• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Nice review!
I don't think you can ever discount a pepper until you grow it and eat it fresh from your garden. We're shipping each other really ripe pods, some handle the ship better than others..so my plan is to grow them and then decide. If it's a keeper great, if not the worst it did was take up garden space.
Enjoy what's left of the week and I hope the shoulder feels better real soon!
Devv said:
Nice review!
I don't think you can ever discount a pepper until you grow it and eat it fresh from your garden. We're shipping each other really ripe pods, some handle the ship better than others..so my plan is to grow them and then decide. If it's a keeper great, if not the worst it did was take up garden space.
Enjoy what's left of the week and I hope the shoulder feels better real soon!
Thanks Scotty. And true. So many factors could have gone into that taste of WDT. It's a rare pepper.
Shoulder's feeling better but the jarring that neck/back took? I was wondering about that. Took myself off pain meds yesterday, only anti-inflammatory, so, we'll see.
Trying to get my mind off Daddy. He's, I pray nothing goes wrong with the carotid angiogram or ya know, catheter with scope/dye today, and if doesn't, he goes under tomorrow for carotid endarterectomy. Prayers, thoughts are good if ya would.
Am drying JA Habs to redo that sauce; thyme gave it too "Italian" taste. As is, hot sauce doesn't know whether to say, "Jah, One love, feelin iree, mon" Or "E pomodori?"
Anyhow, gonna jump, prep for class and hope this dingbat injury won't prevent me from driving up mountain to see my father. Doc told me not to, but ya know lol. . . thank you, Scott.
First off I pray Papi comes thru with flying colors and we'll send prayers your way as well.
Second off, kick azz review muchacha you've stepped up to the plate and hit another HR review and enjoyable read to boot. Now it makes me wana try one to compare notes, hehe. Hope you have a great Friday & weekend and that Papi comes thru angiogram "A" ok ...
BTW Happy Pirate Day! Arrr ...
Devv said:
We'll keep Dad in our prayers for sure!
WalkGood said:
First off I pray Papi comes thru with flying colors and we'll send prayers your way as well.
Second off, kick azz review muchacha you've stepped up to the plate and hit another HR review and enjoyable read to boot. Now it makes me wana try one to compare notes, hehe. Hope you have a great Friday & weekend and that Papi comes thru angiogram "A" ok ...
BTW Happy Pirate Day! Arrr ...
Thanks guys! Added more Tabascos to my Tab ferment yesterday. Shoulder and neck NOT GOOD ENOUGH to pull stakes, take up irrigation, nooooooo, but do have 4 trays gonzo and pretty hot--no rain really slammed them with heat--JA Habs in dehydrator as I thought of means to "fix" "too much thyme on my sauce" using JA Hab powder, ton of allspice, little brown sugar. Just tried to stay busy between classes yesterday--if could get to school be actually easier to do classes live--but med advice is med advice unless . . .
Just took Daddy back for endarterectomy. Amazingly, they're on time for this one: has to have the other side in 8 weeks but thank you. Talked to him last night and I pray, I pray, I talk to him today. Dear Lord, please. Thank you both, so much, Scott and Ramon, Jamie, with whom have PM'ed.
Gonna go feed "Daddy's" cat. He hated cats until this evil thing came along who just loves HIM and only HIM. That was one more PISSED OFF cat yesterday. Mama's wanted hardwoods back. Cat's giving them to her.
Hope the best Annie for your diddy :D

Those white devil's tongues are low on smell and taste. Not sure what the flavor is, but i always think of a light lemony tasting desert. Low chinense smell/taste too. Don't seem real hot but if I popped three or four while eating a meal they would add up and get me pretty good. I will grow again for sure.
Hope you enjoyed everything. Glad your starting to feel better and could help with you dad. Be thinking about you both. And mr. hell kitty too.
Haven't try Jamie's 7 brown x naga. That sounds like beast though!
stickman said:
Will keep our fingers crossed here too... Cheers to you and your folks... geez, you've been hitting a lotta turbulence on this flight...
Sawyer said:
Sending good thoughts your way, Annie.  Hope everything turns out well.
GA Growhead said:
Hope the best Annie for your diddy :D

Those white devil's tongues are low on smell and taste. Not sure what the flavor is, but i always think of a light lemony tasting desert. Low chinense smell/taste too. Don't seem real hot but if I popped three or four while eating a meal they would add up and get me pretty good. I will grow again for sure.
Hope you enjoyed everything. Glad your starting to feel better and could help with you dad. Be thinking about you both. And mr. hell kitty too.
Haven't try Jamie's 7 brown x naga. That sounds like beast though!
Thanks Rick and ditto: a little "uneventful" would be cool.
Thanks Arksaw!
Thank you, Jason. Yes, WDT has that, near light vegetable taste, like faded Aji Limon maybe and with decent heat, I think. I enjoyed them all. Infinity was beastly, child! But had the "stomach mix" before ate it. It smelled like it needed some pre-op prep. Still got my throat! I swore unless the taste of pepper just slayed me I wasn't going to grow or regrow next year . . . then again, I promise myself a lot of stuff! Janey Save-a-Seed here. Ya just never know. I'll see if I cannot change your status with 7 Pod Brown x Naga, hon. I'm so all outta Bubblegum7. . . deprived, forlorn: just foolin' widya. Liked the Trini Sweets lots better than I like Trinidad Perfume for taste as well. Jay's Peach was very close to PBhut but with more bite, so it's all good! Thank you!
To all, thank you! My father came through this carotid, aka, "yanking" plaque outta carotid artery in neck, surgery really well, which is great, because he has to have other side done in 6-8 weeks, or ASAP, on other side. Probably have to have him arrested to get him back to hospital . . . this time, getting a motel, like sane people, rather than dragging my 79 yr. old mother back and forth, 4 days in row, 4 hour drives, not my idea; If they both make it to next April 10, they will have been married for 60 years.
And, before I left to see my mother off yesterday morning/ wake her up, get her going, she said, "But the thing missing was I didn't have any cayenne pepper." So, I went back and picked some for her to have with what she ate while at hospital. This acorn didn't fall far from tree. Again, thank you all, for peppers, information, being a community that enters the room, not with ego, but with heart.
Hi Annie,
   Good news after your Dad's surgery... it's a lot like getting your radiator rodded out to deal with mineral buildup... glad he took it so well.
I tried to grow some Trinidad Perfume chiles this season, but no luck. I'd have tried again next year but seeing your assessment of it versus the Trinidad Sweet makes me rethink that plan... Think you'd care to swap a few seeds later on?
Have a great weekend!
stickman said:
Hi Annie,
   Good news after your Dad's surgery... it's a lot like getting your radiator rodded out to deal with mineral buildup... glad he took it so well.
I tried to grow some Trinidad Perfume chiles this season, but no luck. I'd have tried again next year but seeing your assessment of it versus the Trinidad Sweet makes me rethink that plan... Think you'd care to swap a few seeds later on?
Have a great weekend!
You got it Rick: Trini Sweet it is!
Yep: bless the man's heart--longest he's been away from home since Korea. NOT a happy camper but thrilled to be coming home! Like the radiator analogy. Or we could've just flushed him with vinegar . . . NOT! (Don't ask me how I know that do not work and can be weewy cowosive if not waste of time, postponing inevitable, which could be a new rad . . . ye-ah. :rolleyes: )
You have great weekend as well, sweetie! And . . . SKO HEELS!
The infinities were no joke. My boss hated the bitterness of the straight capsaicin taste, cause they were loaded. It hurt him pretty bad and he said no more infinities for him. I like the shapes too. The one's with tails look really cool.
Out of bbg7s already? Was that a hint? :D
Trin TS sweets are pretty good. Became a favorite snacker late last season. Huge Trinidad plants, like 7s or scorps, but with those pods. I got you some seeds Rick, btw, if you want them.
Glad your diddy made it thru all good. Take it easy today and rest that shoulder. Been lightly raining since i got up this morning. Now it's really coming down. Garden needed it!
annie57 said:
You got it Rick: Trini Sweet it is!
Yep: bless the man's heart--longest he's been away from home since Korea. NOT a happy camper but thrilled to be coming home! Like the radiator analogy. Or we could've just flushed him with vinegar . . . NOT! (Don't ask me how I know that do not work and can be weewy cowosive if not waste of time, postponing inevitable, which could be a new rad . . . ye-ah. :rolleyes: )
You have great weekend as well, sweetie! And . . . SKO HEELS!
Thanks Annie! Will be in touch about swapping seeds later.
I don't think vinegar would work very well to flush out fatty deposits from arteries... you'd have to use lye, and that'd be weewy cowosive too tweety...  and definitely don't use any equipment made by ACME to do the procedure... ;)
GA Growhead said:
The infinities were no joke. My boss hated the bitterness of the straight capsaicin taste, cause they were loaded. It hurt him pretty bad and he said no more infinities for him. I like the shapes too. The one's with tails look really cool.
Out of bbg7s already? Was that a hint? :D
Trin TS sweets are pretty good. Became a favorite snacker late last season. Huge Trinidad plants, like 7s or scorps, but with those pods. I got you some seeds Rick, btw, if you want them.
Glad your diddy made it thru all good. Take it easy today and rest that shoulder. Been lightly raining since i got up this morning. Now it's really coming down. Garden needed it!
Thnx for the offer and the info Jay... if you're down for a  seed swap a little ways down the road, we'll palaver... :)
GA Growhead said:
The infinities were no joke. My boss hated the bitterness of the straight capsaicin taste, cause they were loaded. It hurt him pretty bad and he said no more infinities for him. I like the shapes too. The one's with tails look really cool.
Out of bbg7s already? Was that a hint? :D
Trin TS sweets are pretty good. Became a favorite snacker late last season. Huge Trinidad plants, like 7s or scorps, but with those pods. I got you some seeds Rick, btw, if you want them.
Glad your diddy made it thru all good. Take it easy today and rest that shoulder. Been lightly raining since i got up this morning. Now it's really coming down. Garden needed it!
"Was that a hint? :D " Jason, I only play coy with my ex-boyfriend from h.s. who works in produce dept. to get him to defrock and core pineapple for sauces! :rolleyes: No, it was a :mope: . Love Bubblegum: nice and sweet too! Infinity's brutal.
I saw ya'lls rain: I saw the reffing debacle (from a Bleed-Blue-Heel standpoint) in Wetlanta yesterday. Then, it came here, hard; sun's out now.
Rain extending season as we're supposed to warm up again this week. Only thing that "made" (old school language ;)) in SEast was peppers. Peppers are so wonderfully adaptive!
Or if you have or will have some BG7 seeds, we could do that; also, I can pick those out for ya, too, send back deseeded. Just send me your entire crop of BG7's and I'll deseed for ya!! :party: Just messin.'
Yeah, Diddy is more than fine, atm, but almost driving me insane because he knows that I will do what my brothers won't. Mama's diabetic; she makes unsweetened decaf tea, which he swears is not tea. I put a quart of the two gallons of sweet and very caffeinated I made for him in their refrigerator before they got back yesterday. Along with fruit juices he's not touched. Man called this morning at 7 am wanting more tea. 7. A.M. And he can't drive for 2 weeks. AMA,  "he was spotted," I hear, backing his truck in and out of garage this morning. Hmm. :rofl:
My shoulder? Uh, what shoulder. I have tea deliveries to make and actually thrilled that I have my father to keep supplied in "real tea."
stickman said:
Thanks Annie! Will be in touch about swapping seeds later.
I don't think vinegar would work very well to flush out fatty deposits from arteries... you'd have to use lye, and that'd be weewy cowosive too tweety...  and definitely don't use any equipment made by ACME to do the procedure... ;)

Thnx for the offer and the info Jay... if you're down for a  seed swap a little ways down the road, we'll palaver... :)
Good deal Rick! Liquid Plumber? (No; that crap won't unclog a drain but there is the humane aspect, as you said . . . )
Devv said:
Glad Dad had a successful operation. Wow 60 years of marriage? That's really great!
Have a nice weekend!
You have a great weekend too Scotty! Yep, according to my mother, 60 long, naw. Poor woman was so lost without that man when I went over to tuck her in, stop try to stop her from pacing like a pregnant cat at night.
Yeeeeeeeeaaah, my father is more than fine. Actually, he's now pacing like my mother was, antsy to drive, go, move; I just drove him to post office and it's locked on Sunday; I knew that but he wanted out . . . his throat's sore but he tried to yell about it! Points for effort, Pops! So I listened, drove him by his sister's to spy on her, told him we'll go early in the morning :rolleyes: .
Gonna be long 2 weeks he can't drive, Scott. Long. I finally got to grind up JA Habs had in dehydrator last night around 2am. Add some Tabascos to Tab ferment. Completely delighted that he's home for now--2nd carotid to be done in 4-8 weeks, about as soon as they get stitches out of this one but . . . that will be then.
Devv said:
At least ya go to work to rest ;)
And the antsy part is a really good sign!
Enjoy what's left!
Yeppers, Scotty; I reckon so. Yeah, work is peaceful :rofl: . But parenting parents does have insanely funny moments. Also developing great rapport with doctors because vast majority of folks in waiting rooms are "interesting." Can't imagine having to treat some of those people. Chick in cardiologist's office this morning loud, too, on cell, after they called her mother to see doc: "I knowed he done it cause I seen him behind the bushes with a godda***n gun! YEAH, girl, I seen him!" My father looked at her sternly, then said to me, "Ya know, probably, somebody really did try to shoot her."
romy6 said:
 Annie, Glad pops is back throwing coke bottles at ya. It was like he never left ya  :party:
Received and outstanding box of orange love from you today. Thank you  :fireball:
Yeah, coke bottles, popcorn, boiled peanuts . . . Jazus! :rofl:
Were de pods okay, mon cher teetie weetle Gator? I was concerned about that early morning dew, quick wipe and box thang (because I was needed elsewhere ;) ), that they might be fonky on arrival. Hope not!
And a great rest of week to all!
Hi Annie, What are your night-time temperatures like now? We're in the upper 30s to mid 40s now, and the leaves are starting to turn. In a week or two we'll be done here, then it'll be time to bust hump cleaning up the garden and the yard and tucking them in for the winter. We're pulling for your Dad to have a good trip to see the "mechanic" and a speedy recovery so you've got the time needed to do the same when the time comes... I don't reckon you're in an itchin' hurry for frost... ;)
stickman said:
Hi Annie, What are your night-time temperatures like now? We're in the upper 30s to mid 40s now, and the leaves are starting to turn. In a week or two we'll be done here, then it'll be time to bust hump cleaning up the garden and the yard and tucking them in for the winter. We're pulling for your Dad to have a good trip to see the "mechanic" and a speedy recovery so you've got the time needed to do the same when the time comes... I don't reckon you're in an itchin' hurry for frost... ;)
I'm not really in office, Rick :shh: . Went to desk at Holiday Inn on way back from my father's doc appt. today, got a "Do not disturb sign" slapped on office door; have recording of me having convo with friend on low, looping. Yeah, well "mechanics" aren't done with Pops; goes back to A-ville for them to schedule other side, hopefully done in mid-Oct/early Nov. He can drive again this Mon., locally only but :party: :dance: .
Super Indian Summer here. Temps are hanging mid-50's or higher at night and day temps around 80F. Dang, Rick, those might be lows you're having but peppers are resilient. Everything else dies at those temps but betcha yours withstand one frost.
After I see my doc about shoulder and referral tomorrow (acupuncturist!! YESSS!!!!!) may start cleaning tomato/cuke/winter/summer squash beds except two raised beds, still pumping peppers and toms. I have to go slow but a bit a day, slow, steady wins race, bla, bla. Not touching peppers until last drop I can process: dry, sauce, mail, are killed deader'n 4 o'clock. Peace, sugar.