contest April ideas

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Believe me RM, if it has alcohol in it, Wheebz will find it. He is like a bloodhound with that stuff. Actually, he is a boozehound. :drunk:
For some reason, something in me is saying "let's focus on the dogs only - no sides, no foo that's not on the dog...." Your thoughts?
I think Wheebz should be allowed to use a street vendor as a helper.
Show us a great german dog, kraut, and a beer at some bavarian town market!!!!

Have a frikadella too. Its kind of like a hamburger, but way better. I ate lots of those when I was in Germany for a spring.
While you're at it....

Make some frikadellen courtesy of my old gay blog.

While you're at it....

Make some frikadellen courtesy of my old gay blog.


Have Marcie..I mean Mercy! YOU cooked those dishes in your blog? And did the camera shots? Girl you should be in every t-down. You'd be overdosing on WINNING.
Hey, thanks very much! I think I've actually improved a lot as far as food photography goes. (And cooking!) I have some recipes/photos saved up and I'd really like to start a food blog eventually - just an issue of time!
im not even gonna actually cook my dish

i plan on not entering this competition as a cook, its all gonna be awesome street food, like legitimate franks
While you're at it....

Make some frikadellen courtesy of my old gay blog.



Methinks you were pre-destined for greatness. I loved browsing through your blog. Thans so much for sharing! But.....where's da saurbraten?

Here's a Kentucky boy's rendition. It contains the usual.....beef, beer, bacon, a maul, a .22 long rifle......wait, what?


Words cannot express how happy I am that I clicked Paulky's Sauerbraten link and watched that video of him with the potato salad.

I should make a sauerbraten sometime soon! Honestly, I've never made one myself. I've assisted my mom in the process many times, but there are a lot of dishes I've never made on my own (for fear it won't live up to my mom's), but I should really get on that.
I have a great hot dog idea which'll require me mustering great culinary imagination to execute a presentation worthy of competing with all you master chefs! :hell:
I have a great hot dog idea which'll require me mustering great culinary imagination to execute a presentation worthy of competing with all you master chefs! :hell:

My idea involved a minature horse, a rubber chicken, and and ostrich egg......

.....unfortunately, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has a previous engagement.
....oh well....on to plan-B.....



....stay tuned.
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