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contest April is Ramen Challenge

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  1. are we really having this conversation at ---???this time???--- on a saturday night?
  2. How is Megan and Aaron's baby doing?
  3. how do I sopt thig thin from numbering everytnin I type????
Oh Lunchy....... SMDHLMFAOROTDF!!!

OK! I'm trying to "not be Amish" as my son put it.... but what in the world is ...SMDHLMFAOROTDF! ???

never mind- I got it. just had to add a few words...
yup, what G said....but I use the the left side too......

try it - it's fun when you're frustrated.......

JDUDGHDKLAYTH!!!!!!!!!!! (hahaha...I've never used Caps before! Way more potent!!!!!)
LOL, SL. Start with the "B" (bold) icon, and go 7 to the right.....

Pour 7 tall... THANKS GEEME! I can do that! YOU ROCK!



'K- rewined...CJ you are not off the hook, must de-code...


OK, I have no issues in saying....I'm textally challenged.....

so... what's the translation for ETIACLH!!!!

I figured out the last one cuz it had some lmao and rof but this one's beyond my amishness.

ETIACLH ???????

My.... Mouth..... SHUT.
I'm sending a virtual slap---- slap!
Shit look what i started.


OK, I have no issues in saying....I'm textally challenged.....

so... what's the translation for ETIACLH!!!!

I figured out the last one cuz it had some lmao and rof but this one's beyond my amishness.

Everyone talking in all capital letters Hahaha

Rolling on floor

This is funny!!!


ETIACLH ???????

Dam SL you are SLOWWWWW! :rofl:
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