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AJs 2012 Season - A Pictorial Discussion

I am getting a one day jump on last season...today is my 2012 season start...

The Germinator has been cleaned, I am using new trays for seed starting and Hoffman's Seed Starting Mix as my grow media...

If any of you decide to use Hoffman's Seed Starting Mix, be patient, it takes as much as 24 hours pre-soak to get this light weight mix totally wet...I have said it before and I will say it again...this is the cleanest seed starting mix I have ever used....clean and light weight means better root growth IMO..


All circuits and systems are a go on the germinator...am stabilizing the temperature for the next 24 hours...as you can see, the upper box is about 93F and the lower box is 85F...I have to vent the top to let both chambers reach the same temperature...



something tells me this is going to be another hot summer....close to record heat again...so the season will go as mother wants it to...I am learning each year how to change my grow techniques and am adapting to North Texas...

hope you folks enjoy this thread...if anyone has any questions or comments, they are welcome...
don't know PS...I am pretty sure the BB is billyboy and it is probably one that he grew out...I didn't even know there was a yellow seven in 2008...
thanks MG...the variety of yellow 7 I have I bet you a dollar to a donut the original seeds came from the same source...I got one yellow 7 plant the first year I planted 7s and saved the seed and replanted for 2 years...I don't know what it is about the Yellow 7s, but they make trees...matter of fact, most of the varieties I grow from Trinidad make trees if treated right...
AJ I have a yellow 7 SR that has pods similar to those. That is why I was asking. And I agree with your tree comment. My first year growing them. The stem on mine is as thick as my middle finger and the plant is only about 2 feet tall.
SR is where my original seedstock came from in 2007
Wow AJ, they are looking great! I'm growing some stuff of yours this year I'm awful excited about. You know the ones. :) They were some of my healthiest plants! Those 7 Pot Yellow BB strain are exactly as they should be. Nice to see. They were from 2008.

Amazing looking plants AJ. And loving the yellow 7's, very similar looking pods to mine with the original seed from mine coming from THSC
Did ya get wet enough??? Looking great sir!

got 2 inches...just good enough to soak everything...plants are loving it...

Wow AJ, they are looking great! I'm growing some stuff of yours this year I'm awful excited about. You know the ones. :) They were some of my healthiest plants! Those 7 Pot Yellow BB strain are exactly as they should be. Nice to see. They were from 2008. Chris

Thanks Chris...I hope the ones you are growing turn out really good...I am sure there will be a lot of pod shape variation...I am wondering if the reason they are so healthy may be hybrid vigor...mine are growing and producing like mad...

Glad the BB7s are right...I have saved seeds from the first pods that were pictured...

Amazing looking plants AJ. And loving the yellow 7's, very similar looking pods to mine with the original seed from mine coming from THSC

Cool Trippa...honestly, I think most of the people that started growing sevens got them from the same source or seeds from plants that came from seeds from the same source

Looking CRAZY good Jack! And SOOOO Soooon in the season! Lucky DOG!

thanks Guru...it has been a long time since I got early production...it hit 100 yesterday for the first time so it is time for the plants to shut down production...I've got some early season pods to play with and now it is time for them to get huge...they are going to get a good feeding over the next week...
Hi AJ! I have another question for you about the Florida weave technique you use. I finally got my plants in the ground, but there are big differences in height between the plants. How tall should I let them get before I run my first row of twine. Or should I go ahead and run one for the taller plants (15" - 18" in height) and just push the shorter plants through there once they reach that height?
you want the string to be next to the stem on the bottom (if possible)...my first run is usually 4-6" off the ground...you just don't want to let the string interfere with the upward growth of the plant....
Oh, okay. I guess I'll have to run a line just down part of a row then. The chinense varieties are probably only 4" tall right now, but I did group all the shorter ones together, so that should work out fine. I'll post a pic on my growlog once I get it done. Thanks for your help!
Do you know how many times, I look in the mirror during the day,and tell myself"man you're stupid for not getting all 28 plants"
Lets just say,Dr.Phil would have his hands full with....Are you stupid? What planet are you from? Somin aint right about you boy!

Thx to you,and Mike for giving me this itch. This has been a great learning process about...well Life in general. I love that feeling of being elbows deep in dirt,water,mud,cow poo(LOL). Lots of my time in the garden is spent doing garden stuff,and LOTS of deep thinking about LIFE(may sound corny to some haha). I've learned some things about myself,but mostly a TON about mother nature.Great deep thinking sessh's!! Also an abundant supply of knowledge from everyone here!!!
So again I say THANK YOU!!


/walks by mirror,and looks into it

you are very welcome Kyle...always glad to spread the fever...

picked a few pods today...yellow scorpions and my 7 Pots...

I have b een thinking about it a bunch and think the Yellow Scorpions are on their F2 generation...I am thinking the plant came from a seed that was an F1...don't ask me what the other parent was...they are truly superhot though IMO....that would definitely explain the pod shape/texture differences between the 22 plants I have growing....it's cool if they are...I like the pod shape and will keep the best pods for next years seed...if this is the F2 generation, I should start seeing some stabalization this next year...


and my 7 pots...I love these pods...especially the one with the stinger....both these peppers came from the same node on the same plant...the texture and pod shape have stabalized over the past 5 years thru my selection of the best pods for seedstock....


this pod came from another one of my 7 pots...

not a cardi...never grew them before...it is one of my T. Scorps from my original seedstock from 2007...it could be crossed with a scotch bonnet I suppose since I grew them the same time I grew the TS seedstock for last years crop...