contest April ideas

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hot dog:

cylindrical meat, 5 to 12 inches in length (anything else is just showing off).
Pink to dark pink in color.
Might be kosher...might violate every rule in kosher.
Could have casings, could be casing-free.
Definitely processed.
Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey, Veggie, or any combination of those.
Has a uniform color and consistency, which separates it from italian sausages or bratwurst style sausages.
Is happy when wrapped in crescent rolls or covered in chili and onions, but also loves just a simple swipe of mustard.

It's a damn hot dog. There should be no discussion. Lobster hot dogs don't exist. If it doesn't look like something you could get from a vendor at a baseball stadium, don't use it for this throwdown.
Seafood hot dogs are not hot dogs.
Hot dogs plump when you cook them.
Seafood hot dogs just make people wish they were either: A. Eating Seafood. or B. Eating hot dogs.
This isn't complicated.

If we accept strange hot dogs, the people who insist on us accepting them will only be conveniently out of town or off-line on the weekend of the throwdown.
happens every time.
Not that I can enter, but if I were to, I'd take a hot dog and surround it with loose chorizo snausage like a meatloaf...but I'd shape it into a fist. Yeah...that's it...a HOTDOG MEAT FIST!

True story.
Booo a proper meat fist has 5 hot dogs.
I've created a MONSTER!

Epiphany! Chili Cheese Hotdog Frito Pie! Damn! Maybe I wouldn't suck so much after all on this throwdown. Sucks to be me not entering now. The ideas are flowin'! Hebrew Nats TexMex Tacos....somebody stop me!

Fitty....I've seen salmon hotdogs...don't make me go there.

True story.
There are plenty of really good things that are minced, seasoned, and put into sausage casing that are QUALITY. Haters to the left.
This is exactly why I will not define it. Already nay sayers from FD's post. :lol:

A hot dog is a hot dog folks!

It's a damn hot dog. There should be no discussion.
FD, you should have stopped there, lol.

I'll use some of these quotes in the rules.
I am late to the party and it seems like hot dog has been chosen but I thought I would throw an idea out anyways. I saw April fools mentioned a few pages back. You could do food that looks like one thing but tastes like something else.

I don't know if any of you watch Top Chef but this season Dale did a good job of that with the sunny side up egg dumpling.

It looks kinda like an egg but it is really a dumpling.
I'm thinking the idea will be create a hot dog for your city. We all know NY hot dogs, and Chicago dogs... how can you represent your city in a hot dog? ...Or create a new style if your city has one? The hot dog name must have your city in it (or state if that works better). NYC can easily do neighborhoods too, like Harlem, SoHo, etc. Chicago too.

So yeah. Represent!
I'm thinking the idea will be create a hot dog for your city. We all know NY hot dogs, and Chicago dogs... how can you represent your city in a hot dog? ...Or create a new style if your city has one? The hot dog name must have your city in it (or state if that works better). NYC can easily do neighborhoods too, like Harlem, SoHo, etc. Chicago too.

So yeah. Represent!

I'm seeing a hotdog floating in a bottle of Makers Mark.... :cool:

Hot Dog Brown?.......nah.

Race Horsedog on toasted thoroughbread? :rofl:

The two-toothed hillbilly dog?
Weather permitting I may do a Brooklyn Dawg.

SoFlo what you got? Palm leaves instead of banana leaves? :lol: Bring it.
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