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Anybody else here a gearhead?

Sickmont said:
We were actually thinking about going to Sebring for the Nostalgia race on Dec. 2 and 3rd.....we were thinking about splitting the rental on a motorhome for the weekend for the race...

cool..my roommate and i were talking about going. hadn't decided it was a must, but just caught a few commercials about it the other day at some sports bar/restaurant. if we go, we'll definitely have to meet up and have some beers at the track!
DEFCON Creator said:
Mustang pics are up! Go to the Defcon website, click on appearances, and then go to miscellaneous pictures.
Eh, I've seen better....... :lol:

Just kidding John, looks awsome! You should have the homeculous or your wife take an action shot of it in the street burning rubber!
DEFCON Creator said:
Mustang pics are up! Go to the Defcon website, click on appearances, and then go to miscellaneous pictures.

NICE! There's never any argument when you're packing a huffer!

(Injection is nice but i'd rather be BLOWN!)
Sickmont said:
We were actually thinking about going to Sebring for the Nostalgia race on Dec. 2 and 3rd.....we were thinking about splitting the rental on a motorhome for the weekend for the race...

you ever figure out if you guys are going? we decided not to go..one of our clients is entered in a bike race down at homestead that same weekend. its a bit closer to us than sebring hah. if you make it, try to get some pictures!

nice stang creator! bet it will be fun to take it out to a road course. :(
Thanks man, actually, they have a cool autocross track at The Meadowlands, in Giants Stadium parking lot during the week. Gonna give it a shot in the spring.

I'm still not done squashing the infinite amount of Fartboxes (Civics and other 1/2 cars with the coffee can and $10k of useless plastic strapped on it) on the highways.
xgrafcorex said:
you ever figure out if you guys are going? we decided not to go..one of our clients is entered in a bike race down at homestead that same weekend. its a bit closer to us than sebring hah. if you make it, try to get some pictures!

Nah, we're not going. The gods of finance won't allow it for me. So, i'm going to be working this weekend instead. Besides, i've got a 15 year old daughter to shop for Christmas for, so i need every dime i can get!
I saw the pics on your site. Nicely done! (even though I'm not really a Mustang fan)

One of these days, I'm going to finish my Z and we'll have two races. One down the 1/4 and one on a road track.

Keep in mind, I'll be tuning my car to a 5,000 ft. altitude, so, if I can find high enough octane gas at lower altitudes....should be interesting to say the least!
today my roommate/coworker and i went down to homestead speedway because one of our clients races and works on bikes for a team sponsored by prieto racing, a local bike shop. unfortunately we got there late and didn't get to see the guy we knew race, but their team did pretty well. i know they won one race, wasn't able to keep track of some of the other races. there were amateur and not so amateur classes running simultaneously at times, and there were many races throughout the day. the course they ran was a combination of the outer loop, and the inner road course. i didn't really get any pics of most of the course due to the amount of fencing in the way...so most are on the front straight. the races we missed were the 9 lap races, and the rest of the day were all 6 lap races..pretty short, but it sure looked like fun!


the guy in the lead smoked everyone in this race!



same guy in the lead diving into the first corner.


there were some junky cars there too! haha

is this a norton? we weren't sure what it was.



the black and yellow bike is one of the prieto racing bikes, and hes about to overtake the other bike.


a second later.


i couldn't fit them all in frame, but when everyone was lined up on the grid..there were a little over 70 bikes in this race!


the only accident we knew of. no serious injuries. actually the guy was up and off the track before we even realized there was a bike down.


another prieto racing bike..this one won a race earlier in the day if i'm not mistaken.
theres this fancy plaza type place a couple blocks away from my house and tonight there was a bugatti veyron there!




for anyone not familiar with this car, it is powered by a quad-turbo w16 engine that produces about 3000 hp at the flywheel. somehow it loses most of its power by the time it gets to the ground and only puts a hair over 1000 to the pavement. either way...its fast and VERY expensive.

on the way back home, in the same plaza, i came across a ferrari scaglietti.

Nice Veyron. I'm glad someone has a cool million to drop on a car! (how do you lose 2k horses from the flywheel to the ground...?)
honestly i'm a bit puzzled by the loss myself. i know all engines have their share of parasitic loses..but this is well over 50% which is, as far as i know, unheard of. someone had mentioned it was due to all the heat produced from having four turbos. it has two clutch plates if i'm not mistaken...between that and all the turbos and turbo plumbing...i guess thats where it all goes. also..i'm guessing the engine isn't extremely efficient in its own right to begin with. i don't think bugatti is known for that sort of thing.

heh besides...if it did put all that power to the ground...the tires would be wider than the car! :P
formula one tire? their season starts up this month on the 18th. its being held in melbourne, australia. with schumacher retired..i wonder how well ferrari will do? i'm hoping not as well honestly and that there will be a bit more excitement overall. you can only watch schumi and ferrari spank everyone for so many years before it gets a bit old. :rolleyes:

i'm getting pretty excited here!! i'm heading up to sebring in two weeks for the annual 12 hours of sebring! just bought a new tent, my friend is driving down from gainsville with his truck and a gas grill. this year should be one of the best as far as non-race related things go. as far as the race...looking forward to seeing the aston martins vs corvettes, also can't wait to see and hear those twin turbo diesel audi r10s! those things are amazing. i'll take as many pictures as possible, and i'll be sure to share them here in a couple weeks. :)