another sydney chillihead.

...from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!
chilliman64 said:
did you get your garden dug up and weeded? have the seedlings survived the last week or so?

Survived? Theyre going mental! Fatali in one bed isnt getting enough sun I think, its not going near as well as the one in the pot getting full sun.

All the plants you left with me are potted, theyre all increasing in size pretty quickly, all green and glosssy. Noticed the first buds appearing on two of the cayennes yesterday!

Im getting bit baaaad... Im looking at more seeds wondering if its too late in the season to start them off..... hehe.

And no, I didnt get that bed weeded. Thanks for asking and making me feel bad.

Imaguitargod.... Thanks man!!!! WHOOHOOO!!!!! (and here was me thinking it was the chillies! haha!)
some new fangled music contraption, they say they'll replace LPs one day! the best part is the machine that plays them is smaller than your Beta top loading video tape machine!!! the wonders of the modern era..