• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
JJJessee said:
I shorly would like love some spawn of Einstein! He's a whooper!.
Cover crop in  a pepper understory. Interesting.
Rye is supposedly the best battlement on weeds, but can have a residual affect on the following crop. I would compromise and go with oats -it makes some quick greenery then winter kills(typically) giving some easy to till biomass in early spring. Or a forage radish might even be better. I'm going to give Austrian Winter Peas a whirl and maybe give some  radishes and oats a try too.
The Quartet looks intriguing and I'll be at the beach next week with time on my hands, ummmm.
Can't say I've read  Einstein channeling Schrodinger's Cat.
Don't claim to be a cat lover, but I wouldn't lock one in a box indefinitely either.
Thanks, Carl. If "Einstein" has big taste as well, will get you some quantum "genes."  ;)  Will check into all cover-c's mentioned. I enjoy Schrodie's Cat because I haven't seen it. But not having seen it, I can definitely say that cat's simultaneously alive and dead. Ah . . .  quantum "stuff." :dance: Have fun at beach in ya skimpy little Speedos; really think you'd like Palace in The GQ.
What do you use the fatali butter for? Been looking at uses for my peppers once i get some pods, and the butter idea sounds interesting and i think the fatali would lend a nice taste to butter spread.
BrooklynXpat said:
What do you use the fatali butter for? Been looking at uses for my peppers once i get some pods, and the butter idea sounds interesting and i think the fatali would lend a nice taste to butter spread.
Hi Matt! Actually am calling it Fatapple Butter or Fatalii Apple Butter. This recipe is here  and generally have used it on pork, pulled, and/or finishing sauce for pork ribs but as a milder, sweeter sauce, goes with lots of meats, or bagels, cream cheese, or just to spoon out of jar? Rocketman/Bill a supreme hot sauce maker, really helped me out with this one. Peace! Annie
annie57 said:
Hi Matt! Actually am calling it Fatapple Butter or Fatalii Apple Butter. This recipe is here  and generally have used it on pork, pulled, and/or finishing sauce for pork ribs but as a milder, sweeter sauce, goes with lots of meats, or bagels, cream cheese, or just to spoon out of jar? Rocketman/Bill a supreme hot sauce maker, really helped me out with this one. Peace! Annie
Thanks Annie - I am going to save that Fatapple Butter recipe for end of the season, it sounds like it would be amazing on pork chops or as you said - spoon out of jar :party:
Things are looking good great! Super healthy looking plants, I see pods everywhere \o/ and to think you were driving yourself mad a few weeks back with too much rain or dis or dat.
Barrackpore interpretation is very nice, fruity I expected but not the sweet … good to know. Keep up dat great work and hope Mami feels better ….
Wow dem Harold St. Barts should be ready soon and I bet you can’t wait. Jamaican Habanero looking great too man woMon you’ll be having boat loads of pods right around the corner. Brain’s looking gnarly and mean how dem should, very cool to see you have Scotch Bonnet pods that will hold you trough till you get dem MoA seeds in the ground.
Bonda Ma Jacques, Fatalii Yellow, Fatalli Red, Trinidad Scorp Yellow, etc. etc. etc. … Great balls of fire muchacha \o/
Dam baseball size Brains … you killin it girl ^_^ Keep up dis awesome grow!
BTW what is dat white stuff, DE?
WalkGood said:
Things are looking good great! Super healthy looking plants, I see pods everywhere \o/ and to think you were driving yourself mad a few weeks back with too much rain or dis or dat.
Barrackpore interpretation is very nice, fruity I expected but not the sweet … good to know. Keep up dat great work and hope Mami feels better ….
Wow dem Harold St. Barts should be ready soon and I bet you can’t wait. Jamaican Habanero looking great too man woMon you’ll be having boat loads of pods right around the corner. Brain’s looking gnarly and mean how dem should, very cool to see you have Scotch Bonnet pods that will hold you trough till you get dem MoA seeds in the ground.
Bonda Ma Jacques, Fatalii Yellow, Fatalli Red, Trinidad Scorp Yellow, etc. etc. etc. … Great balls of fire muchacha \o/
Dam baseball size Brains … you killin it girl ^_^ Keep up dis awesome grow!
BTW what is dat white stuff, DE?
"BTW what is dat white stuff, DE?" It is indeed. Cost small fortune.
Thank you, mi hermano! I thunked up a sauce for you. (Actually I emailed a former proff in the D.R. for his recipe. Bein' honest here. Nice sauce.) I have want to make it. But here's a hint: it's made from JA Hab pods! :dance: (Imagine.)
Yes, indeed. Wish that was a few MoA growing out there but those got decent lobes. Not same but might taste good. Thank you, sweetie. Gotta run back to my mother's. :rolleyes: Thank you for the kind thoughts. I think she's paying me back for gradoux I even thought about doing as a child. We done past what I did! Anyhow, I got a cousin on Ma-duty tomorrow as I got to can another round of dill, bread'n butter, and some seriously spiced pickles! Then, onto hot sauce ferments using rest, almost rest, of frozen pods. Thank you for coming by! I gotta jet :rolleyes: . . . mmhmm. Lord. Want to check up one everybody's glogs . . . hmm. Peace, querido!
Thank you, thank you, Scott!!!!! Seeds!!!
Left to right, Funky Reaper, WH (imagine that the "H" means "hung" and righto :D ), and True Reaper:

Oh, what a great way to start the weekend  :dance:  and end "Hell Week." !!!!!! So glad I dragged myself into post-office after butt-ugly, gawd-awful, horrific morning. Thank you, Scott!
Currently waiting for whey to drip into enamel pot overnight, then cheese-cloth, same Greek yogurt with LIVE AND ACTIVE, tied to wooden spoon over mason jar in fridge while I "begin the beguine" with sourdough hooch starter tomorrow from here. Using frozen pods, adding touch of sugar but it'll be fine. Or it won't!
Again, thanks Scott! ;)
Thanks folks. Fact of getting older--everybody ya love is as well. Hospice been called for my almost fav--have 2 out of 10 left--living uncle. Mama having PT for her shoulder while her brother is dying. Their mother, as some of you know, my grandmother, passed end of March.
So . . . uh, pigweed has taken over garden but I did some (more) pulling yesterday, but can't stay on top of it; came in on wind or was in last round of el cheapo straw, who knows and cares: it's there. No matter what I do to pull it, comes back. But do have some pods turning.
Have done some prep to start ferment but been told can't do it with frozen pods. We'll see. (Of course am gonna try it since told not as likely with frozen pods!) As soon as wide mason jar lids with airlocks get here, we'll see. Have been able to drain off some whey from yes, pasteurized milk, but with "LIVE AND ACTIVE CULTURED" so trying some frozen pods. I have all the powders I need for this year--just want to start ferment with frozen pods, garlic, onion, carrots, whey, and salt by 4% volume. 
Any ideas welcome. Greg/PIC1 suggested some sugar (have access to Turbinado--would love some Demerara) since frozen and maybe the carrots would help. Have cane vinegar, have coconut water vinegar on way. Maybe using some malt vinegars for different Q sauce, dunno. Again, any ideas welcome. Will post some individual pics later--yes, I know this goes in hot sauce making and will go there--even if it fails! Am gonna heat the finished, if it finishes, mash to kill any botulism potential and looks like 2 tablespoons canning salt/purified water to 1/2 gallon jar ground peppers, carrots, onion, garlic--all grown here--except for carrots, with 1/2 cup whey.
Haven't had time to begin sourdough and hooch. But will, since just nice to have around. Put some pineapple juice that has fermented in a little bird feeder I have near garden. Birds came. Not . . . a . . . pretty . . . sight in flight. I got alcoholic cowbirds now: they want more. At least they didn't hurt themselves :rolleyes: 
Again, will post in hot sauce making, but any/all ideas welcome.
WalkGood said:
Awesome gift Annie, Scott's da mon! I just got da same package and have to take a pic, wonderful pictures you posting muchacha :)
Yes! Now, don't you dare put the choc scorp on my "to grow" list, Ramon . . . but you might have. Have some your JA Habs going NUTS! Some mutant version is turning orange, hermano. :P But I kinda figure orange is on way to red. "ROYGBIV." Be well, my friend!
stc3248 said:
Congrats on the new seeds sis! Woot!
Thanks Shane! Scott's a sweetie. How much you charge-a-me-a--to send a-me-a some ripe pube pods? It just ain't gonna work out. We get rain, we get cool, I get blooms, they fall off when it hits 100. So far the reds keep trying but . . . PM me and I can send you dinero! ;) And you have none left? That's good too! :dance: I'm never had one. Seriously! Never tasted one.
PaulG said:
You are having a real 'garden poddy', Annie!
Won't be long to full-scale color explosion!
Have fun growing those Reapers!
Hiya Paul--love the Rick N. reference! Mama had the 45 of "It's Late" and I wore it out. Think "Poor Little Fool" was B-side but could be wrong. ;) She had original Chuck Berry, Elvis . . . and 3 younger brothers? Ends a great record collection. Except I threatened them within an inch of their lives if they killed my Bobbie Gentry 45 with "Ode" and my fav, "Mississippi Delta" on B side. "MD" is actually better than "Ode," imo. I love me some Scott! The Reapers will be fun. Love it that they are mixed because I just love crosses. OR I hope they produce crosses from hanging out at Scott's glog!
Sanarda said:
I got caught up Annie and things look terrific. I think I have some pods on my Black Nagas. Woohoo. When I get home I'm going to check
Cool, Pia! I covet the Black Naga, I want the Black Naga; nay: I need the Black Naga! . . . I hope you have beaucoup de pods! :party: Definitely growing that one next year! And MoA and Madballz--am in love with Madballz! Can't wait for your review of your BNs! Peace girl and know what you mean by "catching up." Gotta check out ya glog soon.
Devv said:
Hi Annie!
Glad those got here in one piece, I hope you enjoy them!
THANK YOU SCOTT!! Love the labeling. Have you done a flavor profile yet? I'd have no clue since given above, family stuff, not been around a lot. Had to mow yesterday and thinking about taking weedeater to that pigweed blown into garden, or in last wheat straw my bro got me. He has it in his garden too, so adding 2 + 2. Pulled it 3X. It thrives on being pulled. I need a fence and some pigs. :rofl: THAT would go over sooooooooo well! :party:  Even if I think the results would be magnificent! There is another  who . . . I just don't know where would stick them during winter. One of my earliest memories, my mean grandfather--he really was!--lifted me and stuck me in a pen with a sow who just had babies. Dear Christ, I had PTSD flashbacks when Mama read us "Three Little Pigs." I had to add to the story "an' one little pig runned at me an' growled an' was gotta eat an' eat an' eat me!" My mother: "Ran, Annie. Ran, not 'runned.'" :rolleyes:
A few pics, and some go in hot sauce making. And will:
Upon Rick's/Stickman's suggestion upon what he was doing with Bio-Bloom and molasses, hit the garden with FF Big Bloom as it has magnesium. Gonna do compare/contrast with Bio-Bloom with molasses next month. Hoping for Indian summer. So far, definitely have more blooms and fruits from application 2 weeks ago. N/A with pubes:-( (Rain/cool/really hot? But not quitting on them!)

Got these 2 gallon buckets (ale pails) with airlocks at home brew place for sauerkraut and kimchi. Wonder if I can pry/cajole/beg Rick's kimchi recipe from him? ;)

Collected whey from Greek yogurt containing live and active cultures, otherwise it won't work, and have almost full pint now (GY yields less whey per quart of yogurt):

Have ordered plastic wide mouth lids with grommets and airlocks (since I don't want to mess this up immediately). And extra wide mouth lids to make my own--drill a hole, a grommet (that fits), airlock. My healthy uncle says 1" hole saw with 3/8" grommet, but then he uses carboys, drilled rubber stoppers and airlocks for his home brews, so . . . besides, my uncles always lied to me! :rofl: Anybody got ideas on these measurements? Have 1" hole saw.
Picked these up from Ace: 6 1/2 gallon wide mouth jars:

And I guess these kind of matter: 2 gallon frozen yellow bhuts, h. st. barts, fatalii, carib red and a few choc habs--the frost is on outside. In a larger 2 gallon bag--sucked air out with straw--had to do this several times since last October:

Only thing have ever fermented have been Tabascos in wild ferment and kind of a pain as gunk did get in way I did it--skimming and heating, yes; would prefer to prevent the issue of gunk without creating a salt-lick. Will post all of above--if had collected all material at same time would have taken one pic, but didn't and that's best can do given all that's going on. Thanks and will post in hot sauce making as well. Peace, Annie.