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AJs Back Yard Pepper Porn 06-21-10


I will post some "overview" photos the second week of July but for now here are some pics of my plants as they look on 21 June 2010...plants have been thru hell and the early heat has slowed them down a bunch...

Bhut Island - I did not harden off most of my Bhuts good enough and most of the new growth died the first week they were out...but...that is cool because now they are getting bery bushy...


Bhut close up


7 Pot Brain Strain (thanks Cappy)


Yellow 7 Pot (thanks Sarah)


Yellow Habanero...lots of blooms...


poor little serrano


Hot Banana


Billy Biker Jalapenos


Looks quite a bit different from the past couple of years. The pepper selling business keep you pretty busy? You going to get into it again next year? As always wishing you the very best AJ.
You plants always seem to be looking good AJ. Did you sell all of the other plants that were shown in your previous post?
Don't know quite what to say AJ as I suspect you know something is just not right with your plants. Yes they are alive but growing slow, most should be tall like your yellow 7 pots right? What about the Botanicare hydro nutes feeding only your plants and not the soil. I know when I have tried other hydro based nutes before outside all I got was crusty soil void of life. I know when I lean in to work on my plants all I can smell is the compost. I hope you take this all constuctively as only trying to help you, even the Jalapenos look different plant shape than any I've ever seen before. Many different factors to consider and don't think it is just the high temperatures. Why the yellow 7's look ok I don't know but good luck my friend. :(
Yellow Habanero...lots of blooms...


I wasn't around last year to be able to compare the pics and recognize a diference but let me tell you that I hope my healthy plants produce half as good as your Yellow Hab.
Hope there's really nothing wrong with your awesome plants.

they do look smaller this year AJ. Mine are too but it is because I used something other than mushroom mix like I had last year! I will drive 250 miles round trip to get the mix next year.
Don't know quite what to say AJ as I suspect you know something is just not right with your plants.

I hate these "+1" posts, but this time it seems appropriate. When my plants (grown north of the arctic circle) looks like the plants you choose to show us something must have happened?
Last year was one of the best harvests i've ever seen. I had more pepper pods, maters, and melons than I could use. So i tried to fry 'em up and sell em at the state fair!! No, not really, I'd never fry my green tomatoes!! LOL I blame this year on the ""unexpected things"". I bought crappy soil and have more bugs than I have ever seen. These plants will make GREAT peppers and alot of 'em!! Good luck with the season AJ!!! I hope to walk your pepper paradise again soon!
PRF..you are absolutely right...plants look shitty as compared to previous years...I have been fighting a number of issues this year...soil, weather, pests (specifically spider mites and aphids)...as you know, once I transplant to my 5 gallon containers I no longer use any of the hydro products...just standard fertilize...I may have gotten my soil too "hot" with the addition of new compost this year and the plants may be stunted for the rest of the year, but you know what they say....kaka happens...just another lesson learned to put in the books. One thing I know for sure, I was lazy this year and didn't get the plants out as soon as I should have...probably a month behind the last two years...

I really don't know what is going on, but I will do as I have done in the past and work towards a late November Harvest...

thanks all for your comments...
LAZY??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!! not with that many plants, thats nothing but work!! I also am looking toward the fall for results!!
I want to go to Bhut Island. I like the "grass to shade the pots" idea (seriously).
All the plants look healthy, and your soil looks like it's got good aeration, so I think your good to go. :clap:
Only thing I can suggest is to put a little layer of pine mulch or nuggets on the top to hold moisture and to keep the soil cooler.
Define your goal and shoot for it. (yeah right like I can do that. :neutral: )
I for one spend too much time on the computer,so I'm always behind.
You're the man though. Keep up the good works! :pray:
If people think THOSE look bad, please don't look at my plants right now. One bed looks horrid. A lot of yellowed leaves. It's not shaping up to be that great so far. I think my soil is messed up and nutrients are being locked in (wrong Ph or missing a vital mineral or something). Even in my best of years, I will never see plants looking like AJ's standard crop. Michigan ain't Texas. lol.

I think I finally figured out one of the main issues with my plants....water pH...checked it yesterday and it was almost 8...way too high...

nothing I can do about it I suppose since I don't have a source of water other than tap water and my rain water collection system only gives me enough for one watering...

I hope the water pH will decrease when they switch reservoirs as my supply...
I think I finally figured out one of the main issues with my plants....water pH...checked it yesterday and it was almost 8...way too high...

Here in Lisbon the water's PH is about the same value you have there and I water my plants with it everyday.
Never noticed stunted growth...
Are you sure this can be the reason for your plants not growing as much as they could?
If so I'm gonna have to start collecting rain water too

Add some ADVANCED NUTRIENTS pH DOWN to one of your rain barrels full of the high PH tap water.

That should be enough to last you more than one season and is about 4 times more concentrated than the GH stuff and doesn't require much.

I hope you get things ironed out, but the heat came much earlier this year and surely isn't helping matters.

Best of luck to you with the grow this season.