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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
...wow, and now dirt porn too ;) !
Hmmm...."Jack hammered dog feces .......", ....sounds messy ?
Perfect, I needed a priming for the rides.....and replanting will be job one(okay ,say maybe ...3?) when I get feet dry USA Saturday :woohoo:
Now I'm goin swimmin in the rain ....because I can :rofl: !
....and then wheels up at 20:37, my little green minions await their leader :dance: !
Have a good one,

DJ, you ain't even right . . . and I luv it! But y'all coulda kept the dayumed rain, man. Geez, Greg brings the cold, y'all bring the rain ;)
Very nice plot, wish I had a grow area that big.

Rob, at 7:00am or in my frame of mind, 0700, this morning, I was out finishing digging raised beds counter to the plowing--N to S. As usual, prepping for the RAIN some folks just gotta . . . share. Thank you my southern breathern :banghead: And ya know I wondered about the size of that plot and then, I hated the size of that plot and then, went into numb-out from pain and just went, "Plod, plot, plod, plot." :rofl:

I dig the color or your well groomed/tilled garden plot.

Wide rows...cool!

Plenty of sun for the plants, and even a tree to shade in with a cup of Iced Tea when it gets to dam hot to harvest those thousand(s) of peppers.

Why do you need containers ?

Greg!! Mr. Podful! Containers? Because got too many plants, even if I give, trade, sell. Not including the curcubits, maybe some beans :rolleyes: , okra via seed . . . Hmm. Thankfully, have given some plants away to the cuz for tilling garden; my bro is exchanging use of his truck and gas for maters, which is GREAT! I overdid seeding! Imagine.

Translate and give up our secrets, never ... hehehehe

It did stop raining, been dry now for tres d&iacute;as but the increased humidity has done wonders, yard & plants are total lushness! I actually went out and took a rain shower basking in our warm humid Mainline Florida days ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ I love it \o/
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard (1974) - 10 - Mainline Florida ::: 2:23/4:08 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 416 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

Speaking of loving, every time I look at your freshly plowed plot &hellip; dam that&rsquo;s so beautiful &hellip; I love it ^_^ Hat&rsquo;s off muchacha \o_

Thank you, querido. Ah, mi hermano, Ramon! La lluvia que viene. Como puedo agradecerte? :rofl: (Glad your humid tropical has returned!) Rain . . . why I was digging this morning! Dunno about the straw this afternoon as guy from ranch says, "Welp, just get one them bobcats and load it yerself, 'cause we're gonna be busy with Shirley"--one of my fav mares--"a-foalin.'" Which DOES take precedence over my straw need. But I don't know how to use a bobcat exactly . . . well, no: I do NOT know how. Last time I was in one I about took it down a very steep, down a mountainside. If didn't love that horse so much, or my bro's new truck so much, appreciate it as is . . . naw . . . gonna wait until they can lift straw on! It is pretty soil and very nice to work with! Birds are loving it too.Thanks for the "Enrique" song! (And rain that's coming: Nat'l Weather Service used term, "excessive." ) smh, lol!
Rob, at 7:00am or in my frame of mind, 0700, this morning, I was out finishing digging raised beds counter to the plowing--N to S. As usual, prepping for the RAIN some folks just gotta . . . share. Thank you my southern breathern :banghead: And ya know I wondered about the size of that plot and then, I hated the size of that plot and then, went into numb-out from pain and just went, "Plod, plot, plod, plot." :rofl:

Plod + Plot = Pods!
Rob, at 7:00am or in my frame of mind, 0700, this morning, I was out finishing digging raised beds counter to the plowing--N to S. As usual, prepping for the RAIN some folks just gotta . . . share. Thank you my southern breathern :banghead: And ya know I wondered about the size of that plot and then, I hated the size of that plot and then, went into numb-out from pain and just went, "Plod, plot, plod, plot." :rofl:

LOL my grow area would fit into one row you have there. with room to spare. I spent the better part of a weekend getting 2 sections ready. Turning soil, weeding, spreading horse manure, turning some more. Putting fencing up to keep the critters away. Still have another small area to go yet before plant out. Got a day planned this weekend to finsh the other spot and a little more work in the other areas that are done.
Nice looking(drool)flat, rockless ground and somebody knows how to plow!

Not entirely rockless, Carl but over time, for most part. And cuz is good. Also, it just looks flat! Only flat land I know of around here is "bottom-land" and generally, it's flat because it's near a river that floods. We got the same cows with shorter legs on one side of body than other too :rolleyes:.

Man that has to be the finest looking plot on the THP :party: That soil looks almost synthetic . Pure love :P . Now get out there and start planting. I belive it is time :dance:

Jamie, darling! Thanks sweetie and wish it was time, had y'all kept ya rain to yaself. (It's coming.) But clay soil-base and naw: I don't breathe on that, much less walk on. Reminds me of this passage from some D. Parton autobio: Her father had mules pulling stumps, clearing brush, kudzu, if clearing it's possible, digging out typical mountain rocks--nothing typical about 'em--to plant. Preacher comes up and says, "Robert Lee, the Lord's done give you a mighty fine piece of land here to plant. He shor has blessed ya!" Her father said, "Reckon? Orta seen it when the sumbitch had it to hisself." Thanks for recognizing the love and work! Not time yet, as we may get the rain that THE GULF STATES are sending us tomorrow night and Sunday. (Thanks a bunch, man! ;) ) I don't think it's gonna be that bad around here but then I am wishfully thinking!!

Thanks Bill and Arkansawyer! (Ramon's glog "took" all my "likes" for today, so am out of 'em! Ramon, really? :rofl: )
:rofl: I prefer to give...not receive. At least when it comes to certain stuff. Lady your garden plot has me jealous! Plant out weekend???

Oh, Shane: you got that translation, then. :D :censored:. Ahmm.

Woulda been this weekend, but Ramon and Jamie sent rain. Bill too. Yep. ;) As you know, or iffin ya don't, no WAY ya plant in wet clay-based soil. I don't care what it's been amended and amended with . . . and depending on how that Southern trough moves, I could be looking at THURSDAY OR FRIDAY. Grrr. If it dumps 2 inches of rain on us in 24 hours, with overcast, cool temps predicted afterward, gonna take that soil a few days to dry but by raising and leveling the "beds" within the garden, won't be any run-off which really compacts. I see absolutely nothing "temperate" about this "zone!"
I'm guessing you guys/gals wouldn&rsquo;t give up dem northern plots for nothing ;) &hellip; or does anyone wana join Jamie, Bill, Steve & myself in the year round club :D

Actually, a friend and I were talking today about MOVING to Manasota Key, Ramon. Charlotte Co. (Not that there's too much of a tax difference between the two now: but there are significant differences to some extent, still.) But here's to ya for rubbin' it in! ;)

Edit: "the two" Charlotte Co. and Sarasota Co.

Yeah we have a "temperate" spring too.
In a three day period, plants can scorch, parch, drown, and freeze. The average of that is "temperate" I guess.

Carl, I think those Fla guys just envious of how much land we got . . . :rolleyes: Not that it's "safe" at this time to just PLANT in it! But give it a week . . . after the deluge. I saw some people putting plants in today and I went, "Uh." And this was entirely unamended garden, raining. I hope they do okay but ya know clay . . . wet and it dries like cement if not careful. One thing for sure, plants'll be in ground really sturdily. :eek:
Yeah, but there's more elevation gain from bottom to the top of my nine acres than across all of Fla :)
I fired a few practice shots myself, but that ground is still cool, cool, cool. I still have plenty of ammo
Rain set in just as I was getting in the truck.

Just grow manzanos in the higher elevations of yer property, Carl :P. I got used to being a "flatlander" in The Texas Hill Country: ROFLMAO! "Hill"? Mount Bonnell is a hill, I suppose. On a bike, it's really a hill. But other than that . . . I see ya juggin' there. Donchu know youins is 'posed to use them jugs fer cat-fishin?

I actually fear the amounts of rain; am gonna post rain forecasts from The Weather Channel, Accuweather, Weatherbug and National Weather Service for our area. NONE agree because the NAM says this and the GFS says this and the EURO-whatever says that. I hope you don't get too much, sweetie. I feel for our brothers and sisters in Houston area (need to check on Arkansawyer--not that I can do anything), middle-TN and Northern GA. I got the wet vac at the ready. Since I still, stupidly got stuff germing, mostly zukes, and more damn pickling varieties cukes than . . . but like you said, dang ground is cool, or cold unless it's an onion, lettuce, brassica fam. Just my .02 since I do NOT have compost cooking to heat soil. Again, I hope they're wrong and this just disperses to a large area . . . like over Atlantic ocean without hitting Eastern NC. Damn, those folks get enough come fall from hurricanes and tropical storms. Okiedokie then: you're a brave man, Carl! Whatcha amending holes with aside from HF? Peace and stay dry as possible!

Oh, and am also on crappie fishing forum: have taken boat out once--since can't plant, fish?--and winds were just insane with two anchors but on the local crappie forum, guys are going ballistic mad!
Wow, didn't know Houston got hammered. My brother inlaw lives there, gonna have to call him.

Not gonna "like" this because some flooding was freaking severe. Even for Houston. S and SW Harris got slammed. Katy, I-10, Sugarland, and 610 loop areas hit hardest. LOTS of times, folks would just evac and come to Austin for those spring WAVES that Houston sometimes gets. They were in drought, so be good deal to call brother. Much peace, Scott and blessings to your family!
Yeah, looks like south of me( you) is getting hammered -we're just catching the edge.
In each hole I put about a shovel of Very Old Dressage Primo, mixed about half or 1/3 with the ambient clay. I tilled the clay out of sod last fall and got a skimpy rye-vetch cover out of it at least. Then a half a handful or less of the HFrog and topped it with some compost/mulch of old coffee grounds and Miscanthus. I'll mulch the bare clay after it warms and poke some basil here and there.

Yeah I live almost at the Middle and South Fork Holston confluence I should catfish jug or no jug.
Those jugs make great cloches, built-in ventilation hole and tie-down handle, and just the right size for a new plant. I wouldn't have thought of using sticks like that to hold them down. I'll have to remember that.

Annie, I got a lot of rain here, but it's sunny today. It's so wet, though, I can't even walk across the yard without sinking in, much less get into the garden.
Yeah, looks like south of me( you) is getting hammered -we're just catching the edge.
In each hole I put about a shovel of Very Old Dressage Primo, mixed about half or 1/3 with the ambient clay. I tilled the clay out of sod last fall and got a skimpy rye-vetch cover out of it at least. Then a half a handful or less of the HFrog and topped it with some compost/mulch of old coffee grounds and Miscanthus. I'll mulch the bare clay after it warms and poke some basil here and there.

Yeah I live almost at the Middle and South Fork Holston confluence I should catfish jug or no jug.

I got some VODP too, seems to be growing some nice onions and stuff. ACTUALLY, we've not been "hammered" . . . yet. South Mnt. Range is sending the HARD stuff around us. I am so disappointed you don't catfish :mope: . . . I mean . . . it ain't North Fork: heard some iffy+++ stuff with mercury, bla, bla about NFork. I don't care for jug fishing . . . chasing jugs into brush = nay.

Also, bring that truck with ethanol from Miscanthus down anytime! Seriously, been following those studies. I'm saving coffee grounds--already doused blueberry bushes all winter--as have no choice but to plant tomatillos near some peonies. Space, space. But then again, with those, as long as ants don't get greedy, will take tomatillo pollination anyway can get it, aka, beats doing it by hand. I'm stealing the term "ambient clay." :rofl: Like the sticks/handles for jugs too!

Those jugs make great cloches, built-in ventilation hole and tie-down handle, and just the right size for a new plant. I wouldn't have thought of using sticks like that to hold them down. I'll have to remember that.

Annie, I got a lot of rain here, but it's sunny today. It's so wet, though, I can't even walk across the yard without sinking in, much less get into the garden.

Yep, Arksaw, I can tell this rain has put plant out BACK. Like BACK, I'm thinking end of week because I just don't mess with wet clay-base aka "ambient clay." I love those handles/stakes in jugs. Jugged an entire garden one afternoon, stuck a rock--hard to find those :rofl: --on top, thought be fine. Next morning, plants droopy, soggy. About 100 jugs to find and collect. Just strong winds and rain. If I need to do it, I just take tomato stakes, ANYTHING that'll hold, and hammer through handles the way Carl has: live, learn. ;) I'm sorry you got so much rain, esp. if soil is "ambient clayesque," Sawyer. Peace, hon.
Yeah, I found out last year jugs won't stay put by themselves. Those sticks are cured bamboo slices. I planted what has turned out to be a halfway well-behaved patch behind the house 20+ years ago. With the machete, I can slice about any size stake up to about 35' ;) Then I sharpen one end, scrape a clean smooth spot on the other and use a black Sharpie to label it. I hope the ink soaks in enough not to fade through the summer. I have a few peppers to mark too.
I have an out-of-control bamboo "patch" here. For years, I though it was one of our native river canes, so I wasn't too worried about it. By the time I figured out it was Golden Bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea), it was too late. It will take a lot of effort to get it tamed back to manageable level. It is useful stuff, though. Poles, trellises, fishing poles, orchard bee habitat, pan pipes, bamboo charcoal, even thinking of trying some construction with it, maybe a gazebo or something.