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Alph`s 2010 garden...

Started seed in Feb. and moved them out in the yard in April :dance: Birds decided my seedlings would make a great
Lunch while I was at work :( Managed to save 10 of 30 plants.

April 18th 2010... Some of these are store bought to replace the lost/stolen/eaten :shocked: plants.


Thanks! All are potted and we have been harvesting. Old pics there. Went to get the digicam and the batteries are dead.

Always :rofl: kids will use, then just leave it instead of charging the batteries.

Maligator, been following your thread for a few weeks ;)
First off, Hello and Welcome fellow northeastener,

and: Stupid east coast birds! I've seen them hanging around my plants too...

Definitely looking forward to seeing how your season has progressed.
First off, Hello and Welcome fellow northeastener,

and: Stupid east coast birds! I've seen them hanging around my plants too...

Definitely looking forward to seeing how your season has progressed.

Still waiting on the batteries :beer:

Sky rats(pigeons) they was :lol: made a real mess. Carried off some, chewed some to a nub and up rooted the rest.

Last year it was tree rats(squirrels) taking tomatoes :eek:


Quick tease... Biker billy Jals. Grown from seed. 4 plants in an 18 gallon container 3/4 filled with MG potting mix.


Got 20 or so peppers coming in and yet to harvest from this plant.


And here are the plant barbers :rofl:


Gotta run :dance:
First plant is a Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Hirts)... beat up, full of white flies when I got 3 weeks ago but making a comeback. Second is a store bought Cowhorn. Third is from Bonnies called Yummy(sweet pepper)

3 more Yellow Bonnets from Hirts. Sprayed all 4 with insecticide and put them in a cooler overnite. No more white flies. :dance: Removing the damaged leaves as new growth appears, but don`t know what to expect from these. :(

Most of the pics I took didn`t turn out, not the photog of the family :lol:
Its the harvest pics that matter the most :dance:

Anyway my list is...

6- Biker Billy Jalapenos
5- mammoth Jalapeno
2-Much nacho Jalapenos
4-Yellow Bonnets
1-Red Bonnet
1-Orange Hab
1-Red Hab
4-Cayenne(pepper Joes)
6-Long red(pepper Joes)
2-Thai Sun
4- Cherry

Comments, criticisms, suggestions are all welcome! Here to learn and get BIGGER harvests :dance:
Repoted the Carib and Hab into 10 gallon pots and move the single yellow scotch bonnet into a 5 gallon today. Also added pine mulch to half my pots. Still need to do the rest tomorrow.

A question... the garden supply had hardwood mulch, pine bark and cedar. All were close to the same price. Is there an advantage from one to the other?
Great man, you are not as beginner as well as I thought,
Beautiful plantation you already have there.
I wish you success and a great harvest.
Take care :cool: :)