Ramen Flambé!!!!!! 

That has been said in the basic rules that apply to all TD's.It hasn't been said yet, but I imagine that it goes w/o saying that some sort of chili needs to be used in the ingrediants unless it's chili flavored ramen?
You said it, not me.
And NO SL, i was never there, I've only seen the movie like, 17 times.
Wait wait wait wait wait WAIT.... HOLD UP, STOOOOOOOP!
I was getting it all confused with "Last Man Standing"
My bad, I'm sure y'all can understand my confusion.
I like a noodle every now and again, just like EVERYBODY ELSE....
FifyI like to get noodled every now and again! ! !Scovie, quit while your behind...I mean... in front.... I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that.....