contest April is Ramen Challenge

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So... paulky and Bootsie have the largest brains? Damn that tiara!
if the shoe...TIARA ....fits......

as long as the DQ tiara holder can handle the weight of the title of Drama Queen- it's a unique honor, many can't stand up to the pressure, it's an elite few~
Its a crime shame I must put my wife in her place, though after a while I kinda get used to it. I guess after this TD she should understand that her place is with kid habs face in her boobs! The mere thought that she would want to enter this TD is laughable, :lol:. But the thought she actually will is just :shock: ing. This will certainly be one epic TD, just know when I win this TD its only cause my ramen rains supreme.

LOVE YOU :cool:
I am being nicer cuz I have no alcohol in me I am exhausted and some people (you know who is excluded) aren't worth what little energy I have.......
Megan, I have a very special "corrector" for situations like this..... brb-

actually, my lady, I'm guessing your most important people (babes and hubby) are coming forward. Take care of the Fam. the TD will be here. Get some rest~~~
Yup - MegPie....wait for that'll do you RIGHT!

HH - do you really want to sleep on the couch until BH gets her Crown? Really?

think that out bro! just sayin'! ;)
No he doesn't mind the couch....... he can sleep in his car................ no keys no heat........... keep digging see where you end up.... I dare you!
Its a crime shame I must put my wife in her place, though after a while I kinda get used to it. I guess after this TD she should understand that her place is with kid habs face in her boobs! The mere thought that she would want to enter this TD is laughable.....
Megan, let me do some interpreting for you..... What he's trying to communicate is that he's SKEERED. He knows that for us chicks to compete with the guys, we gotta pull out the BIG GUNS, and since you're a nursing mom, your BIG GUNS are pretty powerful stuff right now. It's perfectly fair to use some "distraction" techniques to put him in his rightful place of begging at your feet.
Well, LB, I'm pretty sure she was referring to the qualitative input of what she can do with a box of mac-n-cheese or a pack of ramen, so I'm not sure how you derived a quantitative implication. Oh, maybe based on the number of crowns on your own profile? Maybe you're the one implying something about current crown-holders here? (And let's not fail to point out that's "current", not "previous" - most of us are still alive, ya know....) Maybe you should consider traversing the space/time continuum and consult Einstein on how wise that is......


And, BTW, my dish is going to whup your azz before it's even made. 'nough said.

She clearly stated she would provide a measurement...that is, by definition, a quantitative input.
  • Current crown-holders is/are synonymous with previous ones...once they have attained that level of excellence, they "bear the mark". (Like Nobel Prize winners)
  • My total number of TD crowns is irrelevant to this discussion. I will have one at the completion of this voting cycle.
  • I imply nothing about crown-holders. They are masters of the TDverse, and that is final.
  • Traversing the "space/time continuum" is a prerequisite for existence; forgiving the assumption that time actually exists beyond our dimensional acumen, and our perceptible enumeration thereof.
  • Albert Einstein died more than half a century ago...thus consulting him would require us to step out of the scientific realm, and into the spiritual.
  • You voted for my enchiladas...even though I used black pepper...making me, the victor.
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