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harvesting AJs Major Harvest 12-02-09


I harvested 106 pounds today...not going to take time to break it down right now but will within the next week when I update my records...that along with the 23 I harvested Monday makes 129 pounds in the last three days...it was 33 degrees this morning and snowing while I was picking peppers...cleared up about noon and warmed up to about 43...they are predicting a freeze tonight with a hard freeze tomorrow night...thats about right because two years ago, first freeze was about Dec 5th, last year it was about Dec 7th so things are about right for the first freeze...sure would have liked to have had another 2 or 3 days...I have not picked my anaheims, cascabels, NuMex Sandias, and Cayennes...there are probably 30 pounds on the plants but I just can't pick another pepper today since it has been dark for an hour...


processing these is going to be a lot of work...most of them will be made into concentrate...I got 48 pounds of superhots (Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, and Dorset Naga)

I was wrong in my video when I said there were about 3 pounds of Fataliis...I picked another 10 pounds of Fatalii....

Heres my take on the superhots...the Bhut Jolokias are the largest pods by far...the Naga Morich are mass producers, the Bih Jolokias are great looking pods and produce almost as much as the Naga Morich do, but they are not as large as the Bhuts, the Dorset Nagas seem to like the colder weather better than any of the rest but then again, since they were selectively bred in England, I should have expected that.

I'm Tired....
GOOD LORD!!! 106 lbs in a day??? :shocked: You need to go grab yourself a Shiner and sit in your easy chair! Absolutely amazing AJ. :clap:
The more I have thought about your massive harvests this year, the more I have come to realize it would be a lot less work, headache, heartache, and expense on my part to simply buy a case of your Concentrate :lol:

Outstanding job AJ!
That is amazing. You picked in one day about 5 times what I got all year and I thought I did pretty good for the few plants I grew. Just curious, how many plants do you grow?

AJ, could you give us a side by side shot and taste comparison of all your different varieties of nagas? Or send a couple of each to me and I'll do it? I am so curious about the differences. I have had Naga Morich and Bhut Jolokia, but months apart and never had Bih or Dorset. PM me.
Holy mother of god:shocked:

That is totally insane AJ!!!! I can't even imagine getting that many chillis in 5 years. I guess it helps to have 5 million plants...:lol:

Great harvest..
thanks all...I have this community to thank for being able to grow and harvest peppers like I do. Container gardening is the bomb.

jjs7741 said:
Just curious, how many plants do you grow?

these peppers harvested yesterday came from about 140 plants. I think I have somewhere around 250 total...

JayT said:
AJ, could you give us a side by side shot and taste comparison of all your different varieties of nagas? Or send a couple of each to me and I'll do it? I am so curious about the differences. I have had Naga Morich and Bhut Jolokia, but months apart and never had Bih or Dorset. PM me.

that may be arranged JayT...

origamiRN said:
Must be some kind of record.

It's definitely a record day for me picking...
OMG absolutely awesome harvest! We have snow on the ground this morning, peppers have been done for months and you post these beautiful pictures. Think I live in the wrong part of the country lol. You will stay busy processing all those goodies. Have fun AJ, that's a great return for all work you gave them.