• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
I don't think I changed da name but added MoA so that peeps would understand which pepper was used without seeing pics. Hope Papi's ok to drive, we had to take the keys away from my dad when he was alive and that was the hardest thing we ever had to do. We asked the doctor to tell him first and then we did a family meeting so we could all tell him how much we loved him and that we didn't want anything to happen to him. Eventually he gave in and a few years later he thought he was still driving and we let him believe that, it's gotta be tuff loosing that freedom ...

Hab a great day muchacha :)
WalkGood said:
I don't think I changed da name but added MoA so that peeps would understand which pepper was used without seeing pics.
I see that now, Ramon! Mea culpa para no mirar dos, tres veces mas!

WalkGood said:
Hope Papi's ok to drive, we had to take the keys away from my dad when he was alive and that was the hardest thing we ever had to do.

Regarding my father, it's that he's supposed to take 2 weeks after surgery before he drives. So, 2 is 1. He was Willie Nelson's tax accountant??  :rofl:

WalkGood said:
We asked the doctor to tell him first and then we did a family meeting so we could all tell him how much we loved him and that we didn't want anything to happen to him. Eventually he gave in and a few years later he thought he was still driving and we let him believe that, it's gotta be tuff loosing that freedom ...

Am sorry you had to do that. My father took keys from his father (who'd already lost license for running stopped school buses, plural); my grandfather hot-wired car and drove w/o license or keys.  If Pops can't walk, he won't drive . . .

WalkGood said:
Hab a great day muchacha :)

You too, mi hermano!
Had a Funky at lunch other day: those have a really nice taste. What are the odds the seeds saved would yield Funkies next year? Am truly sorry not gotten around to commenting on those but have been slammed. Thank you, Scott!
I was hoping you would like them, so far the best tasting red pepper I've tried yet. Has the flavor and heat.
I'm thinking I sent you seeds earlier on for the Funkies?
But I did pick those when they were nice and ripe so they should be good. I took cutting of the mother plant before the cold hit, hoping they do OK..
Devv said:
I was hoping you would like them, so far the best tasting red pepper I've tried yet. Has the flavor and heat.
Yes, it does, Scott. The reds tend to confuse me, taste-wise. Red Jonahs sometimes time great; Butch T's sometimes taste great. These Funkies taste great. Much of taste difference has to be attributable to soil and growing conditions, etc.
Devv said:
I'm thinking I sent you seeds earlier on for the Funkies?
But I did pick those when they were nice and ripe so they should be good. I took cutting of the mother plant before the cold hit, hoping they do OK..
You did and you anticipated my question: would the ripest (most recently sent pods) have more of a tendency to replicate the Funkies next year? (Hey! Gonna plant some and see!) Thanks, Scott!
As you said only one way to see what they do. Obviously they're not stable or they would have been true Reapers, but a bonus that they came out like they did. I'm in the process of cloning the mother plant, if they do well I can send one.
Devv said:
As you said only one way to see what they do. Obviously they're not stable or they would have been true Reapers, but a bonus that they came out like they did. I'm in the process of cloning the mother plant, if they do well I can send one.
Hon, you don't need to send Funkies "across the universe" . . . but "The Funky Express" could create another type of pepper, maybe. Hmm. "Tastes of funky shades of red/are flaming through my open head,/inciting and inviting me./Limitless undying Reapers/glow around me creeper heaters. . .. /It calls me on and on across the universe./J'ai guru, Devv: Funky gonna change my world, Funky gonna change my world . . ."
romy6 said:
 Glad pops is back to his old evil ways and the sauces look fabulicious  :fireball:  :fireball:  :fireball:
+ 1 on Pops, Jamie. Yeah. Indeed! :dance:
You can tell me about some sauces . . . once I PM you a question or (2) :D
Few updates: powdering of peppers is done. (1 sauce left to make, Bourbon Fatalii Apple Butter and it can wait. Fataliis frozen in freezer, deseeded, aka, ready.)
The Yellow Powders (base for powder blends): 
Yellow Bouquet and Aji Limon (mixed), Yellow 7 Pod, Yellow Moruga, and Yellow Brainstrain (mixed), Orange Thai, Trinidad Perfume:

Colors would be more true in natural sunlight but these were dried low and slow. Really slow.
The Reds, Browns, Etc.:

Smoked ancho (poblano), Jalapeño, Serrano Tampequino, Pasilla, Guajillo and Cayenne (mixed; saved some dried pods to make flakes with m&p), Smoked Tabasco, Inca Red Drop (not smoked), Smoked Douglah, 7 Pod Brown x Naga and few Red Moruga; Smoked Naga.
More rosemary, mushrooms, garlic, onion, ginger, and San Marzanos--the ones I thought were dry?--dehydrating, atm. Limes, lemons, oranges, done. Some peels for chunking left to do, maybe some zest with salt in oven . . .
Update to grow area and dang is it bright! New lights and new idea. Everything is getting a mylar blast, 3 sides. Some mylar on front panel (pulled back here) is wrinkled. I may glue it back tight and I may not. All but one side of shelves lined: other side white with room for fans:

Going with just the 4 shelves again with some different ideas, methods. More at later date. Thanks for looking and have a great one!
GA Growhead said:
Looks like NASA took over in your grow area! :D
Thank you, Jason! My brother got a bunch of these for his "fleet" trucks/vehicles and promo gifts, at his business last summer Since he was ordering . . . I asked for some blank ones in anticipation of 2014 grow, paid him; found and put on last night. :party: Mylar sun shades and they're foam backed, which will be insulating. Thing is, over on Scott's/Devv's Glog, was talking about how pro his grow area looks, and had forgotten I had 10 of these: "mylar alternatives." (Squirrels never remember where they bury their nuts morsels.)
WalkGood said:
Fantastic colors on da powders muchacha, I love "low and slow," great job! Heck a little sideways keeps tings fresh too ;)
Hab an awesome hump day ^_^
Thank God/Jah/Buddha/Krishna/Vishnu/the Goddess/ the Tao/I Ching, it's Wednesday, mi hermano! 20 hour Tuesdays and Thursdays are getting better of me and still gotta run back to school for conversation with kid who's failing, uncharacteristic of him, and more pre-T-giving break essays to eval tonight. :rofl: Colleagues: "You sure do work a lot." Me: "I think that's what they and their parents are paying for, right? Or . . . ? Slack-a college proffs. Ugh. And since Dean Smith will not be present today to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom, we're doing an Alzheimer's run benefit at school on Saturday morning to honor all and to honor "Coach." Am tired, but for "The Dean?" When that man passes, I'll wear Carolina Blue for a month and not take it off: my earliest hero.
And although electric bill was a little higher, not discernible. I love the colors and taste of the powders.
Making some powders and chunks for wusses in my family for Christmas, but you scored big time with my nephew chilli-head on the strawberry/JA Hab. Gonna make him some powder of that for Christmas. Wanna adopt my nephew, querido? He thinks you're so :cool: .
Penny said:
;)  Looks good.
Thank you, Penny. Got that land appraised and prepared for spring under the greenhouses? ;)
Everybody have good day!
Hiya Annie......I saw an advertisement here that a local farm is going to be offering allotments next year, its a well known farm, so I'll be checking that out early Spring when they are taking names. :dance:  That or I take over more of my lawn, kinda hard though with a dog ;)
Penny said:
Hiya Annie......I saw an advertisement here that a local farm is going to be offering allotments next year, its a well known farm, so I'll be checking that out early Spring when they are taking names. :dance:  That or I take over more of my lawn, kinda hard though with a dog ;)
Hey, Penny, cool on the allotments! I'm currently trying to "persuade" aka con, this old codger who's plowed up a few acres (and will do nothing with it as he's just doing it to get a farm subsidy) into giving me some area to grow.
Dogs . . . my brother had an underground shock fence built for his dog. Dog was willful but obedient, aka pain = not. So, bro planted an acre of corn and beans and tomatoes. One afternoon, dog said to himself, "That sure looks like fun. No pain; no gain." :shocked:
Good luck on getting the space you need too, hopefully he goes for it :dance: .....offer him some of the fruits from the garden, maybe he'll go for it. I posted pics in my Glog (lol) and have the raised beds, I am trying to talk my husband into building more but 2 summers ago we built a great big deck (650 sq ft) and that took up a lot of room, so f he's not up for it, there's always pots that I can place on the deck...plus they look nice too ;)
Penny said:
Good luck on getting the space you need too, hopefully he goes for it :dance: .....offer him some of the fruits from the garden, maybe he'll go for it.
Doubtful; States so messed up, they only get subsidies if they don't grow. smh.
Penny said:
 I posted pics in my Glog (lol) and have the raised beds, I am trying to talk my husband into building more but 2 summers ago we built a great big deck (650 sq ft) and that took up a lot of room, so f he's not up for it, there's always pots that I can place on the deck...plus they look nice too ;)
Just posted on your Glog which is not funny! Hey, where ya been? Lovely raised beds and that soil looks like it could grow anything!! :party:
Powders sure do look pretty!
I too like the NASA look of your grow station. I like the idea of the mats on the shelves too. I need to find something tough, the mylar is way too fragile.
So looking at yet more land to plant? I'm thinking my garden is half the size of yours, and it wears me out...careful what you wish for...you may just get it!
Really looking forward to the holiday break!
Have a good one!
"Annies Space Oddity Grow Area" ♪♫♪♪♫♫♪♫

Ground Control to Major Annie
Ground Control to Major Annie
Take your pepper pills
and put your lights on

Ground Control to Major Annie
Commencing countdown,
engines on
Check da heat mats
and may God's Pepper love be with you

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff

This is Ground Control
to Major Annie
You've really made the grade (pics)
And THP wants to know whose financing dat new grow room :D
Now it's time to leave the grow area
if you dare hahahaha

Great Awesome job muchacha, love da reflection, had to put my shades on to see the picture ;) Which by the way (yea I know btw is red hot chili peppers, lol) your pictures have gotten great \o/
Hab an awesome weekend ^_^