contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Has everyone subjected to the tyranny of the whims of "THE POWERS THAT BE" (at least, here in the U.S.) been keeping the time change in mind today?

Or are y'all just ramen-fried?
Only if that trick is spelled FAIL!


Bring it!
But seriously...being a Pastafarian...Flying Spaghetti Monster (we praise thy name)...I know His divine guidance will lead me to a noodly victory.


Only if that trick is spelled FAIL!


Bring it!

I'm sorry Boss...but you (as others) WILL involuntarily fill your pants when you see the pain-train I roll into ThrowDown Station.
Then that's where I'll keep your noodle crown :lol:
When I win this one...can I have a special crown with ramen noodles coming out of the crown instead of flames?

No, I got this one, don't bother....

Has everyone subjected to the tyranny of the whims of "THE POWERS THAT BE" (at least, here in the U.S.) been keeping the time change in mind today?

Or are y'all just ramen-fried?

well, if they haven't, they'll FAIL!!!
I'm sure there will be much discourse during the Ramen Weekend and if people don't PAY ATTENTION...there are some things even geeme can't help.....

But seriously...being a Pastafarian...Flying Spaghetti Monster (we praise thy name)...I know His divine guidance will lead me to a noodly victory.



WHEW! Thanks LB....I needed a good laugh.

Good luck on the TD. There seems to be some good ideas percolating...I'm looking at plan D or E by now...


"For the central section of the ceiling, Michelangelo has taken four episodes from the story of Adam and Eve as told in the first, second and third chapters of Genesis. In this sequence of three, two of the panels are large and one small (noodle)."

With a name like Luchbox, I thought you'd be packing more than a noodle. That portrait of you is disappointing.I can sleep in peace, knowing I'm not the smallest cowboy in town.
With a name like Luchbox, I thought you'd be packing more than a noodle. That portrait of you is disappointing.I can sleep in peace, knowing I'm not the smallest cowboy in town.

LunchBox said:
I was in the pool! I was in the pool!

The kiddie pool?

Seeing as this will be my first official TD I am putting you all on notice that yes I may not be able to concoct some lavish African meal or some type of grand Oktoberfest meal. However give me a box of mac-n-cheese or a package of RAMEN and I'll show y'all some amazing food.

So boss I'll measure my head tonight so you can order my crown. Thank you.
So boss I'll measure my head tonight so you can order my crown. Thank you.

You are implicitly stating the throwdown crown icon is a result of quantitative input. Furthermore, this association suggests, on your part, that the recipients of said crowns have small heads. A small heads would house a tiny brain...the brain of a simpleton; one who's mental capacity is limited by a genetic and/or environmental deficiencies directly related to the space allotted for appropriate cogitive and/or physiological development.

Thus, you have deemed all previous crown-holders as idiots, and have likely limited your voter potential.
Well, LB, I'm pretty sure she was referring to the qualitative input of what she can do with a box of mac-n-cheese or a pack of ramen, so I'm not sure how you derived a quantitative implication. Oh, maybe based on the number of crowns on your own profile? Maybe you're the one implying something about current crown-holders here? (And let's not fail to point out that's "current", not "previous" - most of us are still alive, ya know....) Maybe you should consider traversing the space/time continuum and consult Einstein on how wise that is......


And, BTW, my dish is going to whup your azz before it's even made. 'nough said.
LB you are thinking way too hard. I would never implement something like that. Maybe I have a smaller head then current winners (small head does not mean no brains) just want to make sure it fits right..... :D
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