• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
WalkGood said:
"Annies Space Oddity Grow Area" ♪♫♪♪♫♫♪♫

Ground Control to Major Annie
Ground Control to Major Annie
Take your pepper pills
and put your lights on

Ground Control to Major Annie
Commencing countdown,
engines on
Check da heat mats
and may God's Pepper love be with you

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff

This is Ground Control
to Major Annie
You've really made the grade (pics)
And THP wants to know whose financing dat new grow room :D
Now it's time to leave the grow area
if you dare hahahaha

Great Awesome job muchacha, love da reflection, had to put my shades on to see the picture ;) Which by the way (yea I know btw is red hot chili peppers, lol) your pictures have gotten great \o/
Hab an awesome weekend ^_^
I'm delighted it that you left out, ". . . your circuit's dead./Is there something wrong?" :party:  (Dig RHCP reference; I also recall a satire by Pat and Barb--good friends still, formerly Timbuck 3--"The future's so bright I gotta wear shades.")  I LOVE your creativity!
I have you to thank for pics getting better, mi hermano! :clap: (Dang mess is bright in there. Turn em off and regular florescent basement lights? I feel like a mole.)
Devv said:
Well done Ramon!
Sawyer said:
I get tired just reading this glog.  I wish I had half your energy, Annie.  You grow, girl!
Hey, John, "Arksaw" . . . thanks! Uh, energy . . . hmm. Thanks sweetie!
Penny said:
Ha....love it, Annie's space oddity!! ;)
You callin' me a "space cadet," Penny? (I'm calling me that!)
A few updates. (A funny story has to accompany.) Am putting these two powder blends together, when had gone to PO, was a tad tired of blending, putting in baby-baggies. Have on long sleeve sweatshirt down in woman-cave when I just have to taste these (Naga Bee stung me, Paul--good stuff! And thank you for seeds as well! Glad I got these pics before going totally stoopid):

And these were my powder blends am doing at the time of double digit IQ moment: Red Meat (or whatever) and Fish/Chix Blends (or whatever):


I wanted to try some of Paul's blends. Had made some "Southern busy-day egg salad." (It's very easy to make! lol) I was slapping it on crackers with Paul's Naga and love the White Hot Sweet as well--tasted some banana in there (might have made banana salad); when my HAIR got in my eyes: the cuff of the sleeve to push back the hair, the cuff of the sleeve with Yellow 7 and shades of smoked Douglah powders faintly "peppered" there . . . and then, because IT HURT (and I was blind), I rubbed my eye with the OTHER sleeve, which got the said powders in the OTHER EYE. But I ate those crackers before flushing my eyes with water. I mean, hell, at that point . . . enjoy it!
Everybody, have a great day!
Devv said:
Those "remnants" can tear a person up!
I learned to wear gloves after a few "dances" and having to jump in the shower...and hot water? Mistake!
Truly! :rofl: It doesn't take much and of course I had on gloves but my sleeve . . . no; a sleeve condom wouldn't help either . . . what would've helped, Scotty is had I stayed with task at hand (and left any "remnants" on hand/sleeve) and not gone all greedy-guts for Paul's powder. I borrowed a mask from friend on FD last year; this year, improvised, grinding with snorkel and mask = no problems other than feeling like looked stupid. I blended the ingredients w/same snorkel/mask. But the EASY part, filling bags? Hammered. :doh: The only thing didn't do was "add hot water and stir." smdh :lol:
Hey I'm not laughing (unless I actually get to see you:)
I now use a "Darth Vader" looking respirator grinding powder. Wish I had it on cleaning up after making Reaper puree!
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving Annie!
Weird about your eye story, I had similar the other day but a little different, worst situation I’ve ever been in. Once done grinding and cleaning the grinder out I saw a few little specs around the outside of it. Big mistake but I blew it off and from the inside and back at my face came a dust storm. Instant blindness and pain I’ve never felt, I was seriously concerned. I quickly dropped everything jumped in the shower with my eye wash cup and washed my eyes out a few times. While it continued to burn for 15 minutes I could at least see again, certainly scared me for a few minutes, point is that these powders we make can be seriously dangerous. I’m happy you survived it …
I wish you and yours a very happy T-Bird day muchacha ^_^
WalkGood said:
Weird about your eye story, I had similar the other day but a little different, worst situation I’ve ever been in. Once done grinding and cleaning the grinder out I saw a few little specs around the outside of it. Big mistake but I blew it off and from the inside and back at my face came a dust storm. Instant blindness and pain I’ve never felt, I was seriously concerned. I quickly dropped everything jumped in the shower with my eye wash cup and washed my eyes out a few times. While it continued to burn for 15 minutes I could at least see again, certainly scared me for a few minutes, point is that these powders we make can be seriously dangerous. I’m happy you survived it …
I wish you and yours a very happy T-Bird day muchacha ^_^
Pretty scarey!
LB and I quickly learned puree made with supers can be bad news for ones respiratory system.
annie57 said:
Few updates: powdering of peppers is done. (1 sauce left to make, Bourbon Fatalii Apple Butter and it can wait. Fataliis frozen in freezer, deseeded, aka, ready.)
The Yellow Powders (base for powder blends): 
Yellow Bouquet and Aji Limon (mixed), Yellow 7 Pod, Yellow Moruga, and Yellow Brainstrain (mixed), Orange Thai, Trinidad Perfume:

Colors would be more true in natural sunlight but these were dried low and slow. Really slow.
The Reds, Browns, Etc.:

Smoked ancho (poblano), Jalapeño, Serrano Tampequino, Pasilla, Guajillo and Cayenne (mixed; saved some dried pods to make flakes with m&p), Smoked Tabasco, Inca Red Drop (not smoked), Smoked Douglah, 7 Pod Brown x Naga and few Red Moruga; Smoked Naga.
More rosemary, mushrooms, garlic, onion, ginger, and San Marzanos--the ones I thought were dry?--dehydrating, atm. Limes, lemons, oranges, done. Some peels for chunking left to do, maybe some zest with salt in oven . . .
Update to grow area and dang is it bright! New lights and new idea. Everything is getting a mylar blast, 3 sides. Some mylar on front panel (pulled back here) is wrinkled. I may glue it back tight and I may not. All but one side of shelves lined: other side white with room for fans:

Going with just the 4 shelves again with some different ideas, methods. More at later date. Thanks for looking and have a great one!
Hi Annie,
Congratulations for your glog, really impressive!
What does 'low and slow' means in numbers? :-)
Last year I was growing Aji Lemon Drops, and their vibrant yellow color turned brown during the dehydration... (the temperature cannot be set on that...but recently I purchased an owen, which can be set between 86 and 572 Farenheit)
And yes, NASA should be envy to your equipment :P
Thank you so much for your package Miz Annie! It got here today...

I know you put a lot of time and thought into them, and I want to give them my full attention, so it'll probably be a few days before I get to them. Nice timing though... I have a boneless Pork roast in the freezer... how would you use the "squealer" sauce to best advantage? Cheers!
WalkGood said:
Weird about your eye story, I had similar the other day but a little different, worst situation I’ve ever been in. Once done grinding and cleaning the grinder out I saw a few little specs around the outside of it. Big mistake but I blew it off and from the inside and back at my face came a dust storm. Instant blindness and pain I’ve never felt, I was seriously concerned. I quickly dropped everything jumped in the shower with my eye wash cup and washed my eyes out a few times. While it continued to burn for 15 minutes I could at least see again, certainly scared me for a few minutes, point is that these powders we make can be seriously dangerous. I’m happy you survived it …
I wish you and yours a very happy T-Bird day muchacha ^_^
Thanks on the T-day, mi hermano: I survived extended family. Hope you had much better time with yours than I, mine! People need to relax and take some sedative meds, or sumpin, lol. All uptight about crap being perfect . . . smdh. One year, my younger bro gave me hell for not getting boys there on time to see "Santa" on firetruck and he's all, "and he had these two boy elves with him!" How I missed it, bla, bla. Geez, one step ahead, had called "Santa"--old buddy from h.s.--and asked him if I could bring my guys by to meet him and see the trucks, etc. He said, "Sure: we'll let 'em help me throw out candy with me on the ride if you let 'em." Oh, ye-ah! So, I was late? Those were my kids on the truck that he saw. (Dingbat, didn't know his own nephews dressed as elves.)
Querido, have done same thing! "Let me blow it from inside." (Wrong move.) This year I bought air-dusters just for powders. Which would work if wasn't going for every nook and cranny in the grinder, inadvertently aimed at face. If so, that uh, "blows."
Devv said:
Pretty scarey!
LB and I quickly learned puree made with supers can be bad news for ones respiratory system.
I think ferment helps that, Scotty! But otherwise, yep!
Penny said:
:eek: Holy cow, talk about lesson learned, glad your both ok!!
Growing and processing supers = "Life in the fast lane . . ."!
stickman said:
As long as you only get powder remnants in one eye it's not too bad... just keep that eye closed and it doesn't sting. Open it up and let oxygen in, however... :mad:
Dang Rick, O2 wants in when I'm bumping into stuff, but yes!
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Annie,
Congratulations for your glog, really impressive!
What does 'low and slow' means in numbers? :-)
Last year I was growing Aji Lemon Drops, and their vibrant yellow color turned brown during the dehydration... (the temperature cannot be set on that...but recently I purchased an owen, which can be set between 86 and 572 Farenheit)
And yes, NASA should be envy to your equipment :P
Balázs, thanks for dropping in! "Low and slow" is normally barbecue/smoke terminology for meat like pork and brisket, cooked longer at lower temps, but as you noticed, if dry peppers on high and fast rather than low and slow, they lose color. True; some dehydrators are one temp only. But have had one for couple of years with low for herbs in 90's (F) which takes longer but think you'll be pleased with low temps and longer drying times. What's an Owen? Peace! Annie

stickman said:
Thank you so much for your package Miz Annie! It got here today...

I know you put a lot of time and thought into them, and I want to give them my full attention, so it'll probably be a few days before I get to them. Nice timing though... I have a boneless Pork roast in the freezer... how would you use the "squealer" sauce to best advantage? Cheers!
Glad they got there, Rick! So much for that Friday tracking, huh? Take your time getting to them; a gift is meant to be enjoyed by the recipient, however he/she sees fit. On "Squealer," contingent upon your eating audience and how they like pork and whether you inject or brine or neither (I tend to brine boneless and inject bone-in or Boston butts, using hot sauces with both, but then, that's me); really, Rick, you're such a great cook, once you taste it, you'll know what to do with it. I've tossed some on finished pork and steak, since I wanted flavor in sauces over face-melt, and also want to taste meat. At least that was the goal with those sauces: to have flavor and compliment. Have fun! ;)
annie57 said:
Balázs, thanks for dropping in! "Low and slow" is normally barbecue/smoke terminology for meat like pork and brisket, cooked longer at lower temps, but as you noticed, if dry peppers on high and fast rather than low and slow, they lose color. True; some dehydrators are one temp only. But have had one for couple of years with low for herbs in 90's (F) which takes longer but think you'll be pleased with low temps and longer drying times. What's an Owen? Peace! Annie
Hi Annie,
90 Farenheit? Well, that is more like a sunny summer daytime temperature :-)
How long it usually takes for a Fatallii to dry out completely? I guess it takes days..
Owen?....Dang...Typo...Oven, of course :rofl:
Penny said:
Haha...love it, squealer juice!! What peppers did you use in it, Annie?
Penny, half of them were smoked, half not, a lot of 7 Pod Brown x Naga, Douglah, chocolate habs, ripe jalapeño--trying to balance heat and taste of 79B X Naga and Douglah in overall ferment; then fermented with organic dark raisins, onion, garlic, sea salt and Caldwell's Starter. Whey does work if going to process further--if going for pro-biotic use, might be less tasty--but my intention was to process. Fermented probably 50+ days or so. Once the ferment tested in low 3's or high 2's I capped and refrigerated until time for processing. Tasting ferments when testing for pH as they go, get an idea of what would be good with them in processing aka I love fermenting peppers!
HabaneroHead said:
How long it usually takes for a Fatallii to dry out completely? I guess it takes days..
Owen?....Dang...Typo...Oven, of course :rofl:
Balázs, yep: days. But . . . high 90's F retains color and taste in my opinion. Of course deseeding first speeds process but yeah, still takes days. Took a few weeks to dehydrate fresh pineapple for powder blends! :rofl: