgies are very tasty, but the Blowfish are delicious!
i never caught or ate blowfish but i used to catch sea robins and throw them back. are they edible? most of my saltwater fishing was in long island sound and i was after stripers, bluefish, flounder and the occasional blackfish.
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
i never caught or ate blowfish but i used to catch sea robins and throw them back. are they edible? most of my saltwater fishing was in long island sound and i was after stripers, bluefish, flounder and the occasional blackfish.
They are considered trash fish (and generally tossed back) by most of the people in the area where I catch them, but they fry up just fine - good white meat.
Almost caught up—here are some highlights from the last two weeks of August:
I didn't have a very good snapper (young Bluefish) season.  Normal patterns in my area have the snappers running an hour before high tide to an hour after high tide.  This season, they only followed the pattern if high tide was in the evening.  I had family obligations and was only able to fish during the day, so I only caught a few.  Oddly enough, I didn't catch any with the popular topwater "snapper popper" setup, or my trusty 1/4 ounce sliver shiny Kastmsters.  I caught these "schoolless" fish while targeting Blowfish with my double-fluke rig, baited with Squid:

Not all of the porgies that I landed were huge, but they were all keepers - at least 9 inches:

Here are some of the many Blowfish that I caught.  Sometime before the weekend is over, I'll post a recipe and pictures in the "Wild Game or Fish" thread, in the "Cooking with Fire," sub-forum:




The local Herring Gulls are dangerous:  One day, when I had my back turned, two of them stole two of my fish and started running away.  I chased after them with a friend; both of us yelling.  To my surprise, they dropped the fish.  Had they wanted to, they could have gotten away with the robbery.  Here is a funny picture of one of the juvenile (the young one's don't have the pure white coloring of the adults) Gulls eating a fish head that I threw it:

Here is a pretty picture of the body of water I fished in.

All caught up now:
I caught this footlong Yellow Perch and the slightly smaller one last weekend.  I landed one with a simple worm, bobber, and double split shot rig.  It was hard to bring in.  The fish wasn't aggressive—it just keep nibbling at the bottom of the worm, moving the bobber ever so slowly.  I managed to tease it with the right reeling motion, set the hook, and brought the prize home.  The other I caught while trolling with a Rebel Crickhopper crankbait.

A couple of Pumpkinseed Sunfish:
