AJs Trinidad Scorpion Project in Mississippi

To think you and I joined around the same time... you're a big shot farmer and I'm broken. :lol:

big shot....roflmao...not this man...just a lowly pepper gardener...and you broken...things will always get better Omri...and you KNOW that...

Body may be broken but the smile and spirit will never be. :D

amen brother...

You have to stay busy? Noooooooo... haha I think the big projects every few months made it pretty obvious :)


is it that obvious?

Breathtaking sight! I hope the farm hands understand what they are dealing with and don’t try and sneak a box home with them. I can see it now… First day 12 pickers excited to get started picking, second day 3 show up and 9 call in sick with stomach problems or from the hospital. LOL

Something tells me we wont be splitting a box of pots and trays next year.. LOL I better place my order early as you may put them out of stock with your first order. Ha Ha Ha! Does this mean you will have more Scorpion puree available this year or are all these pods going to be sold in bulk?

I don't think the field hands even know what those peppers are...about a mile and a half away, there are several acres of jalapenos, cayenne, poblano, cubanelle...geez...can't remember how many different varieties he is growing....

I think you are right on the trays/pots....all of these scorpion plants were transplanted into 2.5" X 2.5" X 3" containers

Decision on the Scorpion puree is still up in the air...don't know what the market will be for them...and I think most of the pods will be sold in bulk...

oO0o... Scorpion puree... by AJs hands! sounds delicious and evil.

hope you don't get your hopes up too high Omri...the puree might not happen...

Largest crop I have ever seen. :hot:

me too...by a long shot...
big shot....roflmao...not this man...just a lowly pepper gardener...and you broken...things will always get better Omri...and you KNOW that...
...but you are! you're THP's success story and an example of what one can achieve with enough will and time. you're my hero!

As for the getting better, that's another discussion for another time. thanks though.

hope you don't get your hopes up too high Omri...the puree might not happen...

The last ones became an instant hit in my unit. there are tales of a man who is crazy enough to try wielding the heat of the superhots in the form of purees. :lol:
Omri...son, son, son...there are many others for you to have as your hero...I can't stand up to the hype... :lol:

here are some shots of the pods on the plants that I am just now getting around to posting...

6 gram pods x about 100 per harvest is my guess. Three harvests if he is furtunate enough. 1.8 kilos per plant about say 4 pounds roughly times that by 1800. Holy mother of mercy thats like A BAZILLION POUNDS!

Edit: I suck at math when not sober. :D
To think I must have passed by there on my way from Memphis to Mobile via Hattiesburg on 49/98 this week! :eek:

Was that six rows?! I think I'm turning around. Looks great!
Those plants, and pods, are gorgeous AJ! I would want to camp out there and guard those with my life if I had that kind of crop.

thank you...I have thought about putting a cot between the rows and sleeping there one night just to see how it feels, but with 95% humidity and 75-80F at night that would be quite unbearable to me...

Um, speechless. Can't wait to see the harvest pictures.

me too man...and there WILL be harvest pictures...

Man o man, utterly amazing.

thanks Alph...

I see MONEY! Congrats AJ.

If I don't make my cuz some money on this years crop, there will be no more sujperhots grown on this land...but on the other hand, if we do make a little money, then we will expand next year and grow more...

pods. pods, pods and more pods they just keep coming...
what sort of pod weight would you get on average from each plant AJ?

for planning purposes JR, I only estimated 1/2 lb (~225 gms) per plant...and it looks like I will get that off the first harvest...

6 gram pods x about 100 per harvest is my guess. Three harvests if he is furtunate enough. 1.8 kilos per plant about say 4 pounds roughly times that by 1800. Holy mother of mercy thats like A BAZILLION POUNDS!

the pods have differing sizes...some up to 15 gms but most in the 5-7 gm range...and I won't even guess how many per plant I will get...I am hoping a bunch and would be tickled to get 2 lb per plant
To think I must have passed by there on my way from Memphis to Mobile via Hattiesburg on 49/98 this week!

Was that six rows?! I think I'm turning around. Looks great!

only 4 rows hotstuff...but they are really long rows...giggling here...if you were on 98, you passed within about 3-4 miles of the farm when you were on the east side of Lucedale...Rocky Creek community is where these are..and guess what, my cuz is a 6th generation farmer of this land....my Great Great Great Grandfather moved here from Cheraw district South Carolina about 1830 or so...

Now that is impressive

thank you sir

Holy crap AJ. Now thats a field of dreams!

wish you were here to help me Derek...we could definitely have some fun in the fields...remember when I was bugging you for a few Scorpion seeds back in 2007...some of these are probably descended from the seedstock you sent me but most are from Sara...I still have 4 different basic pod types/shapes on the plants and probably will keep these 4 basic shapes for future grows...

Patrick Swayze.

I must have missed it...where did this come from?

Son? wait... are you my daddy?

probably old enough Omri but I have never been to Israel... ;)
"wish you were here to help me Derek...we could definitely have some fun in the fields...remember when I was bugging you for a few Scorpion seeds back in 2007...some of these are probably descended from the seedstock you sent me but most are from Sara...I still have 4 different basic pod types/shapes on the plants and probably will keep these 4 basic shapes for future grows..."

Great looking plants AJ !!! You will spend hours taking photos and video I'm sure.
So are the 4 different plants/strains in different rows or mixed together?
July is pretty good for first harvest for you guys hey?
Well done and best of luck selling them.