Watch your words lunchbox watch your words.
Watch your words lunchbox watch your words.
Only if that trick is spelled FAIL!
Bring it!
When I win this one...can I have a special crown with ramen noodles coming out of the crown instead of flames?
Has everyone subjected to the tyranny of the whims of "THE POWERS THAT BE" (at least, here in the U.S.) been keeping the time change in mind today?
Or are y'all just ramen-fried?
But seriously...being a Pastafarian...Flying Spaghetti Monster (we praise thy name)...I know His divine guidance will lead me to a noodly victory.
With a name like Luchbox, I thought you'd be packing more than a noodle. That portrait of you is disappointing.I can sleep in peace, knowing I'm not the smallest cowboy in town.
LunchBox said:I was in the pool! I was in the pool!
Yeah, f---kn loves it.Nice Tiarrrrrra Booootsie
So boss I'll measure my head tonight so you can order my crown. Thank you.